《Building Web Apps for Google TV》

《Building Web Apps for Google TV》 《Building Web Apps for Google TV》

  • 书名:《Building Web Apps for Google TV》
  • 分类:编程
  • 作者:Ferrate, Andres; Surya, Amanda; Lee, Daniels
  • 出版年:2011-7
  • 售价:$ 33.89
  • 页码:118

《Building Web Apps for Google TV》 内容介绍:

By integrating the Web with traditional TV, Google TV offers developers an important new channel for content. But creating apps for Google TV requires learning some new skills-in fact, what you may already know about mobile or desktop web apps isn't entirely applicable. Building Web Apps for Google TV will help you make the transition to Google TV as you learn the tools and techniques necessary to build sophisticated web apps for this platform. This book shows you how Google TV works, how it fits into the web ecosystem, and what the opportunities are for delivering rich content to millions of households. Discover the elements of a compelling TV web app, and what comprises TV-friendly navigation Learn the fundamentals for designing the 10-foot user experience Work with the Google Chrome browser on a TV display, and migrate an existing site Use examples for developing a TV web app, including the UI, controls, and scrolling Understand how to optimize, deliver, and protect video content for Google TV Help users discover your content by optimizing your site for Search-especially videos


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