《The Monocle Guide to Better Living》

《The Monocle Guide to Better Living》 《The Monocle Guide to Better Living》

  • 书名:《The Monocle Guide to Better Living》
  • 分类:设计
  • 作者:Monocle
  • 出版社:Gestalten
  • 出版年:2013-9-25
  • 售价:USD 60.00
  • 装订:Hardcover
  • 页码:400

《The Monocle Guide to Better Living》 内容介绍:

Full of writing, reports, and recommendations, The Monocle Guide to Better living is original, informative, entertaining, and comprehensive. This is not a book about glitz but rather an upbeat survey of products and ideas built to treasure and last. Monocle is one of the most successful magazines to be developed in the past decade. Armed with an unmistakable sense of aesthetics and journalistic tenacity, its team -- led by editor-in-chief tyler Brûlé --has created an intelligent publication that continually inspires a global readership who are interested in everything from diplomacy to design. For its first-ever book, the editorial team looks at one of their core themes: how to live well. The result is The Monocle Guide to Better living, an original, informative, and entertaining collection of writing, reports, and recommendations. This is not a book about glitz but rather an upbeat survey of products and ideas meant to be treasured and last. Structured into chapters on the city, culture, travel, food, and work, the book also provides answers to some key questions. Which cities offer the best quality of life? How do you build a good school? How do you run a city? Who makes the best coffee? And how do you start your own inspirational business? The Monocle Guide to Better living works as a guide but also includes 10 essays that explore what makes a great city, why craft is desirable, how to run your own hotel, and why culture is good for you. This is not a book about fashion or the next big thing. It's a book about finding enduring values --from a career you want to keep to furniture that will last a lifetime. It's a book designed to stay relevant, loved, and used. An indispensible guidebook to contemporary life, The Monocle Guide to Better living embodies everything that makes the magazine such a success: easy style and journalistic substance.


Monocle is one of the most successful magazines to be developed in the past decade. Armed with an unmistakable sense of aesthetics and journalistic tenacity, its team—led by editor in chief Tyler Brûlé—has created an intelligent publication that continually inspires a global readership who are interested in everything from diplomacy to design. For its first-ever book, the editorial team looks at one of their core themes: how to live well.


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