






在Academic History Step 1 of 5 栏目下,有个让中国学生困惑的栏目:


Algebra 1 (9th),Geometry (10th),Algebra 2 (11th),AdvancedMathematics such as Pre-Calculus/Calculus, Discrete Mathematics, AdvancedStatistics (12th grade).

而我们通常是很多学术内容放在一起进行教授与学习。所以通常我们建议大家在申请时填写Integrated Math。至于是第一级别,第二级别还是第三级别则要根据你所学的内容来选择。通常中国的数学学习很高难。下面提供了一些来自已经被加州大学所认可的相关数学课程描述,以备参考。

Integrated Math 1 is the first course of a three course sequenceincluding Integrated Math 1, Integrated Math 2, and Integrated Math 3. This course satisfies the California Common Core Standards for IntegratedMath 1 and is intended for all ninth graders.

Integrated Math 1 builds andstrengthens students’ conceptual knowledge of functions, linear functions,equations, inequalities, sequences, basic exponential functions, systems oflinear equations, systems of linear inequalities, one variable descriptivestatistics, correlation and residuals, analyzing categorical data, mathematicalmodeling, and both coordinate and transformational geometries.

Integrated Math 2: This class completes the geometrycurriculum in first semester, and then completes the second semester ofalgebra. The geometry portion of this class includes similarity, polygons,circles, areas, volumes, and an introduction to right triangle trigonometry.The algebra portion includes an introduction to functions, imaginary numbers,higher order polynomials, graphing of functions and irrational expressions.

Integrated Math 3 is the third course of a three course sequenceincluding Integrated Math 1, 2, and 3.  This course utilizes aproblem-centered approach and is integrated with the other core content coursesincluding English, science, and social science.

Knowledge is guiltthrough units organized around a central theme.  Students solve a varietyof smaller problems that develop the underlying skills and concepts needed tosolve the central problem of each unit.

This course weaves contentstandards from Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 and Statistics at an intermediateto advanced level including coordinate geometry, circles and other conicsections, binomial distributions, permutations and combinations, exponentialand logarithmic functions, rates of change, derivatives, trigonometry andquadratics.

The course demands that students further develop the logicneeded for abstract problem solving and emphasizes the common core standards. Regular attendance and participation along with timely completion ofdaily practice and homework is required.  Students need to emonstratecompetency on assessments (oral and written).  Resources used includeInteractive Mathematics Program and supplemental conceptual activities.

在Academic History Step 2 of 5 栏目下需要填写申请者就读过的中学。由于美国与中国的中学体制有些差异,即美国为9至12年级为高中,而中国9年级为初三,所以这里需要注意时间跨度和学校的变化。


感谢来自加州大学 Irvine,SantaCruz,Riverside 等各校区招生官给我们提供了第一手资料。在此为申请者加油!祝大家好运!申请成功!

    关注 世青国际教育研究中心


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