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What is the most important action for a country’s leader to take to ensure prosperity and success of a country: 1) create job for unemployed workers 2) improving agriculture and ensuring low prices of food 3) improving access to affordable housing




For those developed countries where residents do not need to worry about their most basic needs, local governments have reason to set more store by creating jobs for the unemployed compared with other two aspects.

However, as soon as those poor and backward areas are concerned, what should be placed on the top of the priority list is improving agriculture simply because there are still a host of people in these poverty-stricken countries who cannot feed themselves even in good years. For relevant example, we just need to turn to Niger, one of the poorest place on earth, which is once again in the grip of food crisis.



欧洲的 Portuguese sailors在16世纪以前就抵达了澳大利亚


  • 欧洲在1550年代就流传了关于澳大利亚的地图
  • 欧洲有本1593年的书讲到袋鼠,而它是澳大利亚的典型动物。所有欧洲可能在1606年前就有关于澳大利亚的知识了
  • 有研究人员在澳大利亚找到了欧洲产的铁钥匙,并且他们分析了钥匙附近的土壤,发现土壤的日期可以追溯到1500年代

  • 地图上的landmass的形状和澳大利亚不同。地图可能是由二手故事得到的。而二手故事是古代水手留下来的。所以可能并没有人在1520年代到过澳大利亚
  • 袋鼠并不都在澳大利亚,美洲也有袋鼠,而欧洲之前探索过美洲
  • 后来研究人员用一种new, improved analysis method,发现土壤的日期不能确定钥匙的日期


  • 文章1:古时候的历法


  • 文章2:昆虫翅膀的进化


  • 文章3:美国糖果业的发展




词汇机经functionrolerudimentaryprimitiveretainkeepfulfillperformrecommendsupportaim to dointend to doenduringlastingmaskhidefoundationbasismotivereasonsophisticatedcomplexanticipatepredict听力部分


学生要写paper关于一个地方先衰弱,后来又兴盛了。她和教授来讨论这个Topic(主旨);教授说这个题目很好啊,你可以写我之前讲过的那个例子(某地区A); A之前呢有很多的银子,大家就来开采,结果表面的银子被挖完了,只能越挖越深,最后再挖的成本就高了。而且那个时候国家经济出了问题,什么故事震荡,这样A就衰落(双选,为什么A衰落了),之后A又复兴了,因为发展ski。但是一些城市没有发展ski也复兴了,因为依赖他的历史,很多人来参观建筑(有题);那学生做这个研究要注意什么?(三选:1. 那些矿产工人没有文化,所以你没有办法得到文字信息,只能亲自去问;2. 你要考虑当地和全国范围内这些因素的共同影响;3....)

Lecture 1

美国中央公园,这篇文章在说中央公园受到英国park 的影响;17世纪,英国的公园不是开放的,但它可以净化空气,保护环境(有题)。慢慢的park就开放了,市民对公园很感兴趣,公园内外结构啥的。当时报纸上有很多文章都是在写公园(有题),有个德国人,来英国看到了这个park,发现很不错啊,然后他就在美国也建了一个一样的(有题)。这个德国人很有意思,他并没有系统的学过地形学,他只是个作家,所以这让大众感到惊讶(有题)。美国当时搞了个比赛。这个人的最初方案收到了广大人民的批判,比如人车要分流,还是什么其提案。德国人就将这些争议全部融入了他的最终方案。要感谢这些争议,中央公园最终才这么棒(有题)

Lecture 2



图书馆要翻修(主旨题:学生想问问这个翻修或不会干扰到他需要的区域)双选,翻修后有什么好处:更多的空间给学生学习,用solar system会更环保;然后说到,这个学生在做一个特殊的项目,教授给了他一个叫做corral卡的东西,他就可以拿着这张卡去三楼学习啦。但是在翻修的时候,只允许研究生去三楼(有题);学生说他喜欢三楼,原因:1. 这里有他要用的material,2. 这里不吵。那最后怎么办?让他的professor给他弄个request,就可以进三楼了。

Lecture 3


Lecture 4

(话题回忆由李强 - Mark老师提供,他的英语学习公共号: "Mark在中国")

关注微博: 小马过河姚飞虎
Task 1

Which one do you think is the best way to know about a city ?

1 an organized tour;2 visiting the city museum;3 walk around the street

---- 姚飞虎

本题考察历史: 2次
20150912; 20160522
本题相似话题历史: ≥ 34题(City相关话题)

此题选择选项1“An organised tour”或者选项3“Walk around the city”, 可用口语素材/方向: Broaden horizon, experience different things …


  • 思路一:Taking an organised tour in the city
  • [list]
  • - 自己想要在很短的一段时间内认识这个城市,并且知道这个城市的历史和文化,最好的方式就是Taking an organised tour in the ciy。
  • - 旅游的时候还可以考虑请一个当地的导游,帮自己介绍去的每个地方,包括街道,景点,建筑,河流甚至是沿途的landscape背后的故事,很多东西看书或者在网上看可能是没有的,只有亲身去感受,才会更加能够接触到城市最真实的部分。
  • - 段子: 交朋友  — 跟团走或者说组织一次旅行,也是一个很好地遇见新朋友的机会,从他们那里,可能也可以获得一些对于城市的历史、文化方面不同的感受和见解,兴许也能和当地的人交朋友,这样也会有助于自己了解这个城市。
[*]思路二:Visiting the museums in the city (cliche ~ 理由少,迁移性差,不推荐)

  • - 博物馆就是一本由实物展览、图画,多媒体工具构成的城市的Documentary Book。一般来说,博物馆里都会有这个城市最早时候的照片和物品展览,这些东西对于游客来说也是非常好的了解这个城市的工具。
  • - 举例子: 上次我去了…, 然后去参观了当地的博物馆, 发现... , 然后接下来的行程我就带着...的心情在游览,and I enjoyed myself very much in that trip …
[*]思路三:Walking down the city streets

  • - 街道应该才是一个城市的灵魂,旅游景点虽然很有代表性,但是人人都去的景点,反而会让自己忽略一个城市最原生态(original beauty/culture of..)的特色。而且在“压马路”的过程中,可以更加近距离地接触当地人的生活习惯:他们早饭吃什么,他们生活的样子是怎样的 市民素质如何
  • - 比如,日本的街道显得非常干净,交通井然有序,就能感觉出来日本人平时的一种严谨、守法的生活态度。在中国的丽江,街道两遍的建筑都感觉充满了历史感,走在这样的街道就特别能够体会当地的一种对于传统文化和历史的尊重。
  • - 举例。。。

Task 2

Do you prefer to visit your friends by surprise or let them know in advance before visiting them ?

---- 姚飞虎

本题考察历史: 2次  (同年两道原题,几乎没变,ETS也是够懒的... Interesting)
20160123; 20160522
Which one do you prefer?  Making a plan with friends about social activities in advance or making decisions spontaneously when you meet them?

推荐展开思路:临时成行 (此思路=1月23日考后解析)

  • 直接型:大部分情况下,成行与否都是灵机一动的决定,很少会有蓄谋已久的旅行。
  • [list]
  • 因为这样会保持对trip本身的一种激情和探索的感觉。比如说我自己,非常喜欢旅行,每年都会去一些不同的地方,而因为不确定什么时候会available,去哪里,什么时候去往往都是临时决定的,我觉得这样挺好
[*]间接型:  而且网络十分便捷的时代,不用提前做计划也可以安排好行程

  • Weather & Place: 利用随处可用的网络,更新最近的天气情况调整出行的行李内容;想多跑几个地方,最方便的就是要提前做好攻略,当然,出行也可以灵活使用自己手机的APP定位interesting places和route(/bus line/metro line)
综合口语(综合回忆及Sample由李强老师提供,他的英语学习公共号: "Mark在中国")


泛听 & 精听 & 录音

Task 3.


In the reading material, the university is going to provide a teaching technology program for professors , which can help professors to teach more effectively by training them to learn some technological skills. And in order to encourage professes to join the program, professors who participated  will receive an extra bonus.

Listening:In the conversation , the man agrees with the plan.

Reason 1:

First, he thinks that this program will help professors improve a lot.

Currently , professors mainly teach by lectures which are very boring, students usually get bored and can pay attention to it. If professors can teach with some pictures and videos and stuff, students will get interested and learn more.

Reason 2:

Second, he points that it is good that the university is willing to proved extra bonus.Because professors are usually very busy, it is easy for them to keep doing things in the old way.

So extra bonus can be incentives to get professors to participate the program.

Task 4

Reading: The reading passage talks about Startle defense , which is a way animals defend themselves by using a bright color or surprising noise.


In the lecture. The professor takes a kind of insect ,grasshopper for example! Grasshoppers don't stand out in the fields coz they look brown and gray just like dirt , which makes them hard to spot. If a bird lands close to them , they would fly away oping up their wings which are bright red , meanwhile they make this clicking sound to defend themselves. When they land on the field, they will look brown and gray again!

Task 5.

  • Problem:The woman's problem is that  her arm got injured while playing  basketball , but  there are some important games coming up !
  • Solution 1 First, she can stop playing for a while till her arms heal.
  • [list]
  • Disadvantage:But she will have to miss out on the game.
[*]Solution 2 Second, do some exercise to stretch her muscles before the game.

  • Disadvantage:  She could still play but it might slow the healing and feel some pain.
Task 6.

Two benefits of having loyal customers for a company.

The first one is loyal customers are like to spread positive messages about the company. If customers think highly of a company's service , they would tell their friends ,which would attract more new customers.

For example , a woman repairs her car in a mechanic shop, if she's satisfied with the service , she would tell her friends to come to this shop and her friends might tell their friends too.

The second one is called helpful customers' behavior which means loyal customers would take small actions to help the company.

For example, the other day the professor was in her favorite book store , she helped to direct other customers who were wondering if there are history books in the store.

    关注 宇宙托福集训营


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