《音乐之声》芳草地邀你先听为快 “The Sound of Music”Preview at Parkview Green



【音乐之声】| 回忆
Memories of “The Sound of Music”


Whenever we hear the song “Edelweiss”, we cannot but sing along. This may be the only musical that all the Chinese audience can sing along to every note. The musical that has enchanted us over half a century, “The Sound of Music” features the love between the family of 7 children with their governess and the beautiful sceneries of Austria. In 2016, the musical is making a big comeback.

【音乐之声】| 梦想 Fantasies
【A dream that will need all the love you can give, everyday in your life, as long as you live.】

【音乐之声】| 自由与爱 Freedom and Love

1959 这部在日后享誉全球的音乐剧首次登上百老汇的舞台,由 Mary Martin 和 Theodore Bikel主演,连演1443场,并获得了包括“最佳音乐剧”“最佳女主角”在内的5项托尼奖大奖。

1959 The popular musical made its debut on the Broadway in 1959, starring Mary Martin and Theodore Bikel. The group made a total of 1443 performances and received 5 Tony Awards, including the “Best Musical” and “Best Actress” awards.


1960 The soundtrack for “The Sound of Music” was ranked No. 1 on Billboard charts for 16 consecutive weeks.

1965  在百老汇和伦敦西区上演接近4000场后,《音乐之声》被改编成电影,Julie Andrews 和 Christopher Plummer 领衔主演,一举荣获第38届奥斯卡金像奖十项提名并获得最佳影片、最佳导演等五项大奖,引起巨大轰动。

1965 After more than 4000 performances on Broadway and the West End in London, the musical was adapted to a film, starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer. The movie received 10 nominations at the 38th Academy Award and won five Oscars, including the Best Picture and Best Director.
1981  伦敦复排版(韦伯制作),创下一周内观剧人数最多的吉尼斯纪录。

1981 The Andrew Lloyd Webber edition was revived in London, marking a Guiness Wrold Record in Most Audiences within one week.

1998  百老汇复排版,连演533场,获得托尼奖“最佳复排音乐剧”奖,随后开启北美巡演

1998 Broadway revival with 533 performances, the musical received a Tony Award for “Best Revival of a Musical”. The cast started its US tour.
2006 伦敦复排,连演两年,展开全英巡演

2006 London revival: the musical made its comeback in London and performed for two years. The group also started its national tour in U.K.


2016 The Sound of Music Chinese edition will debut in China

【音乐之声】| 奥地利主题活动 “Austria” themed event

【 The hills are alive with the sound of music 】

In the near future, the Chinese version of “The Sound of Music” will make its debut in China in 2016. Prior to that, the Austrian Embassy will work with event company Sevenages and Austrian brand Northland, along with Parkview Green to organise a "The Sound of Music” event, inviting all visitors to preview the beauty of the musical.

活动时间:2016年7月16日 14:00 - 16:00活动地点:北京侨福芳草地 LG2中庭活动亮点:

  • 音乐剧《音乐之声》经典片段儿童合唱
  • 奥地利红酒品鉴
  • 抢答游戏
Event time:  16 July 2016, at 14:00-16:00Venue: LG2 at Parkview GreenHighlights:

  • A children’s choir performance for segments from “The Sound of Music” musical
  • Wine tasting of Austrian fine wines
  • Games

    关注 侨福芳草地


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