



原文来自硅谷第一孵化器 YC 的 CEO Sam 的 blog 。这是我看到的关于年轻人如何思考未来最好的建议,没有之一。我的唯一补充建议就是:


As a kid, I just sort of took for granted that stuff got better every year—TVs got bigger and then thinner, cars got a little faster, and computers got unbelievably better on an exponential curve.

孩子的时候,我想当然地认为,每年都会越来越好 — 电视越来越大,越来越薄,汽车越来越快,电脑以指数曲线的速度变好。

As an adult, I realized that the future is not guaranteed to be better. The default is that things stay the same (or get worse because we continue to create new problems and occasionally get in wars). The world only gets better if committed people with strong visions about the future work hard to make it better.


It’s easy to get caught up in the moving sidewalk of a career and end up deeply involved in something that does not maximize your potential. It’s never too late to change, and it’s always good to be thoughtful about the path you’re on and how to best use your time.


I made some notes before my brother Jack interviewed me for 

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