【原创翻译】A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data(三)



 Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured DataBigTable:结构化数据的一种分布式存储系统

5   实现方法

    The Bigtable implementation has three major components: a library that is linked into every client, one master server, and many tablet servers. Tablet servers can be dynamically added (or removed) from a cluster to accomodate changes in workloads.

BigTable的实现方法包含三个主要组件:一个链接至每个客户端中的程序库、一个主机服务器,以及很多个数据片服务器(Tablet Server)。可以动态地添加(或移除)集群中的数据片服务器,这样便能适应工作负载的变化。

The master is responsible for assigning tablets to tablet servers, detecting the addition and expiration of tablet servers, balancing tablet-server load, and garbage collection of files in GFS. In addition, it handles schema changes such as table and column family creations.


Each tablet server manages a set of tablets (typically we have somewhere between ten to a thousand tablets per tablet server). The tablet server handles read and write requests to the tablets that it has loaded, and also splits tablets that have grown too large.


As with many single-master distributed storage systems, client data does not move through the master: clients communicate directly with tablet servers for reads and writes. Because Bigtable clients do not rely on the master for tablet location information, most clients never communicate with the master. As a result, the master is lightly loaded in practice.


A Bigtable cluster stores a number of tables. Each table consists of a set of tablets, and each tablet contains all data associated with a row range. Initially, each table consists of just one tablet. As a table grows, it is automatically split into multiple tablets, each approximately 100-200 MB in size by default.


5.1   数据片的位置

    We use a three-level hierarchy analogous to that of a B+-tree to store tablet location information (Figure 4).


Figure 4: Tablet location hierarchy.
    The first level is a file stored in Chubby that contains the location of the root tablet. The root tablet contains the location of all tablets in a special METADATA table. Each METADATA tablet contains the location of a set of user tablets. The root tablet is just the first tablet in the METADATA table, but is treated specially – it is never split – to ensure that the tablet location hierarchy has no more than three levels.

第一层是一个存储在Chubby中的文件,它包含了根数据片(Root Tablet)的位置信息。根数据片包含了一个特殊的METADATA(元数据)表中的所有数据片的位置信息。每个METADATA数据片都包含了一组用户数据片的位置信息。根数据片正好就是METADATA表中的第一个数据片,但是对它的处理比较特殊 —— 它从来不会拆分 —— 这样才能确保数据片位置的层次结构不会超过三级。

The METADATA table stores the location of a tablet under a row key that is an encoding of the tablet’s table identifier and its end row. Each METADATA row stores approximately 1KB of data in memory. With a modest limit of 128 MB METADATA tablets, our three-level location scheme is sufficient to address 234 tablets (or 261 bytes in 128 MB tablets).


The client library caches tablet locations. If the client does not know the location of a tablet, or if it discovers that cached location information is incorrect, then it recursively moves up the tablet location hierarchy. If the client’s cache is empty, the location algorithm requires three network round-trips, including one read from Chubby. If the client’s cache is stale, the location algorithm could take up to six round-trips, because stale cache entries are only discovered upon misses (assuming that METADATA tablets do not move very frequently). Although tablet locations are stored in memory, so no GFS accesses are required, we further reduce this cost in the common case by having the client library prefetch tablet locations: it reads the metadata for more than one tablet whenever it reads the METADATA table.


We also store secondary information in the METADATA table, including a log of all events pertaining to each tablet (such as when a server begins serving it). This information is helpful for debugging and performance analysis.


5.2   数据片的分配

    Each tablet is assigned to one tablet server at a time. The master keeps track of the set of live tablet servers, and the current assignment of tablets to tablet servers, including which tablets are unassigned. When a tablet is unassigned, and a tablet server with sufficient room for the tablet is available, the master assigns the tablet by sending a tablet load request to the tablet server.


Bigtable uses Chubby to keep track of tablet servers. When a tablet server starts, it creates, and acquires an exclusive lock on, a uniquely-named file in a specific Chubby directory. The master monitors this directory (the servers directory) to discover tablet servers. A tablet server stops serving its tablets if it loses its exclusive lock: e.g., due to a network partition that caused the server to lose its Chubby session. (Chubby provides an efficient mechanism that allows a tablet server to check whether it still holds its lock without incurring network traffic.) A tablet server will attempt to reacquire an exclusive lock on its file as long as the file still exists. If the file no longer exists, then the tablet server will never be able to serve again, so it kills itself. Whenever a tablet server terminates (e.g., because the cluster management system is removing the tablet server’ s machine from the cluster), it attempts to release its lock so that the master will reassign its tablets more quickly.


The master is responsible for detecting when a tablet server is no longer serving its tablets, and for reassigning those tablets as soon as possible. To detect when a tablet server is no longer serving its tablets, the master periodically asks each tablet server for the status of its lock. If a tablet server reports that it has lost its lock, or if the master was unable to reach a server during its last several attempts, the master attempts to acquire an exclusive lock on the server’s file. If the master is able to acquire the lock, then Chubby is live and the tablet server is either dead or having trouble reaching Chubby, so the master ensures that the tablet server can never serve again by deleting its server file. Once a server’s file has been deleted, the master can move all the tablets that were previously assigned to that server into the set of unassigned tablets. To ensure that a Bigtable cluster is not vulnerable to networking issues between the master and Chubby, the master kills itself if its Chubby session expires. However, as described above, master failures do not change the assignment of tablets to tablet servers.


When a master is started by the cluster management system, it needs to discover the current tablet assignments before it can change them. The master executes the following steps at startup. (1) The master grabs a unique master lock in Chubby, which prevents concurrent master instantiations. (2) The master scans the servers directory in Chubby to find the live servers. (3) The master communicates with every live tablet server to discover what tablets are already assigned to each server. (4) The master scans the METADATA table to learn the set of tablets. Whenever this scan encounters a tablet that is not already assigned, the master adds the tablet to the set of unassigned tablets, which makes the tablet eligible for tablet assignment.


One complication is that the scan of the METADATA table cannot happen until the METADATA tablets have been assigned. Therefore, before starting this scan (step 4), the master adds the root tablet to the set of unassigned tablets if an assignment for the root tablet was not discovered during step 3. This addition ensures that the root tablet will be assigned. Because the root tablet contains the names of all METADATA tablets, the master knows about all of them after it has scanned the root tablet.

可能会遇到一种复杂的情况:如果METADATA数据片尚未被分配,那么主机是不能扫描METADATA表的。因此,在开始扫描(步骤-4)之前,如果在步骤-3的执行过程中发现没有分配根数据片(Root Tablet),那么主机就会将根数据片添加至未分配的数据片集合中。这个额外操作能够确保根数据片一定会被分配。因为,根数据片包含了所有METADATA数据片的名称,待主机扫描根数据片之后,主机就会获得所有METADATA数据片的名称了。

The set of existing tablets only changes when a table is created or deleted, two existing tablets are merged to form one larger tablet, or an existing tablet is split into two smaller tablets. The master is able to keep track of these changes because it initiates all but the last. Tablet splits are treated specially since they are initiated by a tablet server. The tablet server commits the split by recording information for the new tablet in the METADATA table. When the split has committed, it notifies the master. In case the split notification is lost (either because the tablet server or the master died), the master detects the new tablet when it asks a tablet server to load the tablet that has now split. The tablet server will notify the master of the split, because the tablet entry it finds in the METADATA table will specify only a portion of the tablet that the master asked it to load.


5.3   数据片的服务

    The persistent state of a tablet is stored in GFS, as illustrated in Figure 5. Updates are committed to a commit log that stores redo records. Of these updates, the recently committed ones are stored in memory in a sorted buffer called a memtable; the older updates are stored in a sequence of SSTables. To recover a tablet, a tablet server reads its metadata from the METADATA table. This metadata contains the list of SSTables that comprise a tablet and a set of a redo points, which are pointers into any commit logs that may contain data for the tablet. The server reads the indices of the SSTables into memory and reconstructs the memtable by applying all of the updates that have committed since the redo points.

数据片的持久化状态存储在GFS中,如图-5所示。更新操作会被提交至一个提交日志文件中,这个文件用于存储重做记录(Redo Record)。在这些更新操作中,最近提交的更新操作存储在内存中的一个排序缓冲区中,这个缓冲区被称为memtable;较老的更新操作存储在一系列的SSTable中。若要恢复一个数据片,则数据片服务器就需要从METADATA表中读取它的元数据。数据片的元数据包含了组成一个数据片的SSTable列表,以及一系列的重做点(Redo Point),这些重做点指向可能含有这个数据片的数据的提交日志。数据片服务器会将SSTable的索引读取至内存中,然后通过执行这些重做点之后提交的所有更新操作就可以重建memtable了。

Figure 5: Tablet Representation
    When a write operation arrives at a tablet server, the server checks that it is well-formed, and that the sender is authorized to perform the mutation. Authorization is performed by reading the list of permitted writers from a Chubby file (which is almost always a hit in the Chubby client cache). A valid mutation is written to the commit log. Group commit is used to improve the throughput of lots of small mutations. After the write has been committed, its contents are inserted into the memtable.


When a read operation arrives at a tablet server, it is similarly checked for well-formedness and proper authorization. A valid read operation is executed on a merged view of the sequence of SSTables and the memtable. Since the SSTables and the memtable are lexicographically sorted data structures, the merged view can be formed efficiently.


Incoming read and write operations can continue while tablets are split and merged.


5.4   空间压缩

    As write operations execute, the size of the memtable increases. When the memtable size reaches a threshold, the memtable is frozen, a new memtable is created, and the frozen memtable is converted to an SSTable and written to GFS. This minor compaction process has two goals: it shrinks the memory usage of the tablet server, and it reduces the amount of data that has to be read from the commit log during recovery if this server dies. Incoming read and write operations can continue while compactions occur.

随着写入操作的执行,memtable的尺寸也会不断增大。当memtable的尺寸达到一个阈值时,这个memtable就会被冻结,然后会创建一个新的memtable,然后会将这个被冻结的memtable转换成一个SSTable,最后将其写入至GFS文件系统。这种次级压缩(Minor Compaction)处理有两个目的:它能够减少数据片服务器的内存使用率,如果这个服务器宕机了,它还能减少恢复期间需要从提交日志读取的数据总量。当空间压缩正在进行时,数据片服务器仍然可以继续处理收到的读取操作和写入操作。

Every minor compaction creates a new SSTable. If this behavior continued unchecked, read operations might need to merge updates from an arbitrary number of SSTables. Instead, we bound the number of such files by periodically executing a merging compaction in the background. A merging compaction reads the contents of a few SSTables and the memtable, and writes out a new SSTable. The input SSTables and memtable can be discarded as soon as the compaction has finished.


A merging compaction that rewrites all SSTables into exactly one SSTable is called a major compaction. SSTables produced by non-major compactions can contain special deletion entries that suppress deleted data in older SSTables that are still live. A major compaction, on the other hand, produces an SSTable that contains no deletion information or deleted data. Bigtable cycles through all of its tablets and regularly applies major compactions to them. These major compactions allow Bigtable to reclaim resources used by deleted data, and also allow it to ensure that deleted data disappears from the system in a timely fashion, which is important for services that store sensitive data.

如果合并压缩会将所有的SSTable都合并重写至一个新的SSTable中,那么这次的合并压缩就被称为一次主干压缩(Major Compaction)。由非主干压缩产生的SSTable可能含有特殊的删除条目,这些删除条目会消除仍然活跃的、较老的SSTable中的被删除数据。另一方面,主干压缩也会产生一个SSTable,但是它不会包含删除信息或被删除数据。BigTable会循环扫描它所有的数据片,并且会定期地对它们进行主干压缩。这些主干压缩操作使得BigTable能够回收被删除数据使用的资源,并且还能够确保被删除的数据能够及时地从系统中消失[7],这对于存储敏感数据的服务来说是非常重要的。

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