




灰兜帽—the Gray Cowl








小贼猫傻笑着,终于意识到她的老师做了什么事情。“世间唯一能超越任何技巧和天赋的就是让目标分神。”(The only thing better than talent and skill, was a distraction.)



以上故事是Shoody Cast整理,张小鼎同学翻译的the Elder Scroll Lore Series,以后如果有机会,还会为大家带来其他故事


The Elder Scroll Lore Stories:

The stolen Gray Cowl

Due to the Daedric Prince’s amongthieves, there is no doubts that the greatest accomplishment a thief can aspireto is to steal the personal items of Nocturnal herself. The Gray Cowl oncebelonged to the Daedric Prince, and has been repeatedly stolen as a trophy,despite the fact that the Lady Shadow laid a curse upon it: Anyone who wearsthe Cowl of Nocturnal is immediately forgotten by history. Inside the hood ofthe cowl is inscribed the words “Shadow Hide You”, which has become the mantrafor the Thieves Guild, who continue to worship Nocturnal despite her relativeindifference. Needless to say, the Cowl has become the stuff of legend,although most likely fabricated, illustrates the lengths thieves will go to inorder to possess Nocturnal’s artifacts.

It is the story of a young girl, a thiefand a capable once at that, who had been discovered in the home of a masterthief. She had come not to steal, she claimed, but to learn from him, The youngburglar stolen not for need or even want, but solely for the love of stealing,for the thrill and exhilaration of the theft itself. It was a trait that wouldlead her to her demise. She scoffed at the master thief, and mocked him for notliving up to his reputation before disappearing from sight. Moving swiftly andsilently, she made her way back to the room she had bought in a rundown oldtavern. When she entered, she was shocked to find the Master Thief was waitingfor her in the darkness of her empty room. He showed her the method he had usedto overtake her without her knowing. He emphasized the fact that thedistraction would always be the most powerful tool in any thief’s array oftalents, no matter how skilled. But the young burglar challenged him, still dubiousof the man and his reputation. When he told her what he had planned for them,all her doubts evaporated. It seems his reputation for daring had not beenexaggerated after all. The two thieves, master and apprentice, were going tosteal that which cannot be stolen. They were going to steal the nocturnalherself. On a dark and ominous night, seventeen white robed witches gatheredaround a tree to perform a ritual summoning. As they sang the lightilluminating them changed, and the color went out of all things that could beseen. As the light left the world, Nocturnal stepped out of theall-encompassing darkness. The witches wailed loudly and knelt before theDaedric Lord would smile, pleased with their song. Nocturnal shed her clock ofnight and stood naked before her witches who still moaned their devotion to herwith all their might. From the tree, the young burglar reached for the cast offcloak of shadow, still in awe of what is was her attempting she was attemptingeven as her fingertips were close enough to touch the Daedric Prince herself.But something was wrong. Where was her master? Had he meant for her to make thetheft all on her own?! Thoughts raced through her head. Sidetracked, her focusslipped for just a fraction of a moment and she was found out. Hissing with ragethe Daedric Lord demanded to know who this girl was. The breath left the girl'slungs in a shudder as the everlasting coldness engulfed her. In the scantseconds she had left before her demise, the young burglar noticed that the cowlof Nocturnal was gone! With an amused smirk she finally understood what hermaster had done. The only thing better than talent and skill, was adistraction, and she was the distraction.

If the Nocturnal is the embodiment of dark night, the next Daedric Prince is the embodiment of light, as for her is a story for another day.

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