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- Yes, and very noticeably. I think ithappened after Glasgow Championship. It is my subjective opinion, but duringthat competition Aliya realized that she still wants to be there for the team,to not only be willing to help but also to be able to do that. In other words,she thoroughly evaluated her abilities.

- Is it easier to work with her after that?

- Yes. I think we reached the mutualunderstanding. As I already said elsewhere, if the coach sets unreasonable goalsfor the athlete and pushes him too much, only considering his own perspectiveon training, this will lead to struggle. In a situation like this the athletewill first resist this regimen and then both sides will start to complain. Itis completely different from working when you are at ease, when there is apsychological comfort there. Do you get what I’m trying to say?

- Not really.

- I’ll explain. The gymnast always feelswhen he is not able to meet expectations of the coach.

- Is not able to or does not want to?

- No one knows this for sure, unless thethey say it. Technically, if someone is always on time at the gym and does whathe’s asked to, what can you blame him for? The lack of trust can be veryhurtful. For a while the athlete might tolerate this, but then he’ll justleave. I’m not talking about Mustafina now, just the issue overall. But I’mglad that me and Aliya did not have to go through it.

-At Euros many people noticed that Aliyaconsiderably upgraded beam. Why did not she do the same with bar routine?

- First, let’s define “considerableupgrade”

- Well, up to London Olympics, difficultyand execution of Aliya’s bars routine were unreachable for most of hercompetitors. In Bern she was only third, while I personally thought herpotential on bars to be almost unlimited.

- We circled back to the same statement:we, me and you, can think whatever we want, and wish for anything. But inreality, the situation is different. When Aliya and I started working together,it was decided that she will keep training bars with Evgeniy Grebenkin, as shedid, very successfully, for many years. Together we set the goals for currentseason and did our best. We had a few ideas that could have helped to increasethe difficulty, but it all came down to what she can physically handle.

-Are you talking about the injuries pilingup?

-Essentially, yes. There is alwayssomething - back, knee or wrists. When we go to Germany to get treatment, we goall together: me, Denis and Aliya. Going back to bars, I’m absolutely sure thatMustafina can challenge on this apparatus. There are other gymnasts with higherD-score, but if we are talking execution I do not know anyone who can touchher. You must have noticed that even when she is doing the hardest elements shemakes it look easy

Aliya got bronze on bars at Euros becauseshe made a mistake in the EF. She did not make any on beam. A lot of the creditfor this should go to Marina Nazarova who trains Mustafina on beam.

-Why did you choose Nazarova?

-I do not know how to answer. I did notsecond-guess this at all. For many years Marina had been the coach who is onthe podium with our girls during competitions. Even when they are performingand do not see her, or only see her on the sidelines, it is very important forthem to know that she is there, to feel her support. For the same reasonGrebenking is always near Aliya when she does bars. It is not about trusting ornot trusting personal coach. The point is that your athlete should feelabsolutely secure (comfortable) while performing.

-You did not raise FX difficulty because ofMustafina’s health issues?

-While preparing for Euros we deliberatelyconcentrated on bars and beam only. What will we change in Aliya’s floor andhow exactly will we do it - remains undetermined.

- Will you go to the Russian Cup?

- At first we did not plan to: Aliya doesnot have to go through team selection process, and mentally she is very tough,there is no need to put that to the test. But then we decided that the Cup is agreat opportunity to do AA. After all, this discipline in gymnastics requiresspecial attention.

- What do you think about chances of ourWAG team?

- I think they are pretty good. And thenumber of teams that can challenge for medals is limited. American and Chineseteams are traditionally very strong, but we are strong (not weak) as well.Overall the situation is much like the one on the men’s side - there is nothingtotally new, we are quite familiar with all the competitors

-So you are saying, in four years sinceLondon no new female gymnast emerged that can make you go “Wow”?

- No one like Simone Biles or Mustafina forsure. Meanwhile in men’s gymnastics there are a lot of new competitors.

- Two-times Olympic champion DenisPankratov once said that he was sure - when he wins Olympic gold it will besomething unbelievable. And he was very disappointed when it was not. Besides,it is virtually impossible to make motivate yourself to start over yet againwhen you know that there will be nothing new for you on this path.

- That’s is more or less true. This is whyI have an immense respect for Mustafina. Because of the constant need to pushthrough the pain any other athlete in her situation would have worn out longago. This is not only about character, but also about upbringing and thestrength of spirit. So I was very happy when I realized that Aliya has somefire in a belly and wants to fight for the team. It is harder to do it just foryourself.



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