Robert Young 建筑与室内设计的凝聚力


Robert Young的设计过程旨在满足每个客户在独特建筑空间环境中的需求、个性和生活方式。...

Robert Young Architects是纽约一家建筑室内设计公司,旨在为那些非常关心他们生活、工作、学习和娱乐的空间的有见地的客户创造令人信服的、实用的、原创的建筑。

Robert Young Architects is a New York architectural interior design firm. It’s mission is to create compelling, practical and original architecture for informed clients who care deeply about the spaces where they live, work, learn and play.

Robert Young是Robert Young Architects的创始人和首席设计师。在八岁的时候他就踏上了成为一名建筑师的道路,经常在马萨诸塞州北岸儿时的家周围绘制历史建筑和木制帆船的详细图纸。从小学开始,Robert就痴迷于各种形式和细节,优雅地服务于实际用途,灵感来自于船、汽车、家具、物品和最好的建筑中形式和功能的无缝融合。

Robert Young is the principal and lead designer of Robert Young Architects, he started on the path to become an architect when he was eight years old, making detailed drawings of historic buildings and wooden sailing boats around his childhood home on the North Shore of Massachusetts. From grade school on, Robert has been obsessed with all manner of forms and details that elegantly serve practical purposes, inspired by the seamless merging of form and function found in boats and automobiles, furniture, objects and the best architecture.

Robert在弥尔顿学院(Milton Academy)开始正式学习建筑学,同时在波士顿建筑中心(Boston architecture Center)继续学习课程。他曾在伦敦建筑协会(Architectural Association)学习,1992年在新奥尔良杜兰建筑学院(Tulane School of Architecture)获得建筑学硕士学位,并在那里获得了著名的(Faculty Award)最佳论文奖。

Robert started formally studying architecture while at Milton Academy, commuting into the city to take continuing ed courses at the Boston Architectural Center. He studied at the Architectural Association in London and received his Masters of Architecture in 1992 from the Tulane School of Architecture in New Orleans, where he received the prestigious Faculty Award for Best Thesis.

1997年,Robert Young在纽约创立了Robert Young Architect。在此之前,他在巴塞罗那、波士顿和纽约的建筑公司当过学徒。作为纽约Mathias Thoerner和Keenen Riley事务所的项目建筑师,他为零售、高端住宅和商业客户设计和管理项目。从2000年到2010年,罗伯特是Murdock Young Architects建筑师事务所的合伙人,负责一个独立的客户和项目小组。2010年,他创立了Robert Young Architecture & Interiors公司。

Robert Young founded Robert Young Architect in New York City in 1997. Prior to that, he apprenticed in architectural firms in Barcelona, Boston and New York. As a project architect in the offices of Mathias Thoerner and Keenen/Riley in New York, he designed and managed projects for retail, high-end residential and commercial clients.  From 2000 to 2010 Robert was a partner at Murdock Young Architects, overseeing an independent group of clients and projects. In 2010 he established Robert Young Architecture & Interiors.

Robert Young的设计致力于满足每个客户在独特建筑空间环境中的需求、个性和生活方式。全新的视角使RYA项目与众不同。建筑和室内设计方案是有凝聚力的,同时又具有层次性,折衷性和惊人性:互补性而非统一性。

The design process is driven to serve the needs, personality and lifestyle of each client in the context of unique architectural spaces. Fresh perspectives that set RYA projects apart. Architectural and Interior design solutions are cohesive, and at the same time layered, eclectic and surprising: complementary rather than uniform.

Robert Young建筑事务所将室内设计与建筑完美结合。设计团队与每个客户合作开发家具、配件、材料和调色板,在室内和建筑之间建立一个互补的对话,最终形成一个有凝聚力的环境。

Robert Young Architects seamlessly integrates interior design with architecture. The RYA interiors team works collaboratively with each client to develop a program of furnishings, accessories, materials and color palettes, establishing a complementary dialog between interiors and architecture that ultimately forges a cohesive environment.

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