指导灵与守护天使│Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels



A lot of people will have issues either talking about this topic or admitting that angels or spirit guides exist because they need scientific proof and empirical to back up the hypothesis.  According to Lorna Byrne, everybody has a guardian angel regardless of their ethnicity or whether they believe in a higher source of power or not.

很多人不愿意讨论或者承认天使、指导灵的存在,因为他们需要科学论证和实证支持这个假设。 据Lorna Byrne所说,无论人们是哪个种族或者是否相信更高的源头,每个人都有一个守护天使。

Since she was a child, Byrne was given the ability to see guardian angels in everyone. She was also dyslexic and because dyslexia wasn’t recognized when she was a child, she was labeled “mentally retarded”.  Listening to her videos, one can tell she is highly intelligent but dyslexia gives a person the inability to read, write, spell and sometimes, speak.

Byrne在童年时,已经被赐予一种能力,她可以看见每个人的守护天使。同时她还患有阅读障碍,由于孩童时期的阅读障碍不容易被察觉的,她被贴上“弱智”的标签。 听她的视频,有人会说她非常聪明,但阅读障碍者无法正常阅读、写作、拼写,有时甚至无法正常说话。

Her truth is in her words and they most certainly resonate with my own beliefs and experiences.


How Can I Tell If My Guardian Angel Is With Me?


As a gnostic, I shy away from religious beliefs but I do believe in guardian angels. There have been times where I’ve asked for guidance from my angel and immediately after asking, I can feel the hair on my arms and head rising, as if I was being hugged by one.

作为一个诺斯替教徒,我羞于宗教信仰,但我相信守护天使。有次我向我的天使寻求引导,立刻, 我能感有人在触碰我的头和手臂上的头发,仿佛我正被人拥抱。

The bottom line is to be open and to ask because they’re with you 24/7/365 and are eagerly waiting to help and guide you in the right direction.


As evidenced by near death experiences, many people have stated on record that they have seen angels and angel-like beings on the other side.  Some even stated that they met theirguardian angel.  While there is no other proof other than testimonials and other people’s own experiences, it is up to the viewer to use their own discernment on this subject.

濒临死亡的经历证明了这一点,很多人都在记录中指出,他们在另一边看到了天使或天使般的临在。 甚至表示他们遇到了守护天使。 除了这些证词和其他人的经验,没有其他证据,这取决于读者自己辨别。

In regard to spirit guides, I have an interesting story to share.  One night, I met one of my spirit guides who introduced herself to me by the name of “Tamra”.  She had a long, flowing white gown with long black hair.  She looked as if she was, perhaps, Mexican or of Spanish descent.

关于指导灵,我要分享一个有趣的故事。 有一晚,我遇到了我的一个指导灵,她向我介绍她自己的名字是“Tamra”。 她穿着白色长袍,留着一头黑长发。她看着像墨西哥或西班牙血统。

Now, before I go any further, I need to preface this by saying that I was raised in the Catskill Mountains in upstate New York, but for as long as I can remember, I’ve always had an affinity to the ocean and palm trees.


After Tamra introduced herself to me, I was fixated on her name and kept repeating it to myself… “Tamra, Tamra, Tamra…”


At this point, I was curious to what Tamra means because every name has some sort of meaning, so I went to my computer at 3am and typed in her name.  As it turns out, Tamra means “Palm tree”.

此时,我很好奇Tamra的意思,因为每个名字都有某种意义,所以我在凌晨3点,走向我的电脑,输入她的名字。 事实证明,Tamra的意思是“棕榈树”。

Now, it all makes sense!


Do you believe in spirit guides or guardian angels? What experiences with spirit guides or guardian angels would you like to share with everyone?


Comment below!


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