冬训 week2-day4


SELECTION 一周精选1 请说明启示录二二1说到神和羔羊的宝座?2 请阐释神是光,而羔羊是城的灯的属灵...


1 请说明启示录二二1说到神和羔羊的宝座?

2 请阐释神是光,而羔羊是城的灯的属灵意义?



IV. The issue of the blowing of the wind, the covering of the cloud,andthe burning of the fireis the glowing electrum— the radiant expression of the redeeming God (Ezek. 1:4):

肆 风的吹动、云的遮盖和火的焚烧,结果是光耀的金银合金—救赎之神的辉煌彰显—结一 4:

A. Electrum is an alloyof goldand silver; gold signifies the nature of God, and silver signifies redemption:

一 金银合金中,金表征神的性情,银表征救赎:

1. Our God is not merely the Divine Being, signified by the gold; He is also the redeeming God, signified by the silver (cf. Rev. 4:3).

1 我们的神不仅仅是金所表征的圣者,祂也是银所表征的救赎的神—参启四 3。

2. According to the book of Revelation, the One on the throne is not just God and not just the Lamb but the Lamb-God, the redeeming God (22:1):

2 按照启示录,在宝座上的一位不只是神,也不只是羔羊,乃是羔羊神,救赎的神—二二 1:

a. There is one throne for both God and the Lamb; this indicates that God and the Lamb are one—the Lamb-God, the redeeming God, God the Redeemer.

a 一个宝座既为着神,也为着羔羊;这指明神和羔羊乃是一—祂是羔羊神,是救赎的神,是神那救赎者。

b. God as the light is in the Lamb as the lamp (21:23):

b 是光的神在那是灯的羔羊里—二一 23:

(1) Without the Lamb as the lamp, God’s shining over us would kill us (1 Tim. 6:16; Psa. 104:1-2a; 1 John 1:5).

㈠ 若没有羔羊作灯,神照耀在我们身上就会“杀死”我们—提前六 16,诗一○四 1 ~ 2 上,约壹一 5。

(2) The Lamb as the lamp expresses God as light in a very pleasant and approachable way.

㈡ 作为灯的羔羊,以十分可爱、可接近的方式彰显作为光的神。

(3) Because the divine light shines through the Redeemer, the light is lovable, and we even walk in this light (v. 7).

㈢ 因着神圣的光借着救赎主照耀出来,光就变得十分可爱,我们甚至在这光中生活行动—7 节。

3. As the electrum, the Lord Jesus is the One who has redeemed us and who is everything to us (Col. 1:14; 2:9-10; 3:4, 11b).

3 作为金银合金,主耶稣是那位救赎了我们,并作了我们一切的—西一 14,二 9 ~ 10,三 4、11 下。

B. The issue of the spiritual transactions involving the blowing wind, the covering cloud, and the purifying fire is the radiant expression of the redeeming God (Ezek. 1:4):

二 属灵的事故只要与吹动的风、遮盖的云和炼净的火有关,其结果总是救赎之神的辉煌彰显—结一 4:

1. The electrum appears from the midst of the fire; this indicates that the burning of the fire is for the manifestation of the electrum.

1 金银合金从火中显出来;这指明火的焚烧乃是为着金银合金的显耀。

2. After we have experienced the wind, the cloud, and the fire, the only thing that remains is the glowing electrum, the redeeming God.

2 我们经历了风、云、火之后,唯一存留的就是光耀的金银合金,救赎的神。

3. The more we pass through God’s wind, cloud, and fire, the more the Lord is manifested in us in a dignified and glorious way, and we sense that He alone is precious, lovely, bright, and majestic (Matt. 17:1-8; 2 Pet. 1:16-17).

3 我们越经过神的风、云、火,主就越尊贵、荣耀地显在我们身上;我们就觉得唯有祂是宝贵、可爱、 明亮并威严的—太十七 1 ~ 8,彼后一 16 ~ 17。

C. The One signified bythe glowing electrum, the Lamb-God,dwells within us as a priceless treasure (2 Cor. 4:6-7):

三 由光耀的金银合金所表征的那一位—羔羊神,住在我们里面,是无价的宝贝—林后四6~7:

1. The experience of the wind, the cloud, and the fire has made it possible for us to have Him, the redeeming God, within us as the glowing electrum.

1 对风、云和火的经历,使我们有可能得着祂这位救赎的神,在我们里面作光耀的金银合金。

2. As the electrum within us, the Lord is the treasure of incomparable worth— a treasure that is wonderful, marvelous, precious, and glorious.

2 作为在我们里面的金银合金,主是价值无比的宝贝—美妙、奇妙、宝贵并荣耀的宝贝。
【  Morning Nourishment 】
Ezek. 1:4 And I looked, and there came a storm wind from the north, a great cloud and a fire flashing incessantly; and there was a brightness around it, and from the midst of it there was something like the sight of electrum, from the midst of the fire.

结一 4“我观看,见暴风从北方刮来,有一朵大云,有火不断地闪烁,周围有光辉;从其中,就是从火中所发出的,看来好象光耀的金银合金。”

Rev. 21:23 And the city has no need of the sun or of the moon that they should shine in it, for the glory of God illumined it, and its lamp is the Lamb.

启二一 23“那城内不需要日月光照,因有神的荣 耀光照,又有羔羊为城的灯。”










1 以西结所看见的火,表征神焚烧、圣别的能力。凡与神圣别的性情、性质不合的,都必须烧去。神眷顾人的时候,祂圣别的火就来烧毁人里面消极的事物。圣灵的火越在我们里面焚烧,我们就越被炼净、蒙光照。

2 我们的神乃是烈火。火的源头是吹动的风同遮盖的云。我们在祂的照耀之下时,该承认并求祂烧去我们的己,我们老旧的性情,个性,世俗,态度、目标、目的、动机和存心。一次这样的焚烧,胜过千篇的教

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