





Zhi Yang,Zhaohui Li,Xuxing Lu,Fengjiao He,Xingzhong Zhu,Yujie Ma,Rong He,Feng Gao,Weihai Ni,Yasha Yi,Controllable Biosynthesis and Properties of Gold Nanoplates Using Yeast Extract.Nano-Micro Lett. (2017) 9: 5. doi:10.1007/s40820-016-0102-8


Fig. 1 SEM images of a) gold nanoplates synthesized at low pH without NaOH, and b) small gold nanoplates synthesized at high pH tuned by NaOH solution. AFM images of: c) large and d) small nanoplates. The height profile of e) large nanoplates, and f) small nanoplate.

Fig. 2 a, c, e) corresponding TEM, SAED, and HRTEM images of large gold nanoplates synthesized at low pH without NaOH. b, d, f) Corresponding TEM, SAED, and HRTEM images of small gold nanoplates synthesized at high pH tuned by NaOH.

Fig. 3 a) TEM, b) magnified TEM images, and c ) SAED patterns of the same nanoplate are depicted without tiling the sample holder. d) Schematic illustration of the contours with small angles. The incident beam is exactly parallel to the crystal planes at A and directly transmitted, while the orientation of B meets Bragg relationship and diffracted electron beam of B tends, resulting in bright contrast in A and dark contrast in B on the objective aperture. e–l )Bright-field TEM images of the same nanoplate depicted when X-axis of the sample holder tiled every 5 from -15 to 20.

Fig. 4 Schematic illustration of the growth of nanoplate, the gold ions have an evolution of nanoclusters, nanoparticles, and nanoplates, while the reverse reaction will occur when changing the pH of the solution later.


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