展览续篇||Map of Daily Life日常地图——Michael Wolf迈克尔·沃尔夫



Michael Wolf

Michael Wolf was born in Munich, Germany, and grew up in the United States and Canada.He has lived in Hong Kong since 1994 and has worked extensively across China. His photographs explore the complex cultural identity of China, from commercial elements of this new global economy to the social and economic implications ofthe urban density in the city of Hong Kong.

Michael Wolf’s photography is that of an outsider. His unusual background has allowed him to make the ‘other’ his home. Wolf began his career as a photo journalist, spending over a decade working in Asia for the German magazine Stern. His willingness to explore different visual approaches, even abandoning the camera altogether to work with emerging image technology such as Google Street View, shows his ability to constantly renew and enrich his visual language. Although he is constantly exploring new subjects and visual approaches, Michael Wolf’s central theme has always remained the same, from his first series in a German mining village to his most recent work in Asia … people, and the reality of their lives in our ever-changing cities.




A series of unfortunate events

Michael Wolf is best known for his large-size architectural shots from Hong Kong and chicago. Actually the series “architecture of density” and “The transprantcity” are part of a constantly growing oeuvre which deals with the conditions of the modern urban life under the title “life in cities”. With his recently published book “Tokyo compression”, which shows depressing impressions from the subway system in Tokyo, the photographer raises the question: in how far may, should or must photographers deal with the public today?

A final answer to this question does not exist, but it is clear that the question infront of the background of an unleashed flood of images, which is spread over the internet, and the automated image production by surveillance cameras androbot cams has to be negotiated completely new. This is all the more after recently a new stage of re-measurement of the world has been started with “google street view”.

Michael Wolf takes up this topic in his work “street view”, which has been started at the same time as “tokyo compression”, and reinterprets the genre of the street photography in a highly unconventional way by using the almost inexhaustible picture pool of the google tool as basic material for his own images. With the camera in front of the screen he gets “his” images out of the automatically generated, authorless google screens. Extreme details and geographical fade-ins of the software, which usually should serve the orientation, induce photographs which have an irritating as well as alarming effect like the underground portraits from Tokyo.

《灾 难》







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