


hallo 大家,一个月没见很想念。今天要煲鸡汤的不是我,是孙燕姿。

















by Yanzi
Dear all,

As I had promised eons ago, here is a new blog entry.

I know I haven't been doing this for a long time, and more so since I've had a big sunshine (or meteor depending on whichday you ask) appear in my life.

Being a mum, I usually click on the multiple articles that gives you some insight to tell you what parenting means.I read it to maintain some sanity while I make a bolt for the next job overseas. Sometimes it informs you on the demise of your individuality (which Iam hard pressed to deny), sometimes they tell you what is the best way to raisea child (most of which I am finally ignoring) and the best ones are usually the ones that say it's ok.

I too would like to say it's ok. Ahem.

It's ok to have toys lying around (as Itype this out with a Thomas, a magna doodle plus a launch pad lying nearby),it's ok to feed your kid a chocolate biscuit (you just have to pay for it when he goes into hyper mode), it's ok to not have a change of clothes when he has juice down his t-shirt (use a wet wipe or tissue or just wait for it to dry because you SIMPLY HAVE NONE OF THE ABOVE), it's ok when you simply lose it and shout at him (you then apologize like any reasonable adult does).

I think it's ok when you can't keep up orkeep it in or keep breathing. After all, it happens to all mothers.

Then there are these other things that arealso supposed to be ok.

It's ok that some Didi pushed him to theground and nobody was there to intervene. It's ok that he needs airconditioning to sleep because we can afford it. It's ok that I had to leave for work while he had a bout of sniffles and fever. It's ok that teachers will teach him about bad people before teaching him about circumstances.

These issues when viewed collectively seem unrelated or even the least of most people's worries. But in my opinion, they give a preview of the spectrum of how the world works. He will experience and learn unfairness, inequality, practicality over dreams (as it means today), and eventually, hopefully, he would determine a truthful and decent way to live.

I type these little fears as time makes a man out of my boy. As I noticed his baby fat slowly leaving his cheeks, I treasure every hug (even if I had to remind him), every giggle and every "Mama can you sleep with me?" requests. I also treasure every tantrum and that the different outcomes whether it be giving in or not budging, is out of love for meeting his desires or a lesson learnt.

In the whole spectrum of things (or atleast mine), we are infinitesimally small.  Son, wander and then wonder,and go for what energizes you by its truth and beauty.  And life might hurt you, it might even sometimes be painful or not funny, but keep your head up always because I'm your mama and I know you can. You might even see a funny side where I can't. ;)

As for the rest of you, remember to call your mum.

(图片来自@Mean BearMedia)

点击蓝字查看往期推荐内容:再见就是在,也不见?|逆光9周年 | 爱是尊重 | 是时候五周年打脸记 | 10年《雨天》| 帅是一种命 |2015年大盘点 | 青春岂止401块| 我要的幸福15周年 | 大写的节俭女人 | 听孙燕姿等风来 | 我像孙燕姿 |燕姿表情包 | 10年慈善 | 一个铁T |克卜勒12大泪点 | 孙燕姿情歌里的A-Z | 五百强的生日祝福
「 祝大家周末愉快~」


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