Day12: 爷爷奶奶教会了我们什么?




第12天 Jessica的日记
Did you see Timothy today? 你今天见到Tim了吗?

Yes. 见了。

What did y’all do together? 你们一起做了什么?

We went to Easter brunch on the Upper East Side with Tim’s old teacher Sara from The School of Visual Arts. I was impressed by how sharp she is for an 85-year-old lady. We talked about everything from the latest museum shows, the TV show Girls, to politics. 我们去了上东村吃复活节早午餐,Tim以前在视觉艺术学院的老师Sara和我们一起。老太太85岁了,脑筋还很灵活,让我很惊讶。我们聊了很多,从最新的博物馆展览到电视剧Girls,还聊了政治。

Did anything interesting happen? 有没有什么有趣的事发生?

Spending time with Sara reminded me of my grandfather who passed away years ago. Easter was one of his favorite holidays, and I couldn’t help but become nostalgic at brunch. I remembered how he’d give me a chocolate bunny every year. I’d only eat the ears. 跟Sara聊天让我想起了几年前去世的外公。复活节是他最喜欢的节日之一,在早午餐的席间,我不禁有点怀念起往事。我还记得他每年会送给我一只巧克力兔子。我只会吃掉它的耳朵。

One Saturday over five years ago, my grandfather was rushed to the hospital with heart problems. I spent the day with him, and when visiting hours were almost over, I couldn’t muster the courage to tell him how much I loved him. The next morning I missed the 8:05 train from Grand Central Station to Harrison, NY by a matter of minutes. When I finally arrived, I knew from the look in my mom’s eyes that he was gone. He passed only ten minutes before I got there. I was devastated that I never got to tell him how much I loved him. My mom suggested that I hand write him a letter. However, Poppy was proud that he learned to email just a few weeks earlier, so I emailed him my letter instead. 在五年前的一个周六,祖父心脏出了问题被送去了医院。我在医院里陪了他一天,探访的时间快要结束了,我却没有鼓起勇气告诉他,我有多爱他。第二天早上我错过了从中央车站出发去哈里森的8点05分的火车,只差几分钟。终于赶到的时候,妈妈的眼睛告诉我,祖父已经走了。他是在十分钟前去世的。我很后悔自己再也不能告诉他我有多爱他。妈妈建议我手写一封信给他。因为祖父几个星期前还骄傲地说自己学会了用电子邮件,所以我发了一封电邮给他。

Poppy spoiled my grandma with love, attention, and so much food! He did everything for her. My mom always told us that we should never settle unless a guy treated us like this. I looked for this in relationships when I was younger, but I always felt that it’s unattractive when a guy holds me too highly on a pedestal. When Poppy passed, my grandma didn’t know how to take care of herself. I think it’s good to find the right balance of mutual support, with the occasional spoiling on both ends, but I don’t want to ever depend on a guy. 外公宠爱了我的外婆,用他的爱,关怀,还有超级多的食物!他帮她做了一切。我妈妈总是告诉我们,永远不要为一个男人停留,如果他没有像外公对待外婆一样对待我们。年纪小一点的时候,我在恋爱里寻找这种感觉,不过总觉得一个男人把我放在高高的神坛上没有什么吸引力。外公去世后,外婆不知道怎么去照顾自己。我想,两个人互相支持,保持一种平衡,偶尔也宠一下对方,这样挺好的。不过我绝不想依赖一个男人。

Did you learn anything new about Timothy? 你有没有更了解Tim?

Tim interacted with Sara with patience and kindness, which was nice to see! He told me about his own grandparents, and how close he is to them. It’s nice to hear that family is important to him, too. Tim对待Sara满是耐心和善意,让人看了很欣慰。他说起他的祖父母,他们之间很亲近。

Did you learn anything new about yourself? 你有没有更了解自己?

Poppy imparted so much wisdom to my family over the years. He was full of what my family would call “Poppyisms,” which were sayings that he’d repeat to us over and over and over and over. 这些年,外公传授给我们太多的智慧。他充满了我们家说的“外公主义”,他在家里会重复一遍一遍又一遍的道理。

Being good to others is my only religion. 友善是我唯一的宗教信仰。

Don't buy green bananas. 不要买青色的香蕉。

Just do what you love and never work a day in your life. 做你喜欢做的事情,那么你这辈子也不用工作了。

everything in moderation. 一切尽在适度。

Getting old is getting glorious. 变老就是变得更绚丽。

Hard work never hurt. 努力工作永远没有坏处。

Indulge & You'll buldge. 自我沉醉,你会膨胀。

Live to learn. 活到老学到老。

Live within your means. 量入为出。

How do you feel about this relationship/project right now? 你现在对这段关系/实验感觉怎么样?

Like the last couple days, my headaches today were severe. I didn’t feel up for going to brunch, but it sounded important to Tim that I meet Sara, so I dragged myself there. It’s really hard to enjoy anything these days, I am in so much physical pain. 这几天我头痛得厉害,不是很想赴约,不过见Sara好像对Tim来说很重要。所以我把自己拖到了那儿。这些天真的很难放松心情,我的身体有太多病痛。

Is there anything that you want to do differently? 有没有什么是你想改变的?

Poppy always said that if you have your health, you have everything. I need to take care of this headache situation. Friday I have an appointment to go to a neurologist, maybe they will have better insight than my regular doctor. So it goes. 外公常说你有了健康的身体,你就有了一切。我必须得好好对待自己的头痛。这个星期五我预约了一个神经病学家,也许他们比我的家庭医生更了解状况。就这样吧。

Additional comments? 其他想法?

Tim was silent when Sara and I were discussing the most recent gallery and museum shows around New York. I’m only now realizing he doesn’t enjoy the art world as much as I do. 当我和Sara在讨论纽约最近的画廊和博物馆展览,Tim都不说话。我才意识到他没有像我一样享受这个艺术的圈子。

12天 Tim的日记

Did you see Jessica today? 你今天见到Jessica了吗?

Yessir. 是的大人。

What did y’all do together? 你们一起做了什么?

We made plans to have Easter brunch with Sara, who’s a former typography teacher of mine. Sara is in her mid-80s, and she’s always been really great to me. She’s as smart as a whip, and I appreciate her wisdom and knowledge. She was shocked when I told her that I’d be bringing Jessica along. It’s the first time I’ve ever introduced a girl to Sara. 我们约好了和Sara一起去吃复活节的早午餐,Sara是我之前教字体的老师。她85岁左右,对我很好。她像小辫子一样灵活聪明,我很欣赏她的智慧和知识。她很吃惊,因为我告诉她会带上Jessica。这是我第一次向Sara介绍一个女生。

Did anything interesting happen? 有没有什么有趣的事发生?

After what happened last night, I figured Jessie wouldn’t come to brunch. However, she called me early in the AM to say that she still wanted to come. I was happy about that, but I was also a bit nervous. No need to bring our drama around someone over 80. 昨天的事情发生后,我以为Jessie不会来了。结果,她早上打电话给我,说她还是想来。我很开心,但是也有点紧张。没有必要让我们俩的小争吵波及到一个80多岁的人。

When I picked Jessie up in a cab, I gave her one of those chocolate Easter eggs. I was trying to be funny and make light of what happened last night. 我在出租车里接上Jessie,还给了她一个复活节的巧克力蛋。我尽量搞笑,故作轻松地说起昨天晚上的事。

Did you learn anything new about Jessica? 你有没有更了解Jessica?

Sometimes Jessie doesn’t like to talk a lot. Sara was very excited to meet her, and she asked Jessie a lot of questions about her work. I know Jessie was super exhausted from the night before, and of course her headaches are horrible, but I don’t think she asked one question the whole time. But hey, the apple crumble was amazing. 有时候Jessie不喜欢说太多话。Sara见到她很兴奋,问了她好多工作方面的问题。我知道昨天晚上让Jessie很累,而且她的头痛很严重,不过我不觉得她只问了一个问题。不过,hey, 苹果酥太好吃了。

Did you learn anything new about yourself? 你有没有更了解自己?

I brought Sara flowers. I think it’s important to be sweet and respectful to my elders, since I’ve always had a very close relationship with my grandparents. They’re both creative people, and their personal lives and their relationship has always been a big inspiration to me. They love to travel, and my grandmother still sends me postcards. The one on the left is from last September. She sent me the one on the right when I was eight years old. 我给Sara带来了鲜花。因为跟祖父母很亲近,我觉得温柔地对待老人家,尊敬他们,很重要。他们都是有创意的人,他们的个人生活和彼此的相处一直对我启发很大。他们喜欢旅行,祖母还会寄给我明信片。左边的是她去年九月寄给我的。右边这个是我八岁的时候她寄给我的。

How do you feel about this relationship/project right now? 你现在对这段关系/实验感觉怎么样?

We didn’t really talk about what happened last night, and that’s fine by me. I feel like I’m walking on eggshells a bit. However, I gotta admit her Crazy is starting to turn me on. 我们没有怎么聊昨晚发生的事,我是还好。感觉我在蛋壳上行走,小心翼翼的。不过,我不得不说她的“疯狂”真吸引人。(wth...所以Tim才是那个喜欢drama的人)

Is there anything that you want to do differently? 有没有什么是你想改变的?

I can’t stress out when Jessie stresses out. I can’t let her mood swings bother me. We all have our problems, and I want to keep my cool no matter what happens. 我不能在Jessie有压力的时候,也压力山大。我不能让她的情绪影响我。我们都有自己的问题,我想要保持我的“酷度”,不管发生了什么事。

Addtional comments? 其他想法?

Jessie looked cute at brunch. I like it when her hair is back. Jessie吃饭的时候很可爱。我喜欢她把头发放到后面。

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