


上海,如果你不知道Dope Shifu,就不该继续自封“资深玩家”的称号。这家集餐厅和酒吧为一体的店常年播放着你最爱的音乐;他们也做出了全上海最美味的肋排和炸薯条;在Dope Shifu,你会看到店主收藏的各种酷炫的滑板和唱片,可以直接把它们买走。这次,Jameson和我们的好朋友Dope Shifu 的合伙人Kone聊了聊Dope Shifu 的故事以及关于他的“第一次”。

Shanghai is such an amazing city, you can always find something new, something that blows your mind. Dope Shifu is a great spot to find that special something. They have good music, good DJs all around and a temple of ribs. If skateboards and vinyls are what you’re into, you can also come treasure hunt here!

This week, we sit down with Kone, the co-founder of Dope Shifu, and talk to him about his “First Time” stories . Buckle up and get ready to be Doped!
你好Kone,除了经营Dopes Shifu,听说你还玩滑板,给我们讲讲你第一次玩滑板的经历是怎样的吧?


Congrats Kone, this place is pretty sweet! We know you’re a skateboarder, so when was your first skateboarding experience?

Man, it was a long time ago, I think I started after I was involved in the X-Games as an event curator. It has been 5 years since that event. The more I’m involved in the field, the more I found myself suited to event curation, rather than participating. So now I focus on organizing events, it also helps to create more chances for young people to dive in.


X-Game Asia 是一项全球实时转播的赛事,在上海已经办了9年,也会继续下去。这个平台可以让很多有潜力的年轻人越来越多地接触到最新最酷的运动。除了赛事本身,我们想把街头文化带到上海,以至全国。最近我们有一个新的项目,会在浦东搭建各种场所,比如滑板公园这种,以后还会有很多新的比赛也在那里办,大家都是本着兴趣爱好去做这件事。

Tell us more about the events that you’ve been involved in?

X-Games Asia is a worldwide live-stream contest. We’ve been following it up for 5 years and will for sure continue. It is a great platform to witness all of the coolest and latest activities, and of course, the talented people. Apart from the games itself, what we are trying to do, is to bring street culture to Shanghai, and to spread it further. Our recent project is in Pudong, we’re building a skate park there so you will find some contests there in the future.

Dope Shifu里挂的这些滑板都很棒,你自己平时收藏滑板吗?

哈哈,其实店里的这些板都是我一个好朋友的。我自己非常喜欢街头文化,能够代表街头文化的,我第一个想到的就是滑板。不过Dope shifu里的滑板只是店里装修的一部分,但这些板也是可以买的,而且还真有顾客专门过来买!下一步我们会在店里再加入一些涂鸦的元素,因为最近我们组织了一个亚洲涂鸦艺术展,在6月1号,50多个涂鸦师都过来上海,我自己也是非常期待!大家以玩儿的心态来做这些事,还挺开心的。

There are some pretty awesome skateboards on the walls here, are you a big skateboard collector?

Haha, actually they all belong to a good friend of mine. I’m crazy about street culture and the one thing that hugely represents street culture is skateboarding. In Dope Shifu, they are the fabric of the interior, to liven things up a bit, you can buy them too. The next step for us is to get more graffiti work done here, it actually relates to the upcoming Asian Graffiti Exhibition curated by us, on 1st  June. The AGE will have more than 50 Asia graffiti artists gathering together in Shanghai to show great works. I am really excited about that!


我会根据人群的氛围去调整我要放的音乐。 因为工作环境的原因,所以放的更多的是Old School, Hip Hop, Funky,或者不那么吵的Trap,因为我大部分DJ的环境都在餐吧嘛。

Except for skateboarding, you are also a DJ, so what music do you like to mix?

I like to mix according to what I see in front of me. Usually the music types I would choose are Old School, Hip Hop, Funk and sometimes moderate Trap. I’m always DJ-ing at restaurants rather than at clubs, the atmosphere should not be too high you know?

Dope Shifu里的音乐超级棒,不过这个酒吧的名字由来是什么?

一开始我们几个人在一起想做一些有趣的事情,我们打算开一个果汁店,名字想的是Dope Juice,后来觉得卖果汁太浪费地方了,于是想到Dope Chef,想开餐厅。后来发现这个名字在伦敦已经被注册了,是一个买衣服的潮牌。我们不想跟别人重名,也想更接地气一点,“师傅”这个词就很接地气。所以我们决定用Dope shifu。 另一方面Shifu也泛指手上有一项技艺的人,就比如说我们三个哈哈哈。

Where does the name of Dope Shifu come from?

From the outset, my partners and I wanted to do something cool and fun, so we decided to open a bar. The initial thinking for us was to sell juices so we named it “Dope Juice”. Later we kinda wanted to expand the concept and name it “Dope Chef”, but this name was killed because we found out “Dope Chef” was already registered in London as a clothing brand. What we ended up with, "Shifu", is actually pretty suitable for China. “Shifu” refers to people who have special skills, kinda like us. So, you can see this name is perfect for us. Haha. In the end, “Dope Shifu” just worked.

今后Dope Shifu会开一些怎样的活动呢?

我希望在这边办各种各样的活动,比如DJ workshop。其实一开始我们开店的初衷是想要办Party。所以我们以后还会和Jameson多多的合作去做这样的活动,只要能够合作的就一起来吧。

Dope Shifu is not just a bar, it also hosts events, what kind of events will Dope Shifu host in the future?

We want to host more events here for sure, maybe a DJ workshop. Actually hosting parties is really our original intention of opening this bar. Parties are what we live for, to us that makes Jameson a great friend. It’s always a real party when the Jameson is flowing.

威士忌配肋排可是上佳搭配,下次路过Dope Shifu,可别忘了过来尝尝美味。不过,如果你已经忍不住了的话,也可以来我们的微店看看,先给自己来上一杯威士忌!

The perfect combo of Whiskey and ribs would give you an unforgettable taste. Next time, don't forget to swing by Dope Shifu to give it a try! But if you want to try it at home beforehand, come by our WeChat store and treat yourself to one!

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