


Shen Congwen

All that exists has, strictly speaking, a time dimension. Time witnesses everything; it changes everything. It imbeds itself in and effectively conditions the coming and going of winter and summer, the budding and withering of vegetation, and the life and death of man.

Much has been said about the meaning or value of life. After all, the presumed real meaning or value of a man’s life is but to have a few scores of years roaming the earth, since before his birth and after his death he has no life, and naturally there’s no meaning or value to talk about.

Hence, reflective of both the stupidity of the many and the cleverness of the few is a near unanimous conclusion that the meaning or value of a man’s life lies in earning a few scores of years of earthly existence. It follows that what matters is to satisfy your mundane needs, eating, drinking, sleeping, quarreling, falling in love…getting old till one day death knocks on your door, and till you are placed in a casket, buried underground, and consumed by worms.

The meaning of life is thus explained in simple terms: to live and to breathe till you drop dead. The eerie simplicity of such an explanation evokes horror. Some other smart guys and some not-too-dumb folks then look for an alternative, focusing on an answer to the question: how should we spend these years? While giving the thumbs up to the virtue of eating, drinking, sleeping, quarreling, falling in love, etc., they also see the difference in approaches to life, as there are choices to be made, and give and take to be balanced.

The difference is apparent. Generally speaking, the brainy go out of the way to understand life; the dumb try to adapt to life. Unsatisfied with the status quo, the brainy seek to effect change for the better, and are relentless in pursuit of their ideals, whereas the dumb are content with what they have, and stuck in inertia, thus shoring up the established order. (From the perspective of the worldly, however, the labeling of these two kinds of persons is often reversed: those who embrace the status quo are said to be smart, whereas those who are pursuing their ideals are regarded as dumb.) Whatever label they are given, people all have to figure out how best they can spend the years they enjoy, and search for meaning and value in their existence. Even for those who take the same career paths, their achievement gap could be gaping. For those painters bent on conquering color and lines, musicians exploring the outer limits of instrumental or vocal music, sculptors craving to shine in the world of sculpture in wood, stone, bronze, or any other materials imaginable, kings obsessed with controlling the behavior of their subjects, and thinkers or spiritual leaders yearning for shaping your thoughts and beliefs, the outcomes could vary dramatically. That’s why the world has seen great poets and lousy ones, and great revolutionaries and sham ones. It goes without saying that people with different goals in mind and taking different paths would leave entirely different footprints behind.

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