Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?北极熊你听到了什么?







This playful story conbines animals, colours and sounds in a rowdy menagerie that children will enjoy imitating.


绘本信息:Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?
作者:Bill Martin Jr

绘图:Eric Carle
出版社:Puffin Books



故事大意:Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?
Polar Bear, Polar Bear, what do you hear?
I hear a lion roaring in my ear.
Lion, Lion, what do you hear?
I hear a hippopotamus snorting in my ear.
Hippopotamus, Hippopotamus, what do you hear?
I hear a flamingo fluting in my ear.
Flamingo, Flamingo, what do you hear?
I hear a zebra braying in my ear.
Zebra, Zebra, what do you hear?
I hear a boa constrictor hissing in my ear.
Boa Constrictor, Boa Constrictor, what do you hear?
I hear an elephant trumpeting in my ear.
Elephant, Elephant, what do you hear?
I hear a leopard snarling in my ear.
Leopard, Leopard, what do you hear?
I hear a peacock yelping in my ear.
Peacock, Peacock, what do you hear?
I hear a walrus bellowing in my ear.
Walrus, Walrus, what do you hear?
I hear a zookeeper whistling in my ear.
Zookeeper, Zookeeper, what do you hear?
I hear children...
...growling like a polar bear, roaring like a lion, snorting like a hippopotamus, fluting like a flamingo, braying like a zebra, hissing like a boa constrictor, trumpeting like an elephant, snarling like a leopard, yelping like a peacock, bellowing like a walrus...
that's what I hear.


Eric Carle,艾瑞卡尔,国际儿童文学大师,绘本专家,他创作了超过70本作品,光是《饥饿的毛毛虫》就被翻译成47种语言版本,销售超过3000万册,他荣获纽约时报年度最佳童书、意大利波隆那书展设计大奖,并在英国、法国、日本等获得70余次国际性大奖。他的个人图画书美术馆,更是美国第一个图画书美术馆。


1    Guess how much I love you (猜猜我有多爱你)
2    My Dad (我爸爸)
3    My Mum (我妈妈)
4    Something From Nothing(爷爷一定有办法)
5    David Gets in Trouble (大卫惹烦)
6    David goes to school (大卫上学去)
7    no david (大卫不可以)
8    Swimmy(小黑鱼)
9    Little Blue and Little Yellow(小蓝和小黄)
10    Rosie's Walk (母鸡萝丝去散步)
11    When the Wind Stops(风到哪里去了)
12    Duck on a Bike(鸭子骑车记)
13    Pumpkin Soup(南瓜汤)
14    Play with Me(和我一起玩)
15    Sylvester and the Magic Pebble (驴小弟变石头)
16    The Very Hungry Caterpillar(好饿的毛毛虫)
17    The Runaway Bunny(逃家小兔)
18    Miss Rumphius (花婆婆)
19    Good Night, Gorilla(晚安,大猩猩)
20    Make Way for Ducklings(让路给小鸭子)
21    John Patrick Norman McHennessy (迟到大王)
22    Mr Gumpy’s Outing(和甘伯伯去游河)
23    Mr Gumpy's Motor Car(和甘伯伯去兜风)
24    Where Willy Went…(小威向前冲)
25    Badger's Parting Gifts(獾的礼物)
26    Owl Moon(月下看猫头鹰)
27    A Color of His Own 自己的颜色
28    One Fine Day(晴朗的一天)
29    Giraffes Can't Dance (长颈鹿不会跳舞)
30    The Tiny Seed (小种子)
31    Mister seahorse (海马先生)
32    Mirette on the high wire (天空在脚下)
33    Starry Messenger(星际使者)
34    You're All My Favourites(你们都是我的最爱)
35    The story about ping(小鸭子历险记)
36    Froggy gets dressed (小青蛙穿衣服)
37    The gruffalo(咕噜牛)
38    The gruffalo's child (咕噜牛小妞妞)
39    Harris finds his feet (哈里的大脚)
40    We're Going on a Bear Hunt(我们去猎熊)
41    Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs阴天有时下肉丸
42    Cinderella (灰姑娘)
43    Voices in the park(公园里的声音)
44    The i love you book (我爱你图书)
45    Grandfater's journey(爷爷的旅程 )
46    Now one foot, now the other(先左脚后右脚)
47    A Tree is nice (树真好)
48    I'll always love you(我会一直爱你)
49    Stone soup (石头汤)
50    The giving tree (爱心树)
51    Chanticleer and the Fox (公鸡和狐狸)
52    Good night OWL (晚安猫头鹰)
53    The feel good book (感觉好极了)
54    The alphabet tree (字母树)
55    Inch by inch (一寸虫)
56    It's mine(这是我的)
57    Matthew's dream (马修的梦)
58    I like me (我喜欢自己)
59    diary of a worm (蚯蚓的日记)
60    Would You Rather? (你喜欢)
61    good boy fergus!(好样的费格斯)
62    nicolas where have you been (尼古拉斯你去哪儿)
63    white snow bright snow (白雪晶晶)
64    mooncake frank asch (月亮熊的月饼)
65    moongame frank asch (月亮熊的游戏)
66    the mammy book (妈妈)
67    Strega Nona (巫婆奶奶)
68    courage (勇气)
69    what do you a teil like this? (尾巴怎么了?)
70    me and you (我和你)
71    the daddy book (爸爸)
72    harquin (小狐狸)
73    a chair for my mother (妈妈的红沙发)
74    when sophie gets angry-really,really angry...(菲菲生气了)
75    raven (乌鸦)
76    happy birthday,moon (月亮生日快乐)
77    the bremen town musicians (不莱梅镇音乐家)
78    the carrot seed (胡萝卜的种子)
79    goodnight moon (晚安月亮)
80    the snowy day (下雪天)
81    Puss in Boots(穿靴子的猫)
82    do you wantto be my friend (你做我的朋友吧)
83    moonnbear's shadow (月亮熊的影子)
84    goldilochs and the three bears (金发姑娘和三只小熊)
85    the three little wolves and the big bad pig (三只小狼和大坏猪)
86    my daddy ang me (我和爸爸)
87    the tiger-skin rug (虎皮毯子)
88    1,2,3to the zoo 1,2,3 (去动物园)
89    polar bear,polar bear,what do you hear?(北极熊你听到了什么)
90    chrysanthemum by kevin henkes (我的名字克丽桑丝美美菊花)
91    whose mouse are you?(这是谁的老鼠)
92    does a kangaroo have a mother,too?(袋鼠也有妈妈吗?)
93    Tico and the golden wings.(缔可的金色翅膀)
94    changes,changes (千变万化)无字版
95    rooster’s off to see the world.(公鸡看天下)
96    today is moday (今天是星期一)
97    olivia (奥莉薇)
98    the snowman (雪人)
99    the dot (点)
100    brown bear, brown bear,what do you see (棕熊你看到什么)
101    Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears: A West African Tale (为什么蚊子老在人们耳边嗡嗡叫)
102    can’t you sleep ,little bear (你睡不着吗,小熊)
103    papa please get the moon for me (爸爸请为我摘月亮)
104    corduroy (小熊可可)
105    what game shall we play (我们玩什么游戏)
106    the egg tree (彩蛋树)
107    owl bables (猫头鹰宝宝)
108    Click,Clack Moo:Cows That Type(会打字的奶牛)
109    Draw Me a Star (给我画星星)
110    Let's Go Home, Little Bear (回家吧,小熊)
111    the surprise party (惊喜的聚会)
112    Clocks and More Clocks (金老爷买钟)
113    the wind blew (风吹起来)
114    granpa (外公)
115    Ask Mr. Bear (问一问熊先生)
116    Lon Po Po (狼婆婆)
117    Prayer for A Child (宝宝的祈祷)
118    When I Was Young in the Mountains (山中旧事)
119    things i like (我喜欢一切)
120    Five Minutes' Peace (大象一家:让我安静五分钟)
121    The Tunnel :(隧道)
122     Friends (好朋友)
123    Eric Carle’s Mixed-Up Chameleon (拼拼凑凑的变色龙)
124    Eric Carle’s The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse (画马的艺术家)
125    Eric Carle’s ABC (ABC)
126    Eric Carle's 123 (123)
127    Eric Carle’s The Grouchy Ladybug (爱生气的瓢虫)
128    Eric Carle’s Have you seen my cat? (你看到我的猫了吗?)
129    Eric Carle’s Little Cloud by (一朵小白云)
130    Eric Carle’s A House for Hermit Crab (寄居蟹的房子)
131    Eric Carle’s The Foolish Tortoise (傻傻的乌龟)
132    Eric Carle’s From Head to Toe (从头到脚)
133    Eric Carle’s panda bear what do you see? (熊猫你看到了什么)
134    Eric Carle’s Baby Bear Baby Bear What Do You See? (熊宝宝,你看到了什么?)
135    Eric Carle’s The Very Busy Spider (非常忙的蜘蛛)
136    The Doorbell Rang (门铃又响了)
137    if you give a mouse a cookie (你要是给小老鼠吃饼干)
138    If You Give a Pig a Pancake (要是你给猪吃煎饼)
139    Owen (阿文的小毯子)
140    Look What I've Got!(看看我有什么)
141    Bus Stops  (巴士到站了)
142    Have You Seen My Duckling? (你看到我的小鸭了吗?)
143    Mama, Do You Love Me? (妈妈,你爱我吗?)
144    My Brother (我哥哥)
145    On Market Street (市场街)
146    Sheep in a Shop (绵羊去商店)
147    Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (叽喀叽喀碰碰)
148    My Friend Rabbit (我的兔子朋友)
149    The Chick and the Duckling (小鸡和小鸭)
150    “Slowly, Slowly,Slowly,”said the Sloth (“慢点,慢点,再慢点,”树懒说)
151    Willy the Champ (冠军威利)
152    Freight Train (火车快跑)
153    Willy the Dreamer (梦想家威利)
154    Willy the Wimp (胆小鬼威利)
155    I Want to Be an Astronaut (我想做宇航员)
156    Eric Carle: Secret Birthday Message (神秘的生日信息)
157    A New Coat for Anna (安娜的新大衣)
158    Where the Wild Things Are 50th Anniversary Edition (野兽出没的地方)
159    The Spiffiest Giant in Town (城里最漂亮的巨人)
160    Hello, Red Fox (by Eric Carle) (嗨,红狐狸)
161    The Mitten (手套)
162    Pancakes, Pancakes! (by Eric Carle)(薄饼,薄饼)
163    The Very Lonely Firefly (Level 2)(独孤的萤火虫)
164    The Tiger Who Came to Tea  (老虎来喝下午茶)
165    Mice Twice (再来一只老鼠)
167    Caps for Sale (卖帽子)
168    10 Little Rubber Ducks (十只小橡皮鸭子)
169    The Relatives Came (亲朋自远方来)



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