前程无忧获“ATD 2018 国际合作伙伴奖”,美国前总统奥巴马、世界管理大师肯·布兰佳做特别分享


5月6-9日,前程无忧战略合作伙伴——世界上最大的人才发展协会ATD,在美国加州圣地亚哥成功举办了2018国际会议会展暨ATD 成立75周年盛会。...

5月6-9日,前程无忧战略合作伙伴——世界上最大的人才发展协会ATD在美国加州圣地亚哥成功举办了2018国际会议会展暨ATD 成立75周年盛会

大会伊始,ATD首先为其全球优秀的合作伙伴颁奖。ATD总裁兼首席执行官Tony Bingham和ATD国际部总监王威博士为前程无忧隆重颁发了“ATD 2018 国际合作伙伴奖”。

(右)ATD总裁兼首席执行官Tony Bingham

前程无忧获“ATD 2018 国际合作伙伴奖”

大会第一天下午,前程无忧合作伙伴——世界管理大师肯·布兰佳(Ken Blanchard)受ATD特别邀请现身大会做《仆人式领导力》主题演讲




落座之后,奥巴马与ATD总裁兼首席执行官 Tony Bingham侃侃而谈。








Barack Obama Speaks About Living One’s Values

Change, resiliency, learning from failure,optimism. Those are just some of the topics President Barack Obama discussedduring the ATD 2018 Opening General Session on Monday morning. During thesit-down with ATD President and CEO Tony Bingham, Obama shared stories of hispresidency and congressional and presidential campaigns, and emphasized that simple values such as kindness and respect will get you far.

Throughout the Q&A with Bingham, Obamaunderscored how values have a strong role in everything: people’s actions, howthey think, and how they live their lives. “The older I get, the more I havecome to appreciate the old-fashioned, home-spun values” that his mother and grandparents taught him, Obama said. He pointed to attributes such as being honest, kind, useful, and responsible; working hard; and carrying your weight.

These traits apply in both our personal andprofessional lives. For example, Obama spoke of a 20-something Asian-American campaign worker, Ryan, who was assigned to a conservative, rural community inIowa. Despite facing racism as he traveled throughout the region, Ryan washelpful, respectful, and open-minded with the townspeople—so much so that bythe time Obama appeared for a campaign rally, Ryan was almost as popular—if notmore popular—than the presidential candidate for whom he was working. “Thereason he had been successful was not because of my 10-point plan for dealingwith healthcare or economics,” Obama said. “The reason was because he was inpossession of a set of values that he carried into that situation, transmittedby his parents.”

Obama believes that many of the workers onhis campaigns succeeded because of the environment that he fostered. “We set up a structure that was predisposed to the potential and power of the people whowere working” as part of his team. The premise was “We’re going to give you a lot of responsibility, we’re going to hold you accountable,” he explained.“People respond when you expect a lot of them.”

During his presidency, Obama noted, he alsoset the example for other leaders in his administration to treat their workerswith respect. In meetings in the Situation Room, seated around the table withthe president were generals and secretaries. And on the “outer ring” were thestaff of those high-level leaders—“the people who actually do the work,” Obamaexplained. So the president would on occasion ask those staffers what theythought about the topic being discussed. Obama said he did so not only to showthe staffers that they mattered, but “I was also sending a message to theprincipals that they should be listening to their staff and asking for feedback.”

Obama also tied his message back to the work that talent development professionals do. He said that he suspected thatthe most rewarding times for talent development practitioners are not simply training for a particular task. “Where you’re most effective training someone else is to get them to tap into their best self,” he remarked.

In the workplace, it’s everyone’s job tocreate a positive culture. “It means that in your organizations, you’re taking responsibility to make sure that the people you work with are treating eachother with respect,” Obama said, stressing that organizations should be inclusive in encouraging women’s voices to be heard, respectful toward those inthe LGBT community, and ones where “You are insisting on continually improving performance.”

“Weall have a responsibility to make the world a better place,” Obama added,ending with a principle that he tells his daughters: “If you’re kind and you’reuseful, you’re probably going to live a good life.”
前程无忧  &  ATD




课程名称时间&地点ATD培训大师认证上海  7月3-6日ATD培训师证书深圳  5月17-19日

上海  5月29-31日

北京  6月5-7日

ATD培训技巧证书成都  5月15-16日

重庆  5月17-18日

郑州  6月2-3日

上海  6月7-8日

ATD课程设计证书上海  6月22-24日

北京  7月3-5日

ATD培训管理证书北京  6月6-7日

上海  7月5-6日

北京  7月

深圳  7月23-24日

ATD移动学习证书上海  6月7-8日详情请咨询前程无忧您的专属顾问或客户经理,更多课程详情请点击“阅读原文”



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