


1 课文A
















2 文章B







接着美梦终止,变成了一场可怕的噩梦,令你夜半惊醒,  出一身冷汗。我得了恶化的进行性运动神经元病,一开始影响我的右臂右腿,后来又侵入身体的另一侧






你或许会以为,这里生活着一个勇敢坚强的男子汉。…事实并非如此。这里一瘸一拐走着的是一个幻想破灭、内心痛苦的跛子,一个靠着从汽车间通往后门的那14级可怜的台阶才没有失去理智、没有丢—F妻室并坚持工作的男人。    ,



















Part I  Pre-Reading Task

Script for the recording:

Often it is in overcoming hardship that we come to appreciate the value of life. Gloria Estefan wrote this song when she was recovering from a serious road accident that had left her badly injured and near to death. She sings of the hard struggle she had to recover her health:

Up to now for me it's been hands against stone

and of the search to find something that would give meaning to her life:

Spent each and every moment Searching tor what to believe.

But now she is beginning to get better; she can see light at the end of the tunnel. As she says:

Coming out of the dark, I finally see the light now It's shining on me.

It has been a tough road to recovery, but one made easier by the presence of her loved ones:

... I have felt you Near all the way

as she tells them. Ahead life holds out the promise of a new beginning, for:

Starting again is part of the pi an.

Appendix  I         -119-

She looks forward to this happy in the knowledge that she is loved and cared for. For she feels that with love you can stand up to anything. As she sings:

Forever, forever I stand on the rock or your love Love is all it takes, no matter what we race.

Now let's listen to her as she sings her song Coming Out of the Dark.

Coming Out of the Dark

Gloria Estefan

Why be afraid if I'm not alone

Though life is never easy the rest in unknown

Up to now for me it's been hands against stone

Spent each and every moment

Searching for what to believe


Coming out of the dark, I finally see the light now

It's shinning on me

Coming out of the dark, I know the love that saved me

You're sharing with me

Starting again is part of the plan And I'll be so much stronger holding your hand Step by step I'll make it through I know I can It may not make it easier but I have felt you Near all the way

(repeat chorus)

Forever, forever I stand on the rock of your love

Forever I'll stand on the rock

Forever, forever I stand on the rock of your love

- 120 -              Appendix  I

Love is all it takes, no matter what we race

(chorus out)

Part II Text A
Text Organization



Main Ideas

Part One

Paras 1-2

Michael faced the most challenging competition in his   pole-vaulting career.

Part Two

Paras 3-5

Michael' s childhood was marked with dreams and tough   training.

Part Three

Paras 6-12

Michael topped his personal best, won the championship and   set a new world record.

Part Four

Para 13

What was most unusual about Michael's victory was that he   was blind.

2.  1) It also has the element of flying, and the thought of flying as high as a two-story building is a mere fantasy to anyone watching such an event. As long as Michael could remember he had always dreamed of flying. 2) All of Michael's vaults today seemed to be the reward for hishard work.


I.  1. 1) startled2) core 3) tension 4) tense 5) sweating  6) stretched out7) vain8) On one occasion 9) anxiety  10) detail  11) emotions12) ashamed of  13) In my mind's eye14) recurring

15) mere

Appendix   I    - 121 -

2.   1) Mrs. White's birthday coincides with her husband's, iiovi

2)The writer was assisted in the preparation of this article by other members of her family.

3)It has been a week of alternate sunshine and rain.

4)Politics and philosophy had been his lifelong passions, although he studied economics at university.

5)She grew tense as she waited for her first TV interview.

3.   1) Jessica's victory in the World Championships, which has aroused the media's attention,

again bears out the fact that she is one of the best gymnasts in the world. And no one can deny that it is a delight to watch her performing various skills with natural grace.

2)With so many relatives along with friends coming to their wedding to congratulate them ontheir marriage, the young couple felt like the happiest people in the world.

3)Frank had made full preparations for his oral presentation. However, when he did begin to speak, he was so overwhelmed by the intensity of the situation that he couldn't find a way

to relax himself and made numerous mistakes.
II. Collocation
1)        Mike, a Green, made the suggestion that a large park be built near the community.

2)        In a letter to his daughter, Mr. Smith expressed his wish that she (should) continue her educa­tion to acquire still another degree.

3)        There is no reason to hold the belief that humans have no direct moral responsibility to safe­guard the welfare of animals.

4)   Children need to feel safe about the world they grow up in, and it is unwise to give them the idea that everything they come into contact with might be a threat.

5)        Anxiety can result from the notion that life has not treated us fairly.

6)   Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent.
III. Words with Multiple Meanings
1.1 work out in the gym for one hour every morning.

2.     Florence has worked as a cleaner at the factory for five years.

3.     The wounded man worked his way across the field on his hands and knees.

4.  The safe load for a truck of this type works out at about twenty-five tons.

5.     It is difficult to understand how human minds work.

6.     To my disappointment, the manager's plan of promoting the new products doesn't work at all.

7.     The teacher has a lot of experience of working with children who don't know how to learn.

-122-          Appendix I

8. The medicine began to work one hour after the child took it.
1.   (Answers may vary.)

1)     It was his dream and hard work that made it possible for him to set a world record in the pole vault.

2)     It was nine years ago that I began to learn English.

3)     It is my parents who have exerted the greatest influence on me.

4)  It was in Central Park that I met John.

2.   1) Obviously what the speaker wanted to emphasize was the impact of these findings rather than

the process that led to these findings.

2)   It seems that he is never bothered about what people would think about his behavior.

3)        The CEO never hesitates to let his employees know what he is planning for the company.

4)   The scientist will show the audience what a tele-operated robot can do for a family.
Comprehensive Exercises
I. Cloze


1.In my mind's eye 2. detail

3. sweating 4. relax

5. tense6. fantasy

7. preparation8. congratulate

9. media10. emotion

(B)1. what 2. for

3. an 4. rarely/never

5. will 6. longed/wished

7. got 8. Then

9. in 10. life

11. support12. to

13. After 14. run

15. face16. but
II. Translation
Psychologists have used numerous facts to bear out the argument/statement/claim that in order to recover speedily from negative emotion, you should allow yourself to cry. You needn't/ don't have to be ashamed of crying. Anxiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along with tears.

Consider the case of /Take Donna. Her son unfortunately died in a car accident. The inten­sity of the blow made her unable to cry. She said, "It was not until two weeks later that I began to cry. And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from my shoulders. It was the tears that brought me back to earth."
Part III TextB
Comprehension Check

l.b 3. b 5. c

2. c 4. b 6. a


Language Practice

1. aid2  traits

3. inclined4. in spite of

5. horrible6. penetrated

7. dismiss8. has suffered from

9. impatient10. progressive

11. optimistic12. to a degree

13. ease14. hold on to

15. install16. in good health

17. shortcomings  18. interval(s)

19. bumped20. miserable

- 124 -        Appendix I
Part IV Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks
Model paper

The Change in Mr. Manwaring

There is no doubt about it. Hal Manwaring has definitely changed. And changed for the better. He still limps, of course, still has trouble getting in and out of his car and climbing stairs. He still needs his stick to get about. Everyone feels sorry for him, naturally. They always have, ever since he first started suffering from his disease all those years ago. But, to be honest, in recent years people started to avoid him, he had become so bitter he hadn't a good word to say about anyone or anything. Understandable, you might say, but that didn't make him any better company.

Then, all of a sudden, ever since that big storm we had last month, he picked himself up and

now has a cheerful word and a smile for everyone. Where once you would see him sitting hunched up on his porch for hours on end, now you see him hopping about all over town. He has even taken up helping to teach on the adult literacy programme. Just what happened he won't say, but whatever it was it certainly did him a power of good.

(189 words)


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