




Universities highlight gender-equality policies after sexism row

 今天需要大家一起练习的文章选自《自然》杂志一篇名为 Universities highlight gender-equality policies after sexism row 的文章。文章主要介绍了亨特教授在一次会议上对男女平等的评论,以及该评论对大学带来的影响。部分人士认为其行为应该受到批判;但也有人士认为应该包容亨特。原文篇幅适中,难度适中,但理解方面还是有些难度。本文是原文的第一部分,旨在吸引读者兴趣,并关注热点问题,引发自我思考,并在阅读过程中积累相关词汇。


I①Nobel laureate Tim Hunt, who ignited a debate over sexism in science with his comments about women at a conference last month, will not be reinstated as an honorary professor at University College London (UCL), the university has confirmed.

II①Meanwhile, other UK universities have told Nature that the affair has not prompted changes to their diversity policies, or guidelines on work behaviour. ②But, they say, gender equality is an issue that they are striving to address, sometimes in creative ways, and with positive results.

III①Hunt, a biologist who won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2001, resigned from his UCL position on 10 June in the wake of comments made two days previously at the World Conference of Science Journalists in Seoul. ②“Let me tell you about my trouble with girls. Three things happen when they are in the lab … you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticize them they cry,” he told delegates —— remarks that he said were intended to be light-hearted.

IV①Hunt faced a barrage of condemnation (Nature criticized his comments in an Editorial) and he also resigned from the Royal Society’s Biological Science Awards Committee. ②But some high-profile scientists and some who knew him personally said that his treatment had been disproportionate, and petitions to have himreinstated emerged. ③Hunt’s critics also subsequently faced a vehement backlash online.

V①In a short statement on 9 July, the university's governing body, UCL Council, wrote that it “unanimously supports the decision taken by UCL’s executive to accept the resignation”. ②The council said that the extent of media interest was unprecedented and that it recognized the distress caused to Hunt and his wife Mary Collins, an immunologist at UCL. ③But it also said that “all parties agree that reinstatement would be inappropriate”.

VI①Hunt declined to comment on the UCL statement but wrote in an email to Nature: "I’ll just point out that my ‘contract’ was due to expire early in 2016, and I’d already given my last lecture, so there really didn’t seem much point in reinstatement from my point of view."

VII①UCL also said that it had "requested that the executive undertake a review of its communications strategy".

(“Universities highlight gender-equality policies after sexism row.” By Elizabeth Gibney.The Nature)


1.*laureate ['lɔrɪət] n.得奖者;桂冠诗人

2.ignite [ɪɡ'naɪt] vt. 点燃;使燃烧;使激动

3.*sexism ['sɛk'sɪzəm] n.(针对女性的)性别歧视;男性至上主义

4.reinstate [,riɪn'stet] vt. 使恢复;使复原

5.address [ə'drɛs] 处理

6.resign from 辞职

7.delegate ['dɛlɪɡət] n. 代表

8.*barrage [bə'rɑʒ] n. 齐射式攻击

9.Royal Society’s Biological Science Awards Committee 英国皇家学会生物科学奖项委员会

10.*high-profile [hai'prəufail] adj. 高调的;备受瞩目的;知名度高的

11.*vehement ['viːɪm(ə)nt] adj. 激烈的,猛烈的;热烈的

12.*backlash n. 反冲;强烈抵制

13.unanimously [jʊ'nænəməsli] adv. 全体一致地

14.unprecedented [ʌn'prɛsɪdɛntɪd] adj. 空前的;无前例的

15.distress [dɪ'strɛs] n. 危难,不幸;贫困;悲痛

16.*immunologist [,ɪmjə'nɑlədʒəst] n. 免疫学者

17.*reinstatement [,riɪn'stetmənt] n. 恢复;复原;复职

18.expire [ɪk'spaɪɚ] vi. 期满;终止;死亡;呼气



I①Nobel laureate Tim Hunt, who ignited a debate over sexism in science with his comments about women at a conference last month, will not be reinstated as an honorary professor at University College London (UCL), the university has confirmed.



II①Meanwhile, other UK universities have told Nature that the affair has not prompted changes to their diversity policies, or guidelines on work behaviour. ②But, they say, gender equality is an issue that they are striving to address, sometimes in creative ways, and with positive results.



III①Hunt, a biologist who won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2001, resigned from his UCL position on 10 June in the wake of comments made two days previously at the World Conference of Science Journalists in Seoul. ②“Let me tell you about my trouble with girls. Three things happen when they are in the lab … you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticize them they cry,” he told delegates —— remarks that he said were intended to be light-hearted.



IV①Hunt faced a barrage of condemnation (Nature criticized his comments in an Editorial) and he also resigned from the Royal Society’s Biological Science Awards Committee. ②But some high-profile scientists and some who knew him personally said that his treatment had been disproportionate, and petitions to have him reinstated emerged. ③Hunt’s critics also subsequently faced a vehement backlash online.



V①In a short statement on 9 July, the university's governing body, UCL Council, wrote that it “unanimously supports the decision taken by UCL’s executive to accept the resignation”. ②The council said that the extent of media interest was unprecedented and that it recognized the distress caused to Hunt and his wife Mary Collins, an immunologist at UCL. ③But it also said that “all parties agree that reinstatement would be inappropriate”.



VI①Hunt declined to comment on the UCL statement but wrote in an email to Nature: "I’ll just point out that my ‘contract’ was due to expire early in 2016, and I’d already given my last lecture, so there really didn’t seem much point in reinstatement from my point of view."



VII①UCL also said that it had "requested that the executive undertake a review of its communications strategy".



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