每日一读:Learning through Mistakes







Learning through Mistakes

提 示:

人非圣贤,孰能无过。重要的是,我们是否能从中记取教训,避免再犯。请以 "Learning through Mistakes" 为题,写一篇文长至少 120 个单词(words)的文章,以亲身经验为例,说明自己曾犯过什么错误,并从中学到什么教训。

写作前后(Pre-writing & Post-writing)




*写主题句(The Topic Sentence)的技巧

1. 单刀直入,开门见山。2.简短有力。3. 立场不要摇摆不定。

*发展句(Paragraph Development)的两种写法

1.  根据时间、空间顺序描述事物或对象。

2.  提出支持主题句的论点,而支持主题句的论点依题目要求可能是理由(reasons)、优缺点(advantages/disadvantages)或各种类别(如特征、情况、条件、喜好等等),再依各点分别解释或举例。


论点一:first, firstly, first of all, to begin with, for one thing

论点二:second, secondly, next, then, in addition, more importantly

论点三:finally, lastly, last of all, last but not least, most important of all

如果超过三个论点,可依次用 third/thirdly, fourth/fourthly 等,或选择使用 next, then, in addition, also, more importantly 其中任何一个。

*结论句(The Concluding Sentence)的三种写法

1.  重述法:用不同的话来重述主题句的概念。

2.  摘要法:将文章内容作一个摘要。

3.  衍生法:由文章内容衍生,提出呼应主旨的讯息、评论、建议等。


毕竟∕终究:after all

总之:in conclusion, to conclude, in summary, to sum up, all in all

因此:therefore, thus, as a result, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly

简言之:in brief, to be brief, in short, in a word

基于这些理由:for these reasons, from the above, as has been said

1.  前 提:人无法十全十美而从不犯错。

It's impossible for people to be 100 percent perfect and never to make any mistakes.

2.  主题句:要牢记最重要的一件事就是从我们所犯的错误中学到教训。

The most important thing to bear in mind is to learn a lesson from the mistakes we make.

3.  发展句:我上学期参加英文演讲比赛。因为很有自信,所以我没有花太多时间准备。因此,我在比赛过程中表现得并不好,也没有获得任何奖项。我了解到不论我多有信心,都仍要努力练习。

a.  Last semester, I participated in an English speech contest.

b.  I was so confident that I didn't spend much time preparing for my speech.

c.  Therefore, I didn't do well during the contest and didn't get a prize.

d.  I realized that no matter how confident I feel, I still have to practice hard.

4.  结论句:毕竟,没有不劳而获这种事。

衍生法:After all, no pain, no gain.

范 文:

It's impossible for people to be perfect all the time, and we do make mistakes once in a while. However, the most important thing to keep in mind is to learn a lesson from the mistakes we make.

Last semester, I represented my school in an English speech contest. I was quite confident and thought it would be easy for me to win first place. I didn't spend much time preparing my speech and even stayed up late watching TV the night before. As a result, I was exhausted on the day of the contest and forgot a big part of my speech. Of course, I didn't win a prize. I felt so depressed and realized that no matter how confident I am, I should never overlook the importance of practicing. After all, there is no gain without a little bit of pain.





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