


这次,COOPH 跟随摄影师 Thomas Leuthard 游荡在奥地利萨尔茨堡的大街小巷里,学习他是如何使用一些有用的技巧来安静、快速的捕捉日常生活中那些美丽瞬间的。COOPH 管它们叫做 “23 Ninja Tips”——街头摄影的忍者神功:


  1. 记得穿上深色的衣服,不然鲜艳的颜色容易让你太过显眼;Wear dark clothes. Bright colors make you stand out.
  2. 有的相机是可以遥控操作的,善加利用哦;Some camera can also be controlled wirelessly...
  3. 使用P档(程序自动模式)可以让你更专注于拍摄;Select the right mode...P Mode lets you focus on shooting, not settings.
  4. 先构好图,然后等待正确的时机;Frame your shot and wait for the right moment.
  5. 开启连拍模式,然后选择最好的那一帧画面吧;Shoot in burst mode, and pick the BEST FRAME.
  6. 等待“决定性瞬间”;Wait for the decisive moment.
  7. 眯起眼睛来感觉场景的亮度,然后将你的拍摄对象放在画面中最亮的点上;Squint your eyes to see the luminance of a scene, and place your subject in the brightest spot.
  8. 小歇一下吧,喝点咖啡,上传几张照片到微信,然后看看大家说什么;Take a break and post a shot or two on Instagram so you don't bleed the feed later.
  9. 同时也可以将相机储存卡里的照片备份、清空;This also gives you the chance to back up your shots and empty your memory card.
  10. 找到新的拍摄角度,比如,低一点;Find new angles...Get down low.
  11. 或者,更高;And up high.
  12. 三脚架也可以为你提供新的视角;Use a tripod to find a new angle.
  13. 用慢门来拍水总是会获得很好的效果;Water is always a winner with a slower shutter speed.
  14. 为你的拍摄对象寻找一个天然的画框;Look for natural frames for your subjects.
  15. 巷口和走廊就很棒,潜入然后等待吧;Alleys and doorways are great for this. Just duck in and wait.
  16. 有的时候,裁掉一部分的画面反而更有趣;Sometimes only part of your subject is more interesting.
  17. 善用阴影;Shadows also make great pics.
  18. 同样要善用反射;And reflections too.
  19. 不要怕拍摄陌生人;Don't be afraid of people.
  20. 走上前去介绍你自己,然后记下他的email,告诉他你一定会把照片发给他的,然后递上名片;Introduce yourself, promise to email them the pic and hand over a card.
  21. 千万不要删除任何一张照片,将它们备份起来。它们能够帮助你回顾、反思、进步;Never delete photos - back them up. It's helpful to look back and get feedback.
  22. 黑白通常更适合街头摄影;Black & White usually works well with street photography...
  23. 不要过度编辑你的照片,如果你能说出都用了哪些photoshop里的工具,那么就算过度了哦;Don't overcook your photos with too much editing. If you can tell what photoshopping tools you are used, you've used too much.

Street photography is like fishing, catching the fish is more exciting than eating it. 街头摄影跟钓鱼一样,过程总比结果更让人激动,所以,享受其间就对了!

每一台二手相机都有它的故事,想想都让人心动... ...(轻触即可打开文章阅读)


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