


2017年5月6日,一个星期六的早上,由淘乐思大客户中心承办的《对话中央厨房》系列公益活动在西区培训教室正式展开了。Last Saturday Morning (May.6, 2017), Talk to Center Kitchen delivered by Tales Customer Service Department in Training Hall of Guoyuan West Kindergarten.

主讲人是汪水清先生。汪厨——淘乐思中央厨房第一人,国家特一级厨师,高级营养师,通州美食协会会员,从业25年,擅长婴幼儿营养餐的研制,曾主编《中国人民解放军国家级干部营养餐汇编》《淘乐思婴幼儿营养餐食谱》The Presenter is Shuiqing, Wang. He is the first and the key person of Center Kitchen, National Extra Grade I Cook, Senior Nutritionist, and Member of Tongzhou Food Association. Mr.Wang is professional in infant diet field and been work in this area for at least 25 years.


At 9:00, our staff members all stood at the particular place,waiting for the parents. Our participated parents come here sincerely filled with love. In Addition, kinds of dessert prepared on the table inside the hall,delicious and attractive.


Look, Mr. Wang was delivering lecture passionately. At the very beginning,He showed the Tales Center Kitchen- Level AA certificate (State Food and Drug Administration)-Operation System and kinds of test report.


Following, Mr. Wang presented some matters and attentions related to infant summer food. Then, the nutrient content of familiar fruit and vegetables was analyzed by him as well. During the Free Talk time, Mr. Wang answered sorts of questions patiently and pointed out such as “ pure milk is better than fruit milk”“the boiled water is even better than ice water”.

At last, Mr. Wang shared a piece of One-Week-Tales-Recipe, how to create it in details, and how to ensure children’s absorption correctly. After listening to the lecture, on one hand, all the participants felt the profession 、concen trationand integrity from Mr. Wang, a retired military officer.

讲座结束后,大客户中心的工作人员代表广大淘乐思家长向汪厨表达了深切的谢意,并献上鲜花。本次通州区六家园所的家长代表与中央厨房的对话圆满结束,敬请期待下期精彩活动!After the lecture, our CSD stuff member gave Mr. Wang a bunch of flowers to express deep gratitude, representing all the Tales Parents. Talk to Center Kitchen successfully completed, see you next time.



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