双语·有声 冬日里来读读这个温暖的故事




On my first day of work at the flower shop, I showed up in sandals(凉鞋). The second day, realizing I needed something close-toed, I wore my nice Oxfords. The third day, having learned that less fancy would be best, I debuted(首演)a pair of red high-top Converse sneakers I bought specifically for the job.


The clean white toes and soles(脚底) of my Chuck Taylors perfectly reflected my newness at the flower shop — how long it took me to put together bouquets(花束), how I struggled to fold paper around loose stems in a way that was pretty or at least presentable.

我的匡威Chuck Taylors系列鞋的白色前脸和和鞋底完美地反映了我在花店的新人角色——我花了很长时间才把花束捆在一起;我挣扎着用一种漂亮的或者至少是像样的方式用纸把花束拢到一起。
“It’s like swaddling a baby(用襁褓包裹婴儿),” someone told me in an effort to be helpful, but I had never done that either.


My dream of working in a flower shop had its roots in my grandmother’s garden, always in bloom, where I made bouquets with whatever I could get my hands on. But that experience in no way prepared me for the number of buckets I would have to clean or the way dirt would wedge(楔牢) itself permanently under my nails.


Mostly, though, I wasn’t prepared for the people, from the man who handed out three flowers to three strangers every Tuesday to the Thanksgiving guest who sent a bouquet to his hosts after walking off with one of their silver dinner knives in his pocket. Their stories wove their way into mine and stuck with (紧紧跟随)me long after I locked up for the night.

I always enjoyed reading the messages that went along with each bouquet. Most were what you would expect, plenty of “I Love You” and “Get Well Soon.” We got so many “Happy Birthday,” “Happy Anniversary” and “Thinking of You” requests that phone messages were written in shorthand: H.B., H.A., T.O.Y.

But others had more flair(天赋), like, “Farewell to your old boobs(胸部) and hello to the new Megan,” or “Dear Baby Daddy Johnny: Thank you for your powerful sperm.”


Once, I took a phone order for a dozen yellow roses and a card that read, “Sorry I’m an idiot.”

“Is that it?” I asked. “‘Sorry I’m an idiot’?”

“‘From, Your Duck,’” he added.

“‘Duck’ like the animal?”




“就这些?” 我问,“对不起,我是个白痴?”



I would scoff(嘲笑) at messages that seemed too sugary, trite(陈腐,老套) or boring, and it disheartened(使沮丧) me when customers asked what their sympathy card should say. But I also understood that finding the right words can be a monumental task and that sometimes those words just happen to be the same ones everyone else is using.


About six months into the job, I came across a message that struck me for its frankness and honesty: “Cards and flowers seem so lame(站不住脚的) when someone dies but we are thinking of you and want you to know.” I thought about that note a lot.

大约在工作了6个月后,我看到一条让我震惊的赠言:“当你逝去,卡片和鲜花似乎是那么的蹩脚,但我们却在想着你,想让你知道。” 这条赠言让我思付良多。
When I was 18, my boyfriend of two years hanged himself from the rafters(椽子) of his garage. He was the first boy I kissed, the first I loved, the last person I talked to at night and the first person I talked to in the morning, until one sunny day in November when I woke up to a call from his mother.

People sent cards. I don’t remember what they wrote, but what mattered was the gesture. Maybe they said, “With our deepest sympathies,” or “We’re so sorry for your loss.” For me it all came down to one word: gone.


After he died, I thought of his death as something that had happened to me, an act committed specifically with me in mind because of something I had or had not done, and it took me years to break free(摆脱) from this habit.


By the time I started working with flowers, I had shed some of my cynicism and bitterness. I no longer wore his old T-shirts to bed and had given up on finding answers to impossible questions, most of which were versions of the relentless, “What could I have done?” There was always something, but at the same time, absolutely nothing, and I had learned to live with that.

刚开始在花店工作的时候,我已经不那么愤世嫉俗和痛不欲生了。我不再穿着他的旧T恤睡觉,放弃寻找那些不可能有解的有答案,而问题大都过于残酷,“我还能做点什么?” 总能做点什么吧,但与此同时,什么都做不了,我已经学会了这样活下去。
I had moved away and finished school and loved someone else. I was more open to people’s pain and also their happiness, two states of being that used to equally irritate me: the pain because it hit too close to home(切身体会), and the happiness because it seemed so far away. I became more interested in other people’s stories, and the more I was confronted with life in all of its beauty and ugliness, the more I felt a softening in me.


I have sold flowers to single men and women, to colorblind fathers shopping with their precocious daughters, to new parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, to engaged 20-somethings and couples celebrating 50 years. I’ve given flowers to homeless men who have in turn given them to pretty girls in summer dresses.

Once I presented a Cherry Brandy rose to Extremo the Clown — a gray-haired, red-foam-nose character who drives the Never Never Van around the streets of Portland, Ore., while blasting music and waving a monkey puppet out the window. People buy flowers when they’re in love, in trouble, drunk, devastated, excited and sometimes for no obvious reason.

Extremo the Clown

Only occasionally would I get to see how the story played out(发生). I helped a young man buy flowers for a woman he was seeing, and he told me that he would soon be proposing to her on a trip overseas they were taking together. I remember him because he came in looking for the most fragrant flowers — stock, stargazers, tuberose.


I spent 15 minutes with him, walking around, taking whiffs of (些许)each flower. It was the first time I had bothered(费力,努力) to smell a flower all day, even though I had been working for hours.


Six months later, he came back. Again, I pointed out the most fragrant flowers, watching as he buried his nose in the blooms and listening as he told me about his wife, now pregnant.


At first, I was blown away(非常高兴) by the ease and regularity with which I was invited into customers’ lives, but it quickly became the norm.


“What’s this for?” I would ask, because it was my job.

“这样做的意义是什么?” 我想问,因为这是我的工作。

“Anniversary.” “Birthday.” “Just because.” But then sometimes, “This might be too much information, but I’m dating my ex-wife.” And just like that, I would find myself in the middle of a discussion about what that’s like, to date one’s former spouse.

“周年纪念日。”“生日。”“仅仅因为。” 但有时,“一言难尽,但我正在和我的前妻约会。” 诸如此类,我会发现自己正在一场关于“和前妻约会是怎么样”的讨论中。

I took notes on these conversations, snapped(拍快照) photos of card messages and told my favorite shop stories to co-workers, family and friends, but still so much has gotten away. I have lost the Post-its (便利贴) or can’t quite make out what my fragmented notes refer to. Details escape me, and sometimes it seems as if the harder I try to hold on to them, the more blurry they become.

That used to drive me crazy. Shame on me, I thought, to gather so many stories, only to let them go like water through cupped palms. But the beauty, I learned, was that there would always be more, and that made the losing more O.K.


Why do we send flowers? To make up for what is intangible(难以捉摸的,无法形容的,难以确定的)? Those feelings we can’t hold in our hands and present as a gift to our loved ones? And why is it that the placeholders(替代缺失部分的占位符) we choose — the dozen red roses, the fragrant white lilies, the long-stemmed French tulips — are so fleeting? Hold on to them for too long and you end up with a mess of petals, pollen and foul-smelling water.

After my boyfriend’s death, I went about(着手做) trying to find closure. I wrote letters and set them on fire. I went to a therapist, then another. I went to yoga and tried meditation. I moved to Colorado, then Oregon. I went so many places and carried him along with me to each of them. I have done so much holding.


There’s a picture I took of him just days before I left for college, two months before he died. It was the summer of chips and guacamole(鳄梨酱) dinners we shared sitting on the living-room floor. He’s standing in the kitchen wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, one perfect half of an avocado cradled in his hand. His face is turned away, hidden from the camera, but I like to think he’s smiling.

I remember the song we were listening to, the chatter (吱吱叫)of frogs through the screen door, my bare feet on wood. Precious moments made all the more precious by the fact that they have already come and gone. Now I measure months by what’s in season: sunflowers in July, dahlias in August, rosehips and maple in October, pine in December, hyacinth in March, crowd-pleasing peonies in May.


A favorite of mine is tulip magnolia, the way the buds erupt into blooms and the blooms into a litter of color on lawns, all in a matter of weeks while it’s snowing cherry blossoms. How startlingly beautiful impermanence(无常) can be.


The End

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