每日一读:The Ultimate Adrenaline Rush







The Ultimate Adrenaline Rush

by Li Chen

What goes up must come down.


You've reached an altitude of 13,000 feet, you launch yourself out of the aircraft, and now you're plummeting to Earth at a rate of around 120 miles per hour. After about a minute of free-falling, you pull the ripcord and deploy your parachute. You gently _(1)_ faster or slower, left or right, or in a circular pattern by controlling the hand toggles while leisurely taking in the breathtaking views of the world from up above. You drift for about five minutes before finally landing in the _(2)_ drop zone. Your blood is pumping from the _(3)_ of completing your first skydive.

Welcome to the exhilarating world of skydiving, also known as parachuting. This was made possible thanks to a Frenchman named André-Jacques Garnerin, who began jumping from hot air balloons in the late 18th century. The technology surrounding skydiving was _(4)_ developed by the military. It was first used as a way to _(5)_ aircraft personnel in emergencies and later to deploy forces into battle zones. Nowadays, skydiving is both a recreational activity and a _(6)_ sport.

First-time skydivers usually take the _(7)_ with an experienced jumpmaster in a tandem jump. Both the student and the instructor are _(8)_ to a single larger parachute. Although the jumpmaster is in control of the parachute, the student still has the opportunity of pulling the ripcord and even _(9)_ the parachute in some cases. Since the training only takes about 30 minutes, tandem skydives are the fastest ways to experience the rush of free-fall. The rush is addictive, so be prepared to invest lots of time and money if a skydiving license is what you're _(10)_. Whether it's only one jump or hundreds, skydiving is the ultimate adrenalin rush.

(A) leap    (B) thrill  (C) attached    (D) designated  (E) steering

(F) maneuver    (G) rescue  (H) further (I) aiming for  (J) competitive

你到达 1 万 3千英尺的高度,然后将自己从飞机上抛出去,并以一小时 120 英里的速度往地面下坠。经历了大约一分钟的自由落下,你拉开拉把,展开降落伞。你操控手拉环轻巧地移动,速度快或慢、往左或往右,或者成环状飞行都由你控制,还一边悠哉地从上往下将令人赞叹的风景尽收眼底。你在空中飘了大约 5 分钟,然后降落在指定的区域。你的血液因完成首次的跳伞而兴奋地沸腾。

欢迎来到刺激又令人兴奋的跳伞世界。这项活动要拜一位名为葛纳林的法国人所赐,他在 18 世纪末开始从热汽球上往下跳。跳伞的相关技术经由军方进一步改良,一开始是被作为紧急情况下援救机组人员的方法,之后被运用到战区作为部署军队之用。如今,跳伞运动则兼具休闲和竞赛性质。

第一次尝试跳伞通常会与经验老道的跳伞指挥员一起进行双人跳伞。学员与教练身上一起绑着单个大型的降落伞。虽然由跳伞指挥员操控降落伞,但学员生仍有机会拉开伞套,甚至有时还能操纵降落伞。跳伞训练只需约 30 分钟,因此双人跳伞是体验自由落体刺激快感最快的方法。这种刺激可是会上瘾的,所以如果你想拥有跳伞执照,先准备好投入够多的时间和金钱吧。不论是跳个一次或是上百次,跳伞运动都能让你肾上腺素爆表。

标准答案:   1. (F)  2. (D)  3. (B)  4. (H)  5. (G)
6. (J)  7. (A)  8. (C)  9. (E)  10. (I)

For Your Information

高空跳伞分为两种,分别是『高跳高开』、『高跳低开』。高跳是指从 7千 5 百公尺至一万公尺的高度跳下。至于『高开』与『低开』是指打开降落伞的高度差异而言。

高跳高开(High Altitude-High Opening),简称HAHO,是指从高空跳下后数秒内,将主伞打开然后降落的跳伞方式,通常运用在军事人员的跳伞。

高跳低开(High Altitude-Low Opening),简称HALO,从大约 8 千公尺高空跃下,以时速 250 公里的自由落体速度下坠,到 800 公尺左右开伞。这主要是试验战斗机飞行员在高空被弹射椅抛离飞机后,在高空瞬间开伞前后的生理状态与存活能力。『高跳低开』跳伞除了是失事战斗机飞行员最常用的跳伞方式外,也被视为『特技跳伞』或『花式跳伞』的基本技术。(数据源:维基百科)



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