唯一可以通过胎盘的免疫球蛋白——IgG :你知道与不知道的



IgG是免疫球蛋白G(Immunoglobulin G,IgG)的缩写,是血清主要的抗体成分,约占血清Ig的75%。其中40~50%分布于血清中,其余分布在组织中。IgG是唯一可以通过胎盘的免疫球蛋白。IgG的功能作用主要在机体免疫中起保护作用,大多数抗菌、抗病毒;应对麻疹、甲型肝炎等,能有效地预防相应的感染性疾病。其指标对于诊断某些疾病具有意义。

Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is a type of antibody. It is a protein complex composed of four peptide chains—two identical heavy chains and two identical light chains arranged in a Y-shape typical of antibodymonomers. Each IgG has two antigen binding sites. Representing approximately 75% of serum antibodies in humans, IgG is the most common type of antibody found in the circulation.[1] IgG molecules are created and released by plasma B cells.


IgG是免疫球蛋白G(Immunoglobulin G,IgG)的缩写。根据结构的不同将免疫球蛋白分为五种,IgG是人的免疫球蛋白之一,其他还有lgA、lgM、IgD和lgE.。





Antibodies are major components of humoral immunity. IgG is the main type of antibody found in blood and extracellular fluid allowing it to control infection of body tissues. By binding many kinds of pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi, IgG protects the body from infection. It does this through several mechanisms: IgG-mediated binding of pathogens causes their immobilization and binding together via agglutination; IgG coating of pathogen surfaces (known as opsonization) allows their recognition and ingestion by phagocytic immune cells; IgG activates the classical pathway of the complement system, a cascade of immune protein production that results in pathogen elimination; IgG also binds and neutralizes toxins. IgG also plays an important role in antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) and intracellular antibody-mediated proteolysis, in which it binds to TRIM21 (the receptor with greatest affinity to IgG in humans) in order to direct marked virions to the proteasome in the cytosol.[2] IgG is also associated with type II and type IIIhypersensitivity reactions.

IgG antibodies are generated following class switching and maturation of the antibody response and thus participate predominantly in the secondary immune response.[3] IgG is secreted as a monomer that is small in size allowing it to easily perfuse tissues. It is the only isotype that has receptors to facilitate passage through the human placenta, thereby providing protection to the fetus in utero. Along with IgA secreted in the breast milk, residual IgG absorbed through the placenta provides the neonate with humoral immunity before its own immune system develops. Colostrum contains a high percentage of IgG, especially bovine colostrum. In individuals with prior immunity to a pathogen, IgG appears about 24–48 hours after antigenic stimulation.






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