【葵园好老师 】中关村一小黄立新老师——立身有爱 新苗初长 Meet Our Excellent Teacher


【 Meet Our Excellent Teacher 】Huang Lixin...












【 Meet Our Excellent Teacher 】Huang Lixin

In our campus, we have teachers who are sunny-hearted, proactive, and conscientious. Today, let us know one of our popular teachers, Huang Lixin.

Huang has been a teacher for 25 years and her passion for teaching is just like the first day she became a teacher. First graders just experience a new and different study life. They need guidance in many aspects and Huang pops up in their minds whenever they need help as she always listens to whatever students say very patiently and carefully. When students make progress, she will give students a hug to grant full recognition to their improvement. Whey students are upset, she will comfort them to make them happy. Her cuddle has become a haven of peace for each student.

Huang treats each student fairly because she always can find their shinning points. Trouble-makers will never cause any problems for Huang as she can help students use their advantages to show their talents and it is easier for teachers to guide students to correct inappropriate behavior once they respect and like teachers. Furthermore, because of this, children are more confident and brave when facing difficulties. Have a teacher like Huang, students can better develop their talents and they make outstanding achievements in writing, painting, calligraphy etc.

Our school provides hundreds of picture books for each classroom, and Huang makes full use of these resources to create a reading atmosphere. She designed a reading list and every student brings one book home with them after school. She asks them to make some notes using pencils on books and change with other students the next day. This makes a durable reading activity and reading arises children’s interests in different things. More and more parents speak highly of Huang’s idea.

Huang is also one of the readers and share her feelings with children. From first summer vacation, the reading activity has started, students now have read the little Prince, an Onion Adventure, the Magical School Bus, etc. Students will make a reading magazine after reading, which also embodies the philosophy of our integrated curriculum. During the process, students experience the happiness of making picture books. Except painting, students practice their hands-on skills. For example, when learning Birds read books, students practice writing and illustrating the text.

Huang organized a theme reading on Father’s Day. After reading My daddy, students were instructed to create their own picture books about their fathers, which provided an opportunity for children to show their gratitude to fathers and strengthen family ties.

We can see Mrs. Huang’s efforts from children’s sunny and energetic smiling faces. She dedicates herself into her education career. Education has become a really essential part of her life. Teachers develop themselves as students grow up, and fill students’ childhood with love and responsibility.

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