


“2 Countries, 6 Planes, 2 Trains, 11 Taxis, 4 Hotels, 16Mouth-watering Dishes, 192 Hours of Experience…For $1100 ”  是一篇全英文的游记,我把这篇游记放到这里是想分享读完这篇游记后的感触。下面是文章节选

Some of the tips I learned along the way:
1. Don’t buy stupid stuff. Ask yourself whether the stuff you’re buying is a NEED or a WANT. Most of the time it’s a want. I still make this mistake all the time.
2. Lower your luxury expectations. On a college student budget, you’re not staying in anything 5 stars, 3 stars, or probably even 2 stars. The point is to experience different cultures, not to pay for Louis Vuitton sheets.

3. Save small amounts over long periods of time. Couple dollars here and there adds up.
4. Bring a friend. Not only will the experience be much more enjoyable, you’ll be able to split a lot of things. Have more fun and save money, ultimate win.
5. Take advantage of layovers. They are your friend. The longer the better.
6. Responsibilities come first. If there are more pressing things that need money, probably take care of those first. As much as we hate school, this means tuition......

Final Thoughts and Grand Total

This trip to South America was one of the most impactful and coolest experiences in my life. I got to experience a dynamic culture that has flourished for hundreds of years, and is still kept strong by locals who’ve passed on their traditions from generation to generation. I learned the power of perspective and how happiness is viewed by various

people. I shared moments with individuals I’ve never met and connected with people all across the world. In a planet of 7 billion people and such diverse cultures, it’s urprisingly easy to find common ground. When you travel and open your mind to everything and anything, you discover the common core of humanity and what unites us. The only

thing truly worth buying is the opportunity to embed in different cultures and live new experiences. Traveling shouldn’t be about luxury, it should be about exploring a dynamic world and truly taking part in the human experience. I hope to continue this blog and share more tips and tricks on how everyone can see the world without such high financial barriers.

作者Barry Yang 现就读于UCLA大三,怀着对世界文化与自然遗产的仰慕,今年九月他与朋友一起从美国洛杉矶到了秘鲁的马丘比丘。回到美国后他写了一篇游记。这篇游记没有记录太多对马丘比丘的描述,他说网上可以找到许许多多有关马丘比丘的介绍,不需他累述。他在游记里记录了很多的是旅游路线及省钱攻略。除此之外,让我更看到的是这次旅游,通过对整个行程安排、经费预算与支配、旅途中不同情况的处理,他学到了UCLA这个世界名校也没有教授的功课。


最近他写下了此次旅游的心得《2 Countries, 6 Planes, 2 Trains, 11 Taxis, 4Hostels, 16 Mouth-watering Dishes, 192 Hours of Experience…For $1100》。以此游记而得到了UCLA的奖学金。

对于父母,也许你们的经济情况并不需要孩子节省,自己去做预算,不需要去和机场内外的出租司机讨价还价,但我们说这是在教会孩子们在金钱运用方面如何知道掌控大局,分清轻重。Barry两次提到You don’t need to tip your waiters, but don’t be an a××××  and just do it. 你可以感觉到他真正知道钱该用的地方。我想一篇没有策划、预算分配等细节,只有美丽风景的游记,顶多就是一篇游记,与拿奖学金是扯不上半点关系的吧。

对于学生,特别是在美读书的中国学生,你的周围也许就是来自世界各国的学生,积极地去与他们交流,学习不同的文化,be open minded. 我们看见太多的中国留学生只和自己本国的同学来往,也许语言会让你有短时间的交流障碍,随着你不断地锻炼,很快就会提高。但真正难被接受的是文化的差异,如果因为语言的障碍而不与外界沟通,要想跨越文化差异的障碍也基本是不可能的。


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