《The Programmer's Guide to Apache Thrift》

《The Programmer's Guide to Apache Thrift》 《The Programmer's Guide to Apache Thrift》

  • 书名:《The Programmer's Guide to Apache Thrift》
  • 分类:编程
  • 作者:Randy Abernethy
  • 出版社:Manning Publications
  • 出版年:2016-5-1
  • 售价:USD 59.99
  • 装订:Paperback
  • 页码:425

《The Programmer's Guide to Apache Thrift》 内容介绍:

Any distributed application includes individual components, often written in different languages and hosted in multiple locations, which must communicate quickly and efficiently. Apache Thrift is a communication framework that enables cross-language remote procedure calls and serialization. It supports embedded, mobile, web, and server environments, and a host of languages ranging from JavaScript to C++. It's perfect for back end services and embedded systems where size, scalability, and performance are mission critical. The Programmer's Guide to Apache Thrift provides comprehensive coverage of the Apache Thrift framework along with a developer's-eye view of modern distributed application architecture. Packed with complete code examples and pragmatic discussion, it lays the best practices for multi-language distributed application development. Readers will get a guided tour through transports, protocols, IDL, and servers as they explore complete example programs in C++, Java, and Python. They'll also learn how to work with platforms, ranging from enterprise servers to mobile clients.

作者Randy Abernethy介绍:

Randy Abernethy is an active Apache Thrift contributor and can be found on the dev and user email lists. A serial entrepreneur, Randy founded Hollywood's first all hard disk recording studio in the early 90s, a direct market access institutional brokerage in the 2000s, and has recently focused on the development of proprietary automated trading systems using Apache Thrift for interoperability.


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