







                                    ——《 你的孤独 虽败犹荣》

 http://wx.m.tv.sohu.com/20130205/n365624942.shtml (地址链接, 感兴趣可以戳开~)


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5.1—5.6 外刊总结

Passage 1

The Economist/ Apr 23rd 2016 Picking the boss The Outside Track 外来和尚好念经

1 in business 在商界

2 A的前身是B A, formerly B

3外部人士空降 outsiders are parachuted in

4 在万不得已时才… turn to sth as the last resort

5解雇现任的CEO boot out the incumbent CEO

6人才枯竭 the pipeline of talented people run dry (sth is in the pipeline 某事在讨论中,在酝酿中)

7倾向A go for A

8 公共事业单位 utility eg) the administration of public utilities 公共事业的管理

9主要得益于 thanks largely to 10 Outsiders are unencumbered by ties to CEO and equipped with a wide range of contacts and perspectives 外来人士不会受到与CEO人情关系的磕绊,并且他们人脉多,见识广

10 猎头公司 headhunter

11 追究某人的责任 Hold sb to account

12 表现不佳underperform

13be keen on 热衷于…

14 作为理所当然到的事,照例 as a matter of course {as the usual and correct thing to do}

15乍一看 at first glance

16 push up bosses’ salary 使老板的工资水涨船高

17 fare better {to be successful}  Although Chicago has fared better than some cities, unemployment remains a problem. 虽然芝加哥比其他一些城市的情况好一些,但失业仍是一个问题

18 学历造假 falsify the academic credentials

19 将责任推卸给某人 dump the responsibility on sb

20 在极端情况下 in extremis

21 be getting better at sth 做事更加游刃有余

22 about times too 早该…

Passage 2-3

On Immigration, Law Is on Obama’s side —New York Times

Crocodile of the Yangzi/ The Economist Apr. 9th 2016

1 come to a head 到了紧要的关头

2 The business of business is business. The responsibility of a company is to make profit ——Milton Friedman 弥尔顿弗里德曼,美国当代经济学家

3 诠释一个国家的变革 define a country’s transformation

4 利用 capitalize on/ make use of/ take advantage of/ avail oneself of/ utilize

5 NOT since John Rockefeller has a businessman defined a country’s transformation as well as Jack Ma does.

Since John Rockefeller, a businessman has NOT defined a country’s transformation as well as Jack Ma does

有时候否定词not可以提前到句首,在since之前,主句的主谓次序要颠倒,否定作用不影响到since,而是否定主句。【例如】Not since Alzheimer's disease was discovered in 1906 has there been a more crucial year than 2007 in our efforts against this mind-killer. 自从老年痴呆症1906年发现以来,我们对这个心智杀手的斗争,从没有哪一年比2007年更为带有关键性。


6 促成美国一个世纪的繁荣 power a century of American Greatness

7 internal-combustion engine 内燃机

8 ruthless dealing and visionary philanthropy商场上的残酷无情,以及慈善事业上的远见卓识

9 he came to personify American capitalism他成为了美国资本主义的象征

10 a handful of collaborators 几个合伙人

11 cramped apartment 狭小的公寓

12 made inroads into 大有斩获

It utterly dominates e-commerce in China, and has also made inroads into internet finance, cloud computing and logistics


13 a poor boy who barely scraped into{勉强获得工作,职位或者入学资格} a teacher’s college 一个好不容易才考上一个师范学院的穷小子

14 fragmented and stodgy. 分布零散且呆板落伍

15 portal 门户网站

16 lumber on 举步维艰

17While Rockefeller  was widely reviled as a monopolist,Mr Ma is idolised by them

18 come from nowhere to overcome such American rivals从籍籍无名到击败美国的雅虎

19 pulp fiction 庸俗小说 do handstands 做倒立

20 Mr Ma does not believe in religion or communism, saving his faith for a kind of inclusive capitalism. 马云不信奉宗教及##主义,而信仰一种兼容并蓄的**主义

21同级别的大企业家 comparable tycoon

22 retained a tight grip on 对…牢牢管控

23 leave a mark on 闻达于

24 nostrum 实际上也许毫无用处的妙计,妙策


How did a poor boy who barely scraped into a teacher’s college manage this? Mr Ma spotted a confluence of technologies and market opportunities.

It began with Mr Ma’s homesick search for a pint of Chinese lager. As an English translator, he got the chance to travel to Seattle in the mid-1990s and to use the internet for the first time. Told that one could find anything in the world online, he searched for “beer”. He found American beer, German beer and so on, but no Chinese beer. His country was, it seemed, living in the dark ages. That gave him the inspiration he needed.

How did he come from nowhere to overcome such American rivals as Yahoo (which later became a big investor in Alibaba) and eBay? The answer lies in the most powerful cult of all: a team of martial-arts heroes with Jack Ma as its leader. Alibaba’s campus in Hangzhou features numerous artistic references to Jin Yong, a celebrated writer of martial-arts novels. Employees take nicknames from his novels and other pulp fiction, and use these names for internal communication. Team-building exercises regularly have employees doing handstands, and office romances are often made official at mass weddings (pictured), witnessed by Mr Ma. The company’s philosophy is a “six-vein spirit sword”, and during an interview conducted last year at his headquarters, Mr Ma several times got up to punctuate his answers with an actual sword from his wall.

Unlike the founders of other big Chinese internet firms, Mr Ma distributed shares to employees from the beginning, and continued to find ways for them to cash in during Alibaba’s spectacular rise. Mr Ma formed a partnership before Alibaba’s flotation, and shares control with several dozen colleagues

He has set up a philanthropic fund, but uses Alibaba itself as a vehicle for social change, helping people book doctors’ visits, for example, or selling cheap water-testing devices and encouraging his customers to upload results for big-data analysis


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