AGI Open 专访德国独立设计师 Ariane Spanier


在此次agi大会召开之际,我们有幸的采访到其中几位设计师,今日我们给大家,推送下德国设计师 Ariane spanier 的访谈。...

国际平面设计联盟(AGI)是一个由世界顶尖的,平面艺术家和设计师组成的专业协会, 527名联盟成员来自,43个不同国家。AGI 是一个无国界设计联盟,以设计师和普通居民的,身份互帮互助,力图为设计领域和整个,世界做出贡献。AGI 的使命是通过周年会议、讲座、合作、展览、出版物和教育活动等方式来,促进设计实践

AGI 于1951年在巴黎成立,秉持其创始人——来自法国的 Dean Picart Le Doux、Dacques Nathan Garamond、Jean Colin 以及来自瑞士的 Fritz Buhler 和 Donald Brun —— 所确立的价值观,即平面设计是我们沟通、教育和信息传递的基础。

AGI 成员们都在设计,界享有一定声誉。AGI 每年都会吸纳新鲜血液,从独立设计师到,跨国设计事务所,实践包括版式设计、平面设计、品牌设计、书籍设计、设计批判、导视系统设计、插画、动画、交互设计以及,其他视觉媒介。不少成员被载入史册,例如:Plentifull - Allan Fleming(加拿大)、Rico Lins(巴西)、Herb Lubalin(美国)、Dosef Muller-Brockmann(瑞士)和 Wang Xu (中国)等等。每位候选会员均需要一位,活跃成员的推荐方能参赛,由国际评审团评审其,作品并投票选出。
在此次 AGI 大会召开之际我们有幸的采访,到其中几位设计师,今日我们给大家,推送下德国设计师 Ariane Spanier 的访谈。

Ariane Spanier

Ariane Spanier Design


Ariane Spanier 现居于柏林,毕业于柏林 Berlin-Weißensee 艺术学院视觉传达专业。在纽约游历回德国之后,于2005年在,柏林开设了 Ariane Spanier Design 设计工作室。Ariane 的客户们都有着文化艺术,的相关背景,比如画廊主、艺术家、电影制片人、音乐家、建筑师、独立出版商等。她的设计工作室,主要从事书籍、文字、海报的设计,但标识系统、动画、插画和交互设计同样也,囊括在她工作室业务范围内。从2006年以来,ariane一直担任现当代绘画,艺术年鉴杂志《Fukt》的创意总监。她曾获得诸多奖项,其中包括 Type Directors Club of New York, D&AD, the 100 Best Austrian, German and Swiss Posters Competition, the Graphis Poster Annual,以及2011年世界上最大的,帆船音乐节 Kieler Woche / Kiel Week 设计大赛。从2013年起,她一直是 AGI 的成员。自2018年,Ariane 一直担任“Kiel Week”年度竞赛的评委。
Presenation: Drawing as magazine

设计宣言 Design Manifesto

D代表 Dirty drawing 自由创作

E 代表 Effort 努力

F 代表 Fullment 满足

G代表 Greed 贪婪

H代表 Heavy 沉重

I 代表 Independent独立

J 代表 Jail 囹圄

K 代表 Kid 童心

L 代表 Limitation 限制

M代表 Mice 谨慎

N代表 No 否定

O 代表 Ownership 自主

P代表 Perspective 观点

Q 代表 Quitting 退出

R代表 Register 加入

S 代表 System 系统

T代表 Text 文本

U 代表 Unique独特

W代表 Why 为何

X代表 Extra 额外

Y 代表 Yes 肯定

Z 代表 Zero 归零


Happiness 要幸福

Feeling professional 要专业

It’s out there 要探索

start to play music, no more 要严肃

denial 要自醒

anger 要愤怒
Europan Norway 15
Fukt 16

Fukt Magazine The System issue


教育如同春雨,润物无声,又如阶梯,步步坚实。不管你去了哪所学校,你在那里学到了什么,有意无意间,你的成长都会受到,周围文化的影响,这种影响很早就开始了,通过你的父母,社会,你生活的国家,甚至通过你手机中那个,虚拟的世界。老实说,我并没有真正参与到,设计教育中去,对当前的德国的,设计教育情况知之甚少。但不论是过去和现在教育,都深受德国、瑞士和荷兰设计的,包豪斯学派、达达主义运动的影响,然后融入一点时代精神,和全球化,就这样是德国设计教育了。尽管我认为德国的艺术,和设计教育因不同学校,不同城市,不同老师之间而存在,很大差异,但是作为一名学生,可能只有一个人对你有,很大的影响,那个人触动了你的设计之,心的人,时是他是一个老师,或者是另一个设计师,甚至是一件设计作品。我们有时会意外地发现,我们的“老师”,可能突然间,存在一种方法,一种思想,一种运动,或者一种生活方式,你们突然产生了交流,产生了共鸣,点亮了你的设计之心。这种点亮并不一定发生在,学校里,它可能随时随地都可,能发生在你身上。当然!这也可能发生在 AGI 成员之间,我认为我们在聚会,中能够不断互相学习。

AGI 在中国平面设计师,中享有盛誉。你能告诉我们AGI 在德国的情况吗?它是如何运行的?他们如何选择成员?

是的,尽管 AGI 在德国设计各个领域,的知名度不尽相同,但在平面设计领域也享有,很高的声誉。我们根据成员的作品、他们的影响力、他们在国内或国际上,的声誉、他们在视觉语言方面的独特声音,来选择成员。
11th Shanghai Biennale

对于 AGI 未来的发展,您有什么期待和建议?

AGI 在随着世界不断变化,我们也在随之变化。但最重要的是,我希望 AGI 能成为设计师之间交流,和对话的平台,设计师们创作并分享有,影响力的作品,我想这就是 AGI 的本质:一个演讲、学习、交流经验和激发,想法的平台,也是结交世界各地,朋友的平台。
Orchestra of the National Theatre Mannheim
How do you continue to run a series of art publication and make it unique? 

Choosing a topic that interests you is essential. one that has a lot to offer, in our case of fukt magazine it’s drawing. people always drew and will always draw no doubt about that, so there is an ever regrowing body of content for the magazine. but in the same time there are many readers interested in it. drawing is something that people love. we just simply observe what’s going on in the art scene of drawing. uniqueness comes from different angles. its the theme of the publication but also what you make of it. in our case its a very personal look at the world of drawing, a personal selection of art, our taste. and then comes the design to it, which again is a personal approach, since no one is telling us what to do or not to do. that makes it unique.

As a designer and artist raised and educated in Germany, what is the current design education in Germany? And what is the impact of German design education on you?

There are alway conscious and unconscious elements to education. conscious meaning to which school you went, what you actually learned there. unconscious, in which culture you grew up and were surrounded by, that starts early on and gets to you through your parents, society, the country you live in or the virtual space you are moving through. i am not really involved in design education and honestly cannot tell so much about the current situation. but we were and are heavily influenced by the bauhaus school in Germany, Swiss and dutch design, the dada movement.. then mix in a little bit of zeitgeist and globalisation and there you go. i think though art and design schools in Germany vary a lot from school to school, city to city, teacher to teacher. its quite individual as well. and as you know there could just be one person having a big impact on you as a student because that person for whatever reason spoke to you and touched your designer heart. sometimes that’s a teacher or just another designer or even a piece of design. i think we find our „teachers“ sometimes accidentally. because all of a sudden there is an approach, a thinking, a movement or a way of going through life that speaks to you and reaches you, and all of a sudden everything falls into place and starts making sense. this doesn’t necessarily happen in the schools. it can happen to you everywhere at any time. watch out for it! this can also happen between AGI members, i think we constantly learn from each other at our gatherings.

AGI has a high reputation among graphic designers in China. Can you tell us about the status of AGI in Germany? How does it work? How do they choose a member?

yes AGI certainly has a high reputation too in Germany, but its also not known to the same level throughout all design disciplines, but among graphic designers it is. we choose our members by looking at their body of work, their impact to audiences, their national and/ or international reputation, their unique voice regarding their visual language.

For the future development of AGI, what are your expectations and suggestions?

AGI its in constant flux, as the world changes we change with it. but above all i hope AGI stays a place for exchange and conversation among designers that have created works of impact and are open to others. thats what it basically is: a place for speaking, learning, exchanging experiences and ideas and also for making friends that are spread out around the whole world.
图片版权:Ariane Spanier,

    关注 陆俊毅_设计现场


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