《Programming JavaScript Applications》

《Programming JavaScript Applications》 《Programming JavaScript Applications》

  • 书名:《Programming JavaScript Applications》:Robust Web Architecture With Node, HTML5, and Modern JS Libraries
  • 分类:编程
  • 作者:Eric Elliott
  • 出版社:O'Reilly Media
  • 出版年:2014-6-22
  • 售价:USD 34.99
  • 装订:Paperback
  • 页码:300

《Programming JavaScript Applications》 内容介绍:

With this digital Early Release edition of Programming JavaScript Applications, you get the entire book bundle in its earliest form—the author's raw and unedited content—so you can take advantage of this content long before the book's official release. You'll also receive updates when significant changes are made, as well as the final ebook version. Take your existing JavaScript skills to the next level and learn how to build complete web scale or enterprise applications that are easy to extend and maintain. By applying the design patterns outlined in this book, you’ll learn how to write flexible and resilient code that’s easier—not harder—to work with as your code base grows. JavaScript has become one of the most widely used—and essential—programming languages for the Web, on both the client-side and server-side. In the real world, JavaScript applications are fragile, and when you change them things often break. Author Eric Elliott shows you how to add features without creating bugs or negatively impacting the rest of your code during the course of building a large JavaScript application. Early Release content now available: AMD Asynchronous Operations, Callbacks, Promises and Deferreds Code Quality Function Polymorphism Function Scope, Hoisting and Closures Functional Programming and Stateless Functions Immediately Invoked Function Expressions Interfaces JavaScript Style Guide Lambdas Method Chaining and Fluent APIs Method Context Named Parameters Node Modules Object Factories Partial Application and Currying Plugins Principles of Modularity Prototypal Inheritance, Prototype Cloning and the Flyweight Pattern The Module Pattern Unit Testing Coming soon: Architecting for Scale Collaboration, Build, Continuous Integration, Deployment Communicating with Servers and APIs Designing and Programming RESTful APIs with Node.js Event-driven, Modular Client Side Application Architecture Feature Toggles Internationalization Logging and Cross Cutting Concerns Separatian of Concerns (MVC, etc.)


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