天下•译事 中国与欧美翻译行业 有何差异?





After decades of helping international companies adjust their products to local requirements, the language industry itself might be in for some adapting. An emerging Chinese industry challenges translation companies in the US and Europe.


Less than ten years ago, if you were a multinational company, a small boutique firm or an independent consultant seeking translation assistance, you would likely seek services provided in the US or Europe. For years, the West has been the leading provider of language services, known for attention to detail, quality control, education and expertise.


In October 2014, however, news outlets published the long-anticipated headlines that China had surpassed the United States GDP in purchasing power parity. To the majority of economists and citizens alike, this news came as no surprise, yet the incredible rate at which the Chinese economy had been able to maneuver such gains has created a ripple effect in industries around the globe.


Of course, our particular interest is the language services industry, which has experienced a significant disruption as translation services have emerged and expanded in China. China’s presence in the market has brought many new elements to the industry: lower prices, the outsourcing of translation projects originally sourced in-country, a focus on machine translation, and an increased speed in project turnover. As with any major shift in any given industry, this period of transition has posed both opportunities and challenges to the translation services sector and has led us to ask the question: what are our translation needs and how is the industry evolving?

With globalization and an increased need for the translation industry (expected to grow to $47 billion by 2018, Common Sense Advisory), China’s emerging market is forcing the translation industry to adapt global standards and reevaluate that fine balance between quality and speed.A closer look at language service industries in emerging China, compared to those historically provided in the US and Europe, allows us to distinguish both the differences between the services and the clues regarding the future of this ever-diversifying industry.


The roots of the translation industry in Europe and the US


Ask anyone in the field of translation and they will tell you that the largest slice of the language industry pie has historically belonged to the US and Europe. With language diversity, deeply varied cultural knowledge, strong customer service and a strong demand for English translation, both locations have been well-primed to lead the industry. Historically, translation services in Europe have also been advantageous for translating into the commonly sought-out "FIGS" (French, Italian, German and Spanish).

Throughout the history of CSA’s reporting, the US and Europe have led the industry. Europe is also known for having developed key measures for quality control, including the EN 15038 standard developed in Europe for service providers. A peek at industry trends of the past shows North America owning a consistently large percentage of market control, almost matched with the whole of Europe.

纵观卡门森斯公司历来发布的报告,欧美一直是翻译行业的领跑者。欧洲闻名之处还在于推出了控制质量的重要举措,包括在欧洲范围内为服务供应商制定的EN 15038标准。从过去的行业趋势来看,北美的市场占有率连续5年匹敌整个欧洲。

Common Sense Advisory calculates that the language services market is growing at an annual rate of 7.41 percent.


A closer look at the translation industry in the US and Europe reveals just how far it has come over the years. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the number of jobs for translators and interpreters in 2010 was 58,400, a number that is expected to increase by 42 percent between 2010 and 2020. The American Translators Association, founded in 1959, is now the leading professional organization of translators and interpreters in the US and boasts over 10,000 members in over 90 countries. In addition, there are a handful of national associations as well as regional state and local organizations. The European Union is reported by the Commission as comprising over 103 associations of translators and interpreters, and the Union is extremely invested in examining and developing this sector.


While the trends clearly point to increased growth in the US and Europe, the global industry as a whole is expected to grow by 6.46 percent (Common Sense Advisory), and attention is focused on Asian industry growth, particularly in China. What was once an industry dominated by two major players is now beginning to shift and both clientele and market analysts are taking notice.


China emerges


China’s rise to economic prominence came quite easily: all the country had to do is offer foreign access to capital and allow the labor market to maintain cheap costs. This mechanism became incredibly lucrative and was cloned and implemented across all industries at various scales including the language services market. According to the Translators Association of China (TAC), market-oriented translation services started appearing in the country in the late 1990’s. Although TAC was established in 1982, it served more as an academic membership institution in its early years rather than a translation hub for Chinese professionals. In the early 1990’s, translation rates were less than half of those of European and North American competitors, and the turnover rate for projects was extremely timely.


China Language Service Industry Development Report by TAC reported that from 2014 to 2015, China had 16,520 new companies providing language-based services, with an average annual increase of up to 15 percent. The 2016 report by TAC said the turnover generated by the language services sector for the previous year amounted to $44.5 billion, with an average annual increase of 19.7 percent from 2011.


Interpreting the patterns: East vs. West


In examining the industries in the East and the West, two major differences point to interesting indicators for the future of the industry.First, the industries vary greatly in age and quality control. The US and Europe have clearly paved a path for the industry based on quality, standard-setting and information sharing. China, whose industry emerged just recently in the late 1990’s, is in the midst of creating its own standards, industry history and building its own associations for information sharing, which will inevitably intersect with those standards already set by the West.

Although China’s industry is emerging, it is clear that the quality control and customer service offered in the US and Europe is currently unparalleled and highly valued by language service clients. Quick response rates, 24/7 support and convenient time zones keep the West highly competitive as they continue to dominate the industry. As China’s language services sector grows,it will be important for the country to focus on strengthening its translator associations, methods of communication, translator development programs, reporting on quality control, and customer services.


Second, China’s emergence in the industry has highlighted both the importance and the risks of focusing on project turnaround time and price in an industry historically focused on quality. This attention to price and speed of translation services, which concerns clients at all levels, has led to invigorated efforts to bring down costs in addition to a market-wide increased attentiveness to quality at various price points.

However, it has also led to important industry discussions around quality standards across the sector. China’s focus has been primarily on machine translation and post-editing, a less costly and more efficient process. That being said, the process also allows for far higher human error in the final product. The US and Europe primarily apply the traditional process of human translation and CAT (computer-assisted translation) tools to achieve a more accurate, more finely tuned translation. Growth in the sector continues to recognize the importance of quality and human translation traditionally offered in the US and Europe; however, China brings business into the conversation as well.China’s language service industry certainly fills an important role in a rapidly globalizing world with its ability to accommodate quick project turnaround and an attention to varied language service budgets. It is important, however, to recognize the continued demand for the historical quality that the industry is known for, a key element that is unlikely to fade despite other less costly options.


As the world changes and new technologies create an increasingly high-speed and connected world, translation needs have become more multifaceted than ever. No one can predict what the future will hold, but it will likely be a combination of techniques and strategies used both in the East and the West, incorporating the need for speed and budget and the importance of quality, customer service and localization. Which is all to say that the translation industry is doing quite a bit of translating itself to fit and adapt to the modernized world – one more in need of translation services than ever.


作者:Elanna Mariniello,Yasin Steiert, Afaf Steiert



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