


 ▌in one's second childhood 返老还童

●My father bought himself a toy train, and my mother said he was in his second childhood.


转载自 英语趣课堂

 ▌sleep like a baby 睡得香

●Nothing can wake me up. I usually sleep like a baby.


 ▌kid's stuff 很容易的事情

●Climbing that hill is kid's stuff.


 ▌like a kid with a new toy/like a kid in a candy store 很开心

●Every time Bill gets a new gadget for his kitchen, he's like a kid with a new toy.


 ▌new kid on the block 新来者

●I'm just the new kid on the block. I've only been working here for a month.


 ▌latchkey kid 挂钥匙儿童(指因为父母忙于工作,放学后独自在家的孩子)

●My dad came home at eight in the evening and my mom only an hour earlier so I was a latchkey kid.


 ▌a whizz-kid 有为青年

●They've taken on some financial whizz-kid who's going to sort all their problems out.


 ▌like a kid in a candy store 激动高兴


●例句:When I got the job, I was like a kid in a candy store.


 ▌child's play 轻而易举的事

●例句:For me, playing the guitar is child's play. It's so easy.


 ▌mommy's boy 妈宝

字面意思是"妈妈的乖宝宝",指那些已经成年但仍然依赖妈妈的男人。千万别变成mommy's boy哦,因为女生是不愿意嫁这样的人的。

●例句:John needs to grow up. He's such a mummy's boy! His mom still makes him lunch and he's 30 years old.


 ▌baby brain 孕傻

俗话说"一孕傻三年",意思是当女性怀孕后,准妈咪的记忆力会有衰退的迹象,常常会丢三落四,通常我们叫此为"孕傻",英文表达是baby brain。

●例句:Many women claim they suffer "baby brain" in pregnancy, becoming forgetful.


 ▌baby-kisser 政客


●例句:It seems that baby-kissers are praised as much as they are criticized.

和 child 组合常用的表达有

Only child 独子

例句:He is the only child inthe family.


Child-free 没有孩子的(地方)

例句:Many young people prefer child-free resorts when choosing where to stay on



Child labour 童工

例句:Using child labour in England is illegal.


Child-friendly 适合儿童的、对儿童友好的地方

例句:It can be hard to find child-friendly restaurants.


Childcare 儿童保育

例句:Some women are unable to return to work after having children because of a lack of childcare.


Childminder 照看孩子的人

例句:Good, trust-worthy childminders are in great demand in big cities.


Child benefit 儿童津贴

例句:Child benefit helps working parents support their families.


Inner child 心中儿童般的情感

例句:Celebrating Children’s day gives me a chance to reconnect with my inner child.


Child’s play 非常容易做的事情

例句:Using mobile phones to pay for taxi rides these days is child’s play.


From a child 自幼,从儿时开始

例句:She has always shown a keen interest in music from a child.


With child 怀孕

例句:I haven’t seen Mary for a while. She is big with child.

我很久没看见过 Mary 了,看样子她快生了。

    关注 英语趣课堂


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