《The Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Psychology》

《The Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Psychology》 《The Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Psychology》

  • 书名:《The Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Psychology》
  • 分类:心理学
  • 出版社:Cambridge University Press
  • 出版年:2015-9-30
  • 售价:USD 150.00
  • 装订:Hardcover

《The Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Psychology》 内容介绍:

Why do consumers make the purchases they do, and which ones make them truly happy? Why are consumers willing to spend huge sums of money to appear high status? This handbook addresses these key questions and many more. It provides a comprehensive overview of consumer psychology, examining cutting-edge research at the individual, interpersonal, and societal levels. Leading scholars summarize past and current findings and consider future lines of inquiry to deepen our understanding of the psychology behind consumers' decision making, their interactions with other consumers, and the effects of societal factors on consumption. The Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Psychology will act as a valuable guide for faculty as well as graduate and undergraduate students in psychology, marketing, management, sociology, and anthropology. * Covers the most recent material not available in other handbooks * Features contributions from the most accomplished and innovative young scholars in their areas of expertise * Lays the foundation for future research in consumer psychology Advance praise: 'The Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Psychology does a beautiful job of bringing together some of the most important and interesting researchers currently working in the field. It not only affords us the chance to learn about a wonderful range of current research but it also offers an exciting glimpse of possibilities to come.' Dan Ariely, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, North Carolina Advance praise: 'The Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Psychology provides an excellent compilation of recent research findings centered in individual, social, and societal issues in consumer psychology. Importantly, the handbook also sets the stage for the future by raising interesting research questions that the academic community will look to pursue. This Handbook is an important read for anyone interested in knowing where the field is going in the coming years.' Darren Dahl, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, Vancouver


Editors Michael I. Norton, Harvard Business School, Harvard University Michael I. Norton is a Professor of Business Administration in the Marketing Unit at Harvard Business School. He is the coauthor, with Elizabeth Dunn, of Happy Money: The Science of Smarter Spending (2013). Derek D. Rucker, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University Derek D. Rucker is the Sandy and Morton Goldman Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies in Marketing at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management. His articles have appeared in numerous publications, including the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing Research, and the Journal of Consumer Psychology. Cait Lamberton, Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh Cait Lamberton is an Associate Professor and Fryrear Faculty Fellow in Marketing at the Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh. Her work has been published in the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Consumer Psychology, the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Marketing, and the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. Contributors Michael I. Norton, Derek D. Rucker, Cait Lamberton, Cassie Mogilner, Zakary L. Tormala, Pablo Briñol, Carey K. Morewedge, Hal E. Hershfield, Eduardo B. Andrade, Vladas Griskevicius, Kristina M. Durante, Hilke Plassmann, Uma R. Karmarkar, Lan Nguyen Chaplin, Paul M. Connell, Jill Avery, Anat Keinan, Claudia Townsend, Ulrike Kaiser, Martin Schreier, David Gal, DaHee Han, Adam Duhachek, Nidhi Agrawal, Adam Galinsky, David DuBois, Nailya Ordabayeva, Jonah Berger, Morgan K. Ward, Cindy Chan, Kirk Kristofferson, Katherine White, Didem Kurt, Jeremy Frimer, Andrew Gershoff, Ashesh Mukherjee, Rebecca Walker Reczek, Julie R. Irwin, Jeremy Kees, Scot Burton, Craig Andrews, Christopher Y. Olivola, Abigail B. Sussman, Karen Page Winterich, Vikas Mittal, Karl Aquino, Leslie K. John, Janet A. Schwartz, Anuj K. Shah, Carlos J. Torelli, Shirley Y. Y. Cheng

《The Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Psychology》 目录大纲:

Table of Contents
Introduction: understanding consumers in the here, the now, and the tomorrow Michael I. Norton, Derek D. Rucker and Cait Lamberton
Part I. Individual Consumer Decision Making and Behavior:
1. Consumer happiness and well-being Cassie Mogilner and Michael I. Norton
2. Attitude change and persuasion: past, present, and future Zakary L. Tormala and Pablo Briñol
3. Consumer prediction: forecasted utility, psychological distance, and their intersection Carey K. Morewedge and Hal E. Hershfield
4. Consumer emotions Eduardo B. Andrade
5. Evolution and consumer behavior Vladas Griskevicius and Kristina M. Durante
6. Consumer neuroscience: revealing meaningful relationships between brain and consumer behavior Hilke Plassmann and Uma R. Karmarkar
7. Developmental consumer psychology: children in the twenty-first century Lan Nguyen Chaplin and Paul M. Connell
8. Consuming brands Jill Avery and Anat Keinan
9. User design through self-customization Claudia Townsend, Ulrike Kaiser and Martin Schreier
Part II. Interpersonal and Social Consumer Psychology:
10. Identity-signaling behavior David Gal
11. Coping research in the broader perspective: emotions, threats, mindsets, and more DaHee Han, Adam Duhachek and Nidhi Agrawal
12. Power and consumer behavior Derek D. Rucker and Adam Galinsky
13. Social hierarchy, social status, and status consumption David DuBois and Nailya Ordabayeva
14. Word of mouth and interpersonal communication Jonah Berger
15. Gift giving Morgan K. Ward and Cindy Chan
16. Interpersonal influences in consumer psychology: when does implicit social influence arise? Kirk Kristofferson and Katherine White
17. Agency and communion as a framework to understand consumer behavior Didem Kurt and Jeremy Frimer
18. Online social interaction Andrew Gershoff and Ashesh Mukherjee
Part III. Societal Structures:
19. Ethical consumption Rebecca Walker Reczek and Julie R. Irwin
20. Government efforts to aid consumer well-being: understanding federal health warnings and disclosures Jeremy Kees, Scot Burton and Craig Andrews
21. Taxes and consumer behavior Christopher Y. Olivola and Abigail B. Sussman
22. Moral and political identity Karen Page Winterich, Vikas Mittal and Karl Aquino
23. The consumer psychology of online privacy: insights and opportunities from behavioral decision theory Leslie K. John
24. Consumers and healthcare: the reluctant consumer Janet A. Schwartz
25. Social class and scarcity: understanding consumers who have less Anuj K. Shah
26. Why should we then share? Collaborative consumption, from theoretical roots to new opportunities Cait Lamberton
27. Globalization, culture, and consumer behavior Carlos J. Torelli and Shirley Y. Y. Cheng.


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乐嘉 主编.北京联合出版公司.2015-11




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