





PS: 为08年2月西部月最佳新秀斯科拉点赞!他打破了杜兰特月最佳新秀的垄断

  • The fact that Scola and Durant were rookies in the same year is funny斯科拉和杜兰特是同一届新秀,这真有趣(注:斯科拉是80年的,杜兰特是88年的)
  • Sort of like Pero Antić and Giannis being rookies in the same year.有点像是安蒂奇和字母哥是同一届新秀的感觉。。。(注:安蒂奇是82年的,字母哥是94年的)
  • Looked at it to see if Scola winning a Rookie of the Month over Durant was just a case of voter fatigue, but it seems it was deserved. Stats from February 2008:Scola:  11.7 ppg, 5.9 rpg, 1.5 apg, 0.8 spg, 0.2 bpg, 62.9 FG%, 13-0 team record (25-20 at start of month)Durant: 18.1 ppg, 4.0 rpg, 2.5 apg, 1.5 spg, 0.8 bpg, 37.6 FG%,  3-8 team record (11-35 at start of month)Durant maybe with better raw numbers (other than the huge difference in FG%, but team success definitely plays a part. Can't fault Durant for being on a crappy team, but you can reward Scola for being the starting PF on a team that goes 13-0 for the month.查了下斯科拉拿到一次月最佳是不是因为投票者对阿杜审美疲劳,但看上去斯科拉确实是名至实归的。数据是08年2月的:斯科拉:场均11.7分5.9篮板1.5助攻0.8抢断02.盖帽, 命中率62.9% 球队当月13胜0负(该月起始战绩是25胜20负)杜兰特:场均18.1分4.0篮板2.5助攻1.5抢断08.盖帽, 命中率37.6% 球队当月3胜8负(该月起始战绩是11胜35负)杜兰特的纯数据看上去也许更好(除去命中率上的巨大差距,但是球队战绩肯定也是考虑的因素,不能怪杜兰特处于那么烂的球队,但是斯科拉作为球队先发大前锋取得13胜0负,给他月最佳是没问题的)
  • I cant believe Dame did it. Wasnt he in the same conference as AD (he was)我不敢相信利拉德居然也干了。 他不是和浓眉在一个分区吗(都是西部的)
  • AD missed around 20 games and wasn't consistently putting up big numbers when he was a rookie so maybe that's why浓眉当时因伤错过了20场左右的比赛,而且新秀浓眉并没有稳定地打出很好的数据,我猜这就是原因
  • Dame rookie season was incredible. At one point he was fighting LamRcus for most ppg on the team. He's the definition of nba ready.利拉德的新秀赛季非常吊炸天,他一度在和阿尔德里奇争夺队内得分王。他无疑是NBA即战力的定义代表。
  • LeBron and Melo did it in the same year, very impressive!勒布朗和甜瓜在同一年做到了包揽所有月最佳新秀,非常牛逼!

  • Blake Griffin also swept the Western ROTM awards in 2010-11格里芬也包揽了10-11赛季的所有西部月最佳新秀
  • He was also the unanimous RotY格里芬还全票当选了年度最佳新秀
  • There have only been four of those apparently. KAT is going to be another one.显然只有4个人是全票当选的年度最佳新秀,唐斯会成为下一个。

  • Dang booker not having 1 seems kind of unfortunate.. Not that KAT isn't great but is there really not a single month Booker performed better Damn KAT I see you我擦,布克没有拿过一次月最佳新秀真是不幸。。。并不是说唐斯不够好,但我记得布克有一个月不是应该打得更好吗? 卧槽,服了你了唐斯。
  • True, I am honestly amazed at the season he's having and really look forward to seeing what the wolves can do over the next few years没错,平胸而论我被唐斯这个赛季给震惊了,我真的很期待看到这支森林狼接下来几年会怎样
  • I was 10, so forgive me: was Tim's rookie season as good as KAT's Because he'sbeen impressing the hell out of me, and Duncan also swept RotM.我那年才10岁,所以原谅我的问题: 邓肯的新秀赛季有唐斯这么好吗? 因为他的牛逼把我惊呆了,而邓肯也是横扫了月最佳新秀。
  • Duncan's rookie season was even more impressive, if you can believe it. TimDuncan made all-NBA first team as a rookie...邓肯的新秀赛季要更残暴,如果你能相信的话。 邓肯在新秀赛季就入选了NBA一阵。。。

  • Holy shit that's crazy. I checked Wikipedia and he was also All-Defensive 2nd during his rookie year.Were there any other rookies who got on the All-NBA First Team卧了个艹,太疯狂了。我查了下维基,邓肯新秀年也是NBA防守二阵。还有哪些新秀就入选过NBA一阵的人吗?
  • Wilt, Oscar, and Wes Unseld all did (Wilt and Unseld were MVPs), can't think of any more off the top of my head.张伯伦,大O,还有昂塞尔德也干过新秀就入选一阵的事儿(张伯伦和昂塞尔德还是新秀就干过MVP),我一时想不出还有谁了。

【国内JRs之声】@退役球员3号 :


@清明下雨时 :


@iloveyuka :

接下来一年,最佳新秀给的是詹姆斯,而没有给甜瓜, 理由是。。。掘金进了季后赛(甜瓜数据不输小皇帝),骑士没进季后赛(小皇帝更全面)?



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