华尔街虎女 5



Chapter 8. Learning, Burning, and Crashing

●  Most of the dates Andrew and I went on did not take place in restaurant or theaters. Instead, he would accompany me on field trips and to my office over the weekend to brainstorm investment ideas or help me build financial models.


●  After China become the world factory with cheap labor and low costs, there are three waves of Chinese companies was invading U.S. capital markets.

1. The first wave of Chinese IPOs began coming to U.S. markets in 1990s. these companies were state-built empires in strategic industries such as insurance, energy, and telecommunications, monopolies constructed with generous government funding and production.

2. The second wave of Chinese companies hit U.S. exchanges in the early to mid-2000s. These firms were sexier than their predecessors because they operated in hot industries such as technology, consumer products, and media.

3. The third wave of Chinese IPOs, which rushed to join the party on the American exchanges around 2006, presented problems of its own for investors.

●  The company’s low R&D (research and development) budget was commonplace in China. The main reason was the loose enforcement of China’s intellectual property laws. I start to realize that this was the reason for China’s notorious lack of innovation. The culture of lawlessness meant many companies feared having their products reverse-engineered and copycatted.

读书笔记: 中国科技产品的研发发展水平是和我国对于知识产权保护的重视程度密切相关的。同时还是和我们对于创新意识的激励制度有关。这也是我国一直是世界工厂做贴牌产品但是迟迟没有创造发明新产品的一个很重要的原因。鼓励创新,尊重和保护知识产权,在产品研发投入大量的人力物力财力并有效利用是我国在世界市场上推出有竞争力的产品的一个发展方向。

●  China’s green-tech companies

The companies tried to show off their labs and “proprietary technologies,” but it soon became obvious to me that they were following the same low-cost manufacturing model as any Chinese button or sock manufacturer.

China’s green-tech companies became known not just for lacking intellectual property but also for stealing it.


●  China’s hefty government subsidies lower the costs for domestic manufactures and allowed them to win market share. But ultimately they damaged their business by creating excess capacity in the market. So the United States and European Union passed antidumping actions to protect their market from low-priced Chinese products.

读书笔记: 欧盟反倾销




●  Being an Asian woman in a white male-dominated world also helped me to stand out. People noticed me and my questions at various conference, field trips, and industry events. I wasn’t sure what my next move will be, so I took some time off to travel, learn to surf, and get some much-needed rest, after having worked so intensely for five years.

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