




China's Peking Opera master Mei Baojiu dies aged 82

One of China's top opera stars, Mei Baojiu, has died at the age of 82, state media report.

Mei, who was hugely popular with Peking Opera fans, had been in hospital since late March, after having difficulty breathing, his theatre troupe said.

The opera master was famous for his role in classic operas such as Farewell My Concubine and The Drunken Beauty.

Mei was the son of Peking Opera great Mei Lanfang, who created a performance style known as the “Mei School”。

Mei Lanfang, who was famous for his female roles, is credited with updating the tradition of men playing female characters.

Peking Opera, which combined speech, song, dance and combat movements, is a Chinese theatrical art dating back to the 18th Century.

京剧(Peking Opera)是中国五大戏曲剧种之一,另外四种分别为越剧(Yue Opera)、黄梅戏(Huangmei Opera)、评剧(Ping Opera)和豫剧(Henan Opera)。

京剧(Beijing Opera)又称平剧、京戏,中国戏曲三鼎甲“榜首”,已有200多年历史,享誉海内外,有“国剧”之称。分布地以北京为中心,遍及全国。清代乾隆五十五年起,原在南方演出的三庆、四喜、春台、和春四大徽班陆续进入北京,他们与来自湖北的汉调艺人合作,同时接受了昆曲、秦腔的部分剧目、曲调和表演方法,又吸收了一些地方民间曲调,通过不断的交流、融合,最终形成京剧。它走遍世界各地,成为介绍、传播中国传统文化的重要手段。

2010年11月16日,京剧被列入“人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录”(list of intangible world heritages)。


The early Qing Dynasty saw a great development of a plethora of operas. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, Hui and Han operas were brought into Beijing. They became immensely popular with the imperial family, nobles, officials and the commoners. The marriage of Hui and Han operas became known as the Beijing opera.


Beijing opera consists of singing, recital, gestures and fighting actions. The song-and-dance routine, the dazzling costumes, the stylized performance and colorful facial make-up were a huge draw.

【表演】stylized action

Beijing opera recreates settings and props through the use of mimed gestures and actions. The stage has no real door, carriage, boat, mountain or horse; hence the actors will mime the action of opening the door, entering through the door, getting on a carriage, rowing a boat, climbing up a mountain and riding a horse.

For example, the hands showing the action of holding a rein means the actor is riding a horse, the act of opening a door means just that and walking round the stage in one circle means a long journey.

【京剧行当】Types of Roles

生(sheng, male role)

  除了花脸以及丑角以外的男性正面角色(male protagonist)的统称,分老生(elderly)、武生(military)、小生(young) 、红生(red-faced) 、娃娃生(young boy)。

  a male role, such as a young man, an elderly man, or a warrior.


旦(dan, female role)

  性正面角色( female protagonist)的统称,分青衣(main female role)、花旦(vivacious and unmarried women)、闺门旦(unmarried young girl)、刀马旦(young female warrior)、武旦(martial women)、彩旦(elderly women clown)。

  a female role, such as a young lady, a beautiful lady, a lady warrior, or an elderly woman.


  The make up for sheng and dan roles should highlight the eyes and eyebrows and the application of rouge. This type of make up is known as the sumian 素面(plain face)。

净(jing, painted face)

  俗称花脸,大多是扮演性格、品质或相貌上有些特异的男性人物,化妆用脸谱,音色洪亮,风格粗犷。“净”又分为正净(zhengjing,唱工花脸,又叫铜锤或黑头)和副净(fujing, 以动作造型表演为主),副净又包括架子花(jiazihualian, 以工架、念白、表演为主)和二花脸(erhualian, 武打动作多,唱词较少)。

  also known as the painted face, used on a chivalrous and rugged male role.


丑(chou, clown)

  扮演喜剧角色,因在鼻梁上抹一小块白粉,俗称小花脸。分文丑(wenchou, civilian)、武丑(wuchou, martial)等。


jing and chou follow a standard way of make up. It uses different colours and strokes to exaggerate the actors' features, either to beautify them or to make them ugly. They are used to show the personality of the character and to add a touch of drama to the role. This is the Chinese facial make up that we are familiar with.

【京剧脸谱】Facial Makeup

  红脸(red face)含有褒义,代表忠勇

  黑脸(black face)为中性,代表猛智

  蓝脸(blue face)和绿脸(green face)也为中性,代表草莽英雄

  黄脸(yellow face)和白脸(white face)含贬义,代表凶诈凶恶

  金脸(golden face)和银脸(silver face)是神秘,代表神妖



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