



The 1st day in Apirl of Tibetan lunar calendar is the beginning of the most significant month in Buddhism, which is the Saga Dawa Festival. The festival marks the birth, enlightenment and the parinirana / nirvana  of Buddha Sakyamuni.


It is believed that any Buddhist practices will accumulate immense of merits because of the Interdependent Origination theory. All positive or negative acts are multiplied 100,000 times. It’s the best opportunity for us to accumulate merits and purify negative karmas.

在此最大造化的月份,KSDL的義工發起——薩嘎月供養寺院 / 供僧活動,望信眾於本月內秉持著為利益一切有情得到解脫的菩提心,廣行善法,精進修持,並回向給一切有情的最终证悟。

In this most auspicious month ,the volunteers in the KSDL Temple will launch

the Donation program for Sangha and temple, hoping everyone accumulate extensive merits with the bodhichitta and dedication all living beings attain enlightenment .

How to participate

可自己到寺院供,或請僧眾代供  (數額:20元)

Light Offering  -- attending in person or monk service

( Amount : CDA 20 )

2)供養寺院及僧眾   ( 數額隨意 )

Offering of Monastery and Sangha

( Any contribution )


三天法會除障祈福的修持  ( 數額隨意 )

Sangha Support and Offerings in Toronto Kagyu Monlam in June --three days for praying and  purifying negative karmas

( Any contribution )

3-2 ) 六月多伦多噶举祈愿法会 供灯祈福

法會現場供燈,或由義工代供 ( 數額:20元 )


Light Offering in Toronto Kagyu Monlam in June

-- attending in person or volunteer service

( Amount : CDA 20 )


4)KSDL 新寺院重建   ( 數額隨意 )

新寺院計劃 : www.ksdlen.org 

Offering of KSDL New Temple Reconstruction

( Any contribution )

New temole plan:www.ksdlen.org 


1 本中心護持活動一律僅限中國以外地區,請中國區信眾勿來詢問,感謝合作。

2 本活動長期有效


1 All activities are limited to areas outside China.

Followers in China do not take enquire please.Thanks for your coopertation.

2 This program effective for long-term.


銀行名稱:TD Canada Trust,

KSDL 銀行賬號: 1760-5202197.

支行代碼(The branch code):17602.

銀行代碼:Swift code :TDOMCATTTOR

銀行地址:521 St Clair Ave West, Toronto, Ontario M6C 1A1.

銀行電話: 416-653-3507.


Bank name : TD Canada Trust.

KSDL Bank account : 1760-5202197

The branch code : 17602


Bank address : 521 St Clair Ave West, Toronto, Ontario M6C 1A1.

Bamk Telephone: 416-653-3507.

支票支付支票收款方請寫全稱:Karma Sonam Dargye Ling (而非簡稱 KSDL)。


Karma Sonam Dargye Ling,

7 Laxton Ave, Toronto, ON.

M6K 1K8.

並請在支票上注明捐款用途,請勿直接郵寄現金。BY CHEQUE/CASHPlease make out cheques to Karma Sonam Dargye Ling (not KSDL)

and send or deliver to Karma Sonam Dargye Ling 7 Laxton Ave, Toronto, ON. M6K 1K8.

Please indicate what it is a donation for. Please do not send cash in the mail.如有任何疑問請按以下聯系方式,或留言給微信公眾號 If you have any questions on, please Contact KSDL  :Tel : 416-653-5371   /  Fax : 416-653-2083

Email :

Resident Lama : tenzinksdl@gmail.com

Secretary : valeriewhite@sympatico.ca

中文郵箱:tenzinksdl@foxmail.comOr leave message here
初一 5月7日 禪定勝王佛節日,作何善惡成百倍。飛幡日(不適宜掛經幡)。十齋日

【 Date 1 - May 6.   * Shakyamuni Buddha meditation. * New moon. *

Ten days of fasting. *  Inauspicious day to hang prayer flags】

Karmic effects of all positive or negative are multiplied by 100 times.

初四 5月10日 文殊菩薩聖誕

【 Date 4 - May 10.   * The birth of Manjushri. 】

初七 5月13日 佛誕辰日,四月七日佛降生

【 Date 7 - May 13.   * The birth of Buddha Sakyamni 】

初八 5月14日 藥師佛節日,作何善惡成千倍。釋迦牟尼佛聖誕 。十齋日

【 Date 8 - May 14.  * Medicine Buddha day. * Ten days of fasting.】

初十 5月16日 蓮師薈供日,千劫佛節日,作何善惡成十萬倍。

【 Date 10 - May 16.  * Guru Rinpoche day. 】

Karmic effects of all positive or negative are multiplied by 100,000 times.

十三 5月19日 飛幡日(不適宜掛經幡)

【 Date 13 - May 19.  Inauspicious day to hang prayer flags. 】

十四 5月20日 十齋日。

【 Date 14 - May 20.   * Ten days of fasting.】

十五 5月21日 阿彌陀佛節日,作何善惡成百萬倍。佛陀成道暨涅槃紀念日,薩噶達瓦節。十齋日。

【 Date 15 - May 21.   * Full moon.  * Amitabha Buddha Day.

* Saga Dawa festival. * Ten days of fasting.】

Karmic effects of all positive or negative are multiplied by 100,000 times.

Anniversary of Buddhas ‘enlightenment and prarinivana.

十八 5月24日 觀世音菩薩節日,作何善惡成百萬倍。十齋日。

【 Date 18 - May 24.   * Avalokitesvara Day. * Ten days of fasting. 】

Karmic effects of all positive or negative are multiplied by 100,000 times.

二十一 5月27日 地藏王菩薩節日,作何善惡成億倍。

【 Date 21 - May 27.   * Ksitigarbha Day.】

Karmic effects of all positive or negative are multiplied by 100,000,000 times.

二十八 6月3日,十斋日。

【 Date 28 - June 3 . * Ten days of fasting. 】

二十九 6月4日 大護法及一切勇父護集薈供日、十齋日。

【 Date 29 - June 4 .   * Dharmapala’s day. * Ten days of fasting. 】

三十 6月5日 釋迦牟尼佛節日,作何善惡成九億倍,布薩誦戒日,煙供火供吉祥日。十齋日。

【 Date 30 - June 5 .   * New moon .  * Shakyamuni Buddha 】

Karmic effects of all positive or negative are multiplied by 100,000 times.
Address : 7 Laxton Ave , Toronto
ON M6K 1K6
Tel : 416.653.5371
Web :www.ksdl.org
Email :
Resident Lama : tenzinksdl@gmail.com
Secretary : valeriewhite@sympatico.ca

    关注 大宝法王噶玛巴加拿大中心


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