不要让告别成为遗憾 |看视频学英语




"I will never say anything that couldn't stand as the last thing I ever say."

一句简单的话里,饱含着说不尽的懊悔。与至爱亲朋对话时,一句“harsh words 尖酸难听的话”可能带来的伤害或悔恨,可能是意想不到的。《荀子》里有一句:“与人善言,暖于布帛;伤人以言,深于矛戟。”对人对己,或许皆是如此。

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It really makes a difference what we say. I learned this from a woman who survived Auschwitz. She went to Auschwitz when she was fifteen years old, and her brother was eight, and the parents were lost. And she told me this, "We were in the train going to Auschwitz, and I looked down, and I saw my brother's shoes were missing. And I said, 'Why are you so stupid? Can't you keep your things together? For goodness sake!' The way an elder sister might speak to a younger brother." Unfortunately, it was the last thing she ever said to him because she never saw him again. He did not survive. And so when she came out of Auschwitz, she made a vow. She said, "I walked out of Auschwitz into life. And the vow was, "I will never say anything that couldn't stand as the last thing I ever say." Now, can we do that? No. But it is a possibility to live in to. Thank you.

我们说出去的话可能产生巨大的影响。我是从一位奥斯维辛集中营幸存的女士那儿学到的。她去奥斯维辛时只有十五岁,弟弟八岁,与父母走散了。这是她告诉我的:”我们在去往奥斯维辛的火车上,我低头看了眼,发现我弟弟的鞋子不见了。然后我说道 ”你为什么那么笨?就不能管好自己的东西吗?天哪!”不过就是姐姐教训弟弟那样。遗憾的是,这竟是她对他说的最后一些话。因为她再也没见过他,他没能活下来。当她走出奥斯维辛的时候,她发了一个誓。她说: “我离开奥斯维辛后重获新生。誓言是这样的:‘我再也不会说那种「无法作为此生最后一句话」的话了。’”现在,我们能做到吗?不能。但不妨把它作为毕生的一个追求,谢谢!
笔记 Notes

1、Make a difference

这个词组在英文里十分常见,它来自于圣经,本义是“分别、分辨(distinguish;discriminate)”的意思【Bible (Leviticus11:47): “To make a difference between the unclean and the clean.”[Late 1500s ]】

现在,我们可以用“make a difference”表示”造成影响(改变了某种特性)”的意思,如:

  • These curtains make a difference in the lighting. 这些窗帘对采光有影响。
这时,它有一个类似词组是“make the difference”.

  • His score on this test will make the difference between passing and failing. 他这次考试的分数将影响他是否通过。
其次,“make a difference”还可以指“重要,要紧(产生重大影响)”的意思,如:

  • Her volunteer work made a difference in many lives. 她的志愿者工作改变了许多人的生活。

这时,它的反义词组是“make no difference”,如:

  • It makes no difference to me if we go immediately or in an hour. 马上走还是一小时后走,对我来说都没差。
2、Auschwitz concentration camp was a network of German Nazi(纳粹) concentration camps and extermination camps built and operated by the Third Reich(德意志第三帝国) in Polish areas(波兰地区) annexed(吞并) by Nazi Germany(纳粹德国) during World War II(第二次世界大战).

concentration camp=extermination camp=death camp (死亡)集中营

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