Rob Young——玩音乐,从墨尔本到上海



墨尔本作为澳洲最大的音乐发散地,有着像Revolver这样的club,能连开72小时不停歇,让你跳到舞鞋发烫。那么上海的音乐现场又是如何呢?文化多元的上海无时不刻不在刺激着人们探索新鲜事物的好奇心。从爵士到Hip-Hop,每天都有最有趣的音乐现场在上海发生。这个星期,我们采访了来自新加坡的音乐人Robin Yang,他在上海成立了Transmission,致力于为大家呈现不一样的电音冲击。和往常一样,我们坐下来和他聊了聊他在上海的音乐生活!

Melbourne is Australia’s main music city, with crazy clubs like Revolver open for 72hrs straight, how does Shanghai nightlife stack up? To answer this we sat down with a previous Melbournian, Singaporean producer, DJ and businessman, Robin Yang, aka Rob Young the creator of the House-Techno label - Transmission.

Having cut his teeth in the Melbourne clubs way back in the 90s, he has since graced decks throughout Australia, Singapore and now Shanghai.

Robin 你好,给我们讲讲你第一次当DJ的经历吧? 

那应该是2000年,16年前了,当时我在墨尔本。我是一个很喜欢Old-School的人,喜欢Pink Floyd, Beatles,The Smiths,墨尔本激发了我对音乐的狂热,有各种各样的演出。当时有一次去看Derrick May的演出,场地容纳了八千到一万人,我觉得他有种把黑人音乐和Hip-Hop完美融合的能力,之后我就决定开始玩音乐。

Hey Robin, so when did you first decide to pursue a music career?

I think it was 16 years ago, around the 2000, I was still in Melbourne. I used to be very into Old-School music like Pink Floyd, The Beatles and The Smiths. Back then Melbourne was a rave capital, there were loads of rave parties going on and I saw a bunch of good acts, it blew my mind. Once, I was at a party with 8,000 to 10,000 people and one of the DJs was Derrick May. He had this talent to blend different genres together perfectly and I idolised that. After hearing that, I decided to pursue a career as a DJ.


第一次来上海是2002年,当时就觉得wow,这个城市就是未来。(笑) 重新做音乐之前我已经有9年没有当DJ了,有次偶然的经验,上海的朋友推荐我去Shiva做一个DJ演出,那一次演出让我感受到上海的观众对电子乐有强烈的渴望,这在一定程度上激发了我,让我想重新开始做音乐。

 When did you first arrive in Shanghai?

I first arrived in Shanghai in 2002, I remember thinking to myself “Wow! This city is the future” haha. I had actually stopped playing music for 9 years already and it was by chance that I picked up DJ-ing again. A friend recommended me to spin at a club called Shiva and watching the crowd go crazy during my set reminded me why I became a DJ. It was easy to pick it up again.



 What is the difference between Shanghai and Melbourne's music scene?

Melbourne’s music scene is very mature and everyone is familiar with different genres. It’s very different in Shanghai because DJ-ing hasn’t reached its pinnacle yet. It seems like people here have more anticipation for it. So in SH, when I have a show I will usually prepare a few genres and test it out on the crowd, then feed them more of the kind of music they like. Playing something that the crowd enjoys is actually a skill.



So a DJ needs some skills? Have you ever had a bad performance?

I basically never perform badly. But, I would say... this year was the first time it happened, but I’ll keep the name of the place to myself. hahaha! I had prepared my set beforehand, but during the show, the organisers kept bugging me to reduce the bass and increase the melody. It was obvious that what they wanted was EDM and not Techno. In my opinion, they shouldn’t invite a DJ to perform and then say we don’t like your music. This was my worst experience. I ended up with just getting a friend to replace me.


非常大, 在Shelter这样的场地演出,我更倾向于准备一些Techno类型的音乐,但在Le Baron 这样的地方,我会选择House Music。因为听House Music 观众之间会有更多互动,更符合Le Baron的整体氛围,Le Baron 是一个休闲场所,Shelter则更像是音乐场所。

So do you consider the venue when creating your set? Is it important?

Yes! For example, if I play at Shelter, I would lean towards Techno, but if it is Le Baron, I would blast House Music. House gets people interacting with each other and suits Le Baron’s atmosphere. Le Baron is for people to wind down after a long day and have fun, while Shelter is a place where people normally go for the music.



Which city do you want to visit the most?

Of course it’s Berlin! Berlin is well known as a Techno-city, I would love to visit.



 What are your future plan as a DJ?

I created Transmission with a few musicians with very unique styles. In the future, I want to expand Transmission and bring good music to the people. In this aspect, Jameson has given us tremendous support and help. They are like a good friend. From a longer-term perspective, I have a 19 month old kid, so I also need to consider his future life, but my family are always supportive of my career.



Any advice for new DJs?

Always love music, choose a few genres that you really enjoy and never stop practicing. Keep it real, and do it for life.

想感受一下Robin的电音冲击吗?这周五来Dope Shifu看看吧。如果音乐还不能满足你的话,提前来我们的微店,Jameson美酒一定能补偿你。

Want to experience Robin's music first hand? Then get down to Dope Shifu this Friday. If music isn't enough come by our WeChat store and treat yourself a Jameson package at home instead.

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