


* 老师,我感觉自己作文写得挺好的,都写了600多字,还检查了3遍,怎么作文只拿22分?

* 老师,我感觉自己写得特别好,考官脑袋进水了,只给22分,我表示不服,结果复议以后给了我20分!!!

* 老师,我是不是拽几个高难词汇和几个特别长的句子就能拿高分啊?

* 老师,我是不是要把每种类型的作文题目都写一遍就能拿高分啊?

* 老师,我是不是要每种类型的作文准备几个例子就能拿高分啊,您给我准备写例子呗。



Do you agree or disagree?

Children should learn to manage their own money at a young age.

In today's society, managing one's finances is a key component of living an independant, successful life. Skills should be taught and practiced at an early stage of life, if one desires to master them when s/he reaches adulthood. Learning to manage money taught children to appreciate, develop the children's interest in capitalism, and prepare them for the cruel competitions in the society.(汪娟老师点评:后面的内容好像没有沿着这个展开

Earning money is no joke, managing money is even more demanding(汪娟老师点评:这是主题句吧,后面的内容好像没有沿着主题句展开啊). Children will only know the hardships of their parents if they learn abut money management. because they would not have the faintest idea about expenditure unless they are actually controlling the money. Children who don't manage their pocket money usually spend a lot in a short period of time, this bad habit causes domestic issues when spoiled children complain about the lack of avaliable cash. If the youth are taught in a proper way, they would plan and spend wisely. They would know when to purcase, when to save, when to invest their money. Thus, they would have a basic understanding on where their parents get all that money, they would see that how hard it is to live happily while not spending all they have. Children need to know that they can only spend if they work hard and spend every penny with caution.

The ability to manage one's finances comes with other positive effects, such as good work ethics and effciency(汪娟老师点评:后面的内容没有解释论证道这个主题句呀). Children who manages their own money step into the capitalist world eariler than those imbeciles who don't have a clue where all their pocket money go. Children would learn to work hard if they wish to earn more and increase the quality of their lives. They would naturally seek a way to earn more pocket money. (和上句缺乏过渡)I washed sheets and clothes for my parents, and earn my pocket money instead of simpling taking what they give me. I learned that one can only savor the fruit of his own labor because in the cruel, real world there is no windfall, no free lunches. I became obessed with how economy works, how people start their enterprises and make more money with the limited resources they already have. I invested my pocket money in the stock market and earned a fortune. That is what learning to manage money can do to children, it sparks their interest and usher them into the interesting world of economy and capitalism(汪娟老师点评:怎么又说到这个点了?不是要回到主题句吗?).


Children definitely need to learn about finance management, because knowing how to work around your ledger is the premise of success.Learning to manage money teaches one to appreciate the parents, develop one's interest in modern economical system and it prepares one for the various adversities one will surely encouter in the future.














When you visit a new place, do you prefer to participate in a tour guide or explore by yourself?

Travelling has become one of the most popular ways for people to spend their holidays. It is no wonder that people begin paying more and more attention to the efficiency and quality of different trip forms. Whether participating in a tour guide or explore a new place on one's own is being hotly debated. Personally, I think joining in a tour guide brings more advantages.


Firstly, the trip with a tour guide is more convenient. Tour guides, with the help of travelling organizations, usually book the hotels, purchase the tickets and plan the itinerary for the whole travelling group. The burden, anxiety and problems one will face and experience if he or she is travelling alone then do not exist. Take my parents as an example. Last summer, they planned a trip to Thailand to spend their Spring Festival and decided to prepare all on their own. However, on their arrival at the Bangkok airport, they found themselves unable to deal with even the most trivial things. Because of language problems, my father spent half an hour explaining to the taxi driver the location of their hotels. They did not know how to get to certain restaurants and on their way back, they always got lost. The insomnia and overpressure my parents suffered for several days forced them to join in a local foreigner travelling group. To their surprise, the friendly and warm-hearted local tour guide not only served as their translator, but also recommended plenty of historical sites which were truly worth visiting. Besides, he was adept at bargaining, able to save consumption for my parents. From this case, we can clearly see that the trip with a tour guide differs from that planned by one's own and is really convenient.



Admittedly, some people prefer to explore a new place on their own and enjoy their achievements in successfully planning a trip. However, given that most of the individual travellers are likely to encounter great obstacles and difficulties, it is not wise to risk exploring on one's own. It is more favorable to participate in a tour guide, not only because tour guides make the trip more convenient, but also because they convey new ideas and knowledge to us during the trip.




  • 大象TOEFL(阅读/听力/写作)ACT教学领域工作6年;
  • 澳门大学翻译硕士优秀毕业;
  • 澳门大学校长办公室翻译;
  • 英国最大出版社Taylor& Francis旗下高级英文编辑;
  • 托福118分,门下学生高分无数,被学生誉为“最靠谱老师”。


  • 果果老师:(010) 5368 9148 / 15801469292(微信同手机号)
  • 象象老师: (010) 5368 9145/ 13810509292(微信同手机号)
  • 地址:北京市海淀区新中关大厦B座南翼908

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