

【第十九章】  从去殡仪管那天起,连着几天,他都忙着。  忙的时候把大脑锁起来,什么也不想。那天殡仪...










Chinese-English Paraphrase
of Lao Tzu
汉英双解 老子
Cai Zhongyuan
Author’s Preface

In the long history of the development of mankind, thephilosophers and thinkers over the world have left to us many invaluableheritages of thoughts and cultures. But in contrast, Lao Tzu can be called aunique historical figure that has outshined most of them in that his thoughtshave always been shining with unusually extraordinary brilliance and splendor. Inthe past 2,500 years, not only has Lao Tzu’s ideological system been spokenhighly of by the circle of the Chinese thoughts and theories and the circles ofthe Japanese and Korean thoughts and theories but also has it been highlyvalued by the circles of the European and American thoughts and theories. Therefore,in behaving oneself, nurturing one’s moral life and managing state andgovernment affairs, Lao Tzu’s thought has been and will for ever be the firstand foremost self-contained theoretical system that can lead mankind on the wayto healthy development, and thus he deserves to be recognized as the firstancestor of all schools of thought in China.

In the past, some scholars claimed that the thought of“take non-action and manage everything successfully” proposed by Lao Tzu wasmore than negative and unenterprising. This was attributed to the fact thatthey had not taken efforts to understand his profound and coherent themes andthey had only interpreted them out of context based on their reference tolimited time and space. As a matter of fact, many scholars come to be keenlyaware that it is one of the most positive ideological principles to stick to “takenon-action and manage everything successfully”, because the concept of “non-action”is to call for “forget one’s own knowledge and give up one’s own wisdom as asage”, which means giving up the idea of one’s own pursuing excessive materialenjoyment in order to meet the common requirements of others, the society, thecountry and even the whole mankind, and assert that people should do things inconformity with natural law but not vice versa and that everyone should forgettheir own personal interests, make contributions to the society as they should,and do their utmost to serve the public interests and enterprise. Only in sodoing can the country, the society and even the whole world attain the goal oflasting peace and stability.

Lao Tzu establishes his ideological system against thebackground of the whole universe, takes the whole nature as the domain of hisdiscussion and asserts that every individual should give up their own interestsand make contributions to the country and every country should give up theirown interests and make contributions to the world so that the whole mankind mayhave a promising future in common development. Meanwhile, any individual’sinterests and any organization’s interests are not so important and stressshould be laid on the interests at the highest level, i.e. the public andcommon interests of the majority of people over the world. If the greatestpublic interests cannot be guaranteed, how can the individual’s interests be guaranteed?Therefore, Lao Tzu’s thought is not only not negative at all but also more thanpositive and honorable, being characterized by the enterprising spirit oftranscending the material world. President Xi Jinping cited “Governinga power is just like cooking fresh tiddlers” when he began to take his office,which was a quotation from the first sentence of Chapter 60 in Lao Tzu; meanwhile, Premier Li Keqiangconcluded his own life-long work experience with nine Chinese characters (butin English more than nine words), namely, “Practice Great Tao, take people asthe root and benefit the world” at a press conference after he took his office.This conclusion of his work experience could reflect some of the main ideas in Lao Tzu. From what they have mentioned,it can be seen that today’s China’s top leaders come to attach much importanceto and begin to apply Lao Tzu’s thought and theory to their own work. UNSecretary General Ban Ki-moon quoted Lao Tzu’s saying that “The way of heavenis to benefit but not to harm, and the way of the sage is to act but not tocompete” in his inaugural speech after he was reelected UN Secretary General.

This notwithstanding,we are still faced with a grim reality today. In the present period whenmankind has procured highly advanced material civilization, spiritualcivilization and moral standards have not been simultaneously promoted but haveregrettably been demoted. In order to develop and expand their own interests,many countries in the world have never put a stop to struggling; and in orderto consolidate their own interests, they have never put a stop to the R&Dof sophisticated hi-tech lethal weapons. It is self-evident that when mankindhas acquired high-level wisdom, they come gradually to exhaust varieties ofvaluable natural resources for their own temporary benefit, which willinevitably result in self-destruction of mankind in the foreseeable future.

Judging from thefact that many countries develop their own interests, they do commandextraordinary wisdom, but if we think it over by means of rational reasoning inview of the long-lasting development of mankind, then where is their wisdomreflected? The social practice in the past few thousand years proves that todestroy others is to destroy ourselves. In the past hundred years, science andtechnology have been rapidly developed, and simply in this short historicalperiod, the number of people who have died in various wars should rank first inthe war history of mankind. Therefore, believe it or not, for whoever he is,the only ever-lasting bright way of development is to take the public andcommon interests of mankind as his own interests to look upon; and there is no betterway than this. So undoubtedly in this field, Lao Tzu’s thought turns out to bea system of fully-developed universal values with one of the main ideas beingthat to live well, you must let others live better.

Therefore, it is ofgreat realistic and historic significance either for us or for others to studyand acquire this system of universal values in the present period when variousinterest groups still keep fighting and competing. Up to date, more and moretheorists and entrepreneurs have come to treasure such universal values andstart using it to pursue the further development of their organizations andenterprises. This is because they know well that when their organizations andenterprises develop to a certain extent, if they continue to expand the spaceof their further development, they must get rid of the obstacles from amongthemselves; if they want to get rid of the obstacles from among themselves,they have almost no alternative but to use this system of universal values. Anyorganizations and enterprises will never be able to realize their dream oflong-lasting development if they do not put such universal values in theirpractice. Mr. Li Ka-shing, a great businessman, has always had a good commandof this system of universal values and so he has succeeded. He mentioned andreiterated the importance of universal values when giving lectures to thestudents in Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. This proves that greatsuccess always stays together with universal values.

It is axiomatic thatthe system of universal values is a universal truth that will never change withtime. This is exactly great contributions that Lao Tzu has made to thelong-lasting co-existence of mankind in terms of peace and stability. Most ofgreat thinkers over the world admire Lao Tzu so whole-heartedly today, thereason being just that.





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