《Python Testing Cookbook》

《Python Testing Cookbook》 《Python Testing Cookbook》

  • 书名:《Python Testing Cookbook》
  • 分类:编程
  • 作者:Greg L. Turnquist
  • 出版社:Packt Publishing
  • 出版年:2011-5-17
  • 售价:USD 44.99
  • 装订:Paperback
  • 页码:364

《Python Testing Cookbook》 内容介绍:

This cookbook is written as a collection of code recipes containing step-by-step directions on how to install or build different types of Python test tools to solve different problems. Each recipe contains explanations of how it works along with answers to common questions and cross references to other relevant recipes. The easy-to-understand recipe names make this a handy test reference book. Python developers and programmers with a basic understanding of Python and Python testing will find this cookbook beneficial. It will build on that basic knowledge equipping you with the intermediate and advanced skills required to fully utilize the Python testing tools. Broken up into lots of small code recipes, you can read this book at your own pace, whatever your experience. No prior experience of automated testing is required.

作者Greg L. Turnquist介绍:

Greg has worked since 1997 as a software engineer at Harris Corporation, always seeking the right tool for the job. Since 2002, Greg has been part of the senior software team working on Harris' $3.5 billion FAA telco program, architecting mission-critical enterprise apps while managing a software team. He provides after hours support and 2nd-level engineering to support the nation-wide telco network and is no stranger to midnight failures and software triage. In 2010, Greg joined the SpringSource division of VMware. Being a test-bitten script junky, Greg has used JUnit, TestNG, JMock, FEST, PyUnit, and pMock testing frameworks, along with other agile practices to produce top-quality code. He has worked with Java, Spring, Spring Security, AspectJ, and Jython technologies and also developed sophisticated scripts for *nix and Windows platforms. Being a wiki evangelist, he also deployed a LAMP-based wiki website to provide finger-tip knowledge to users. In 2006, Greg created the Spring Python project. The Spring Framework provided many useful features, and he wanted those same features available when working with Python. Greg completed a master's degree in Computer Engineering at Auburn University, and lives in the United States with his family.


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