May 4 Blue Devils蓝魔&布鲁斯游吟诗人@ Salud Nlgx 老伍酒吧南锣鼓巷



Derrick Big Walker

1953生于美国中部俄克拉何马州,7岁时在叔叔经营的布鲁斯酒吧中学会了口琴演奏,开始了布鲁斯演奏生涯。1962年移居旧金山,开始师从布鲁斯口琴大师Paul Butterfield,【要演奏只属于自己的声音,不要单吹Riff,要兼顾旋律】遵从这样的教诲开始正式进入布鲁斯轨道。1969年开始兼习萨克斯,1973年进入马琳音乐学院学习音乐,同时正式加入芝加哥传奇布鲁斯吉他大师Luther Tucker乐队(注:Muddy Waters、Junior Wells乐队吉他手),担任乐队中口琴和萨克斯演奏。在Luther Tucker乐队中服役十年,期间又参与了德州布鲁斯吉他大王-Albert Collins的全美巡演。

1973~1983年间,Derrick Big Walker参与巡演及录音传奇Bluesmaster们包括:Lowell Fulson、Big MamaThornton 、Jimmy McCracklin、Sugar Pie DeSanto等等。

1983年Derrick Big Walker移住欧洲,1985年正式组建个人乐队-Derrick Big Walker&The Black White Blues Band,开始巡演欧洲各国,全身心投入个人原创曲目创作和制作个人乐队专辑。2000年后,个人乐队调整更名为Blue Soul's,以瑞典为中心开始布鲁斯推广活动。此期间,与同期移居欧洲的民谣布鲁斯明星Eric Bibb相识,两人经常并肩一起演出,并参与Eric Bibb个人专辑录制。同期,受芝加哥布鲁斯吉他大师Jimmy Dawkins和Chess唱片旗下传奇SouI女歌手Sugar Pie DeSanto邀请一起巡演英国。

进入21世纪,Derrick Big Walker开始带着自己所创作的布鲁斯音乐,背上布鲁斯文化开始了世界各地播撒Blues的种子,本次将首次踏入中国国土,与国内布鲁斯音乐人的交流碰撞将是一个新的开始。喜欢布鲁斯的朋友们欢迎来现场见证Derrick Big Walker带来的现代Black Blues music!

属于自己的声音,不要单吹Riff,要兼顾旋律】遵从这样的教诲开始正式进入布鲁斯轨道。1969年开始兼习萨克斯,1973年进入马琳音乐学院学习音乐,同时正式加入芝加哥传奇布鲁斯吉他大师Luther Tucker乐队(注:Muddy WatersJunior Wells乐队吉他手),担任乐队中口琴和萨克斯演奏。在Luther Tucker乐队中服役十年,期间又参与了德州布鲁斯吉他大王-Albert Collins的全美巡演。

1973~1983年间,Derrick Big Walker参与巡演及录音传奇Bluesmaster们包括:Lowell FulsonBig MamaThornton Jimmy McCracklinSugar Pie DeSanto等等。

1983年Derrick Big Walker移住欧洲,1985年正式组建个人乐队-Derrick Big Walker&The Black White Blues Band,开始巡演欧洲各国,全身心投入个人原创曲目创作和制作个人乐队专辑。2000年后,个人乐队调整更名为Blue Soul's,以瑞典为中心开始布鲁斯推广活动。此期间,与同期移居欧洲的民谣布鲁斯明星Eric Bibb相识,两人经常并肩一起演出,并参与Eric Bibb个人专辑录制。同期,受芝加哥布鲁斯吉他大师Jimmy Dawkins和Chess唱片旗下传奇SouI女歌手Sugar Pie DeSanto邀请一起巡演英国。

进入21世纪,Derrick Big Walker开始带着自己所创作的布鲁斯音乐,背上布鲁斯文化开始了世界各地播撒Blues的种子,本次将首次踏入中国国土,与国内布鲁斯音乐人的交流碰撞将是一个新的开始。喜欢布鲁斯的朋友们欢迎来现场见证Derrick Big Walker带来的现代Black Blues music!

Blue Devils 蓝调恶魔

主唱兼口琴——马克塔勒,中国摇滚乐早期先锋人物,先后组建并担任“面孔”乐队和“苍狼”乐队鼓手,之后又以主唱身份创立了“晚间新闻”和“阿吟琴”这两支带有京韵和蒙古特色的摇滚乐队。他的嗓音爆发力极强,多年的鼓手经验更造就了他极具感染力的舞台律动。目前一直致力于蒙古音乐和摇滚乐与蓝调音乐的融合性尝试,并成功举办了多届安达音乐节和沽源湿地音乐节,现任Blue Devils乐队主唱。

吉他——魏威,国内卓越的布鲁斯吉他手,【布鲁斯中国】网站创办人,首档中文布鲁斯视频脱口秀——【漫谈布鲁斯】创始人之一。多年来潜心钻研各种风格的布鲁斯演奏技法,形成了独具一格的演奏风格。常年致力于布鲁斯推广以及吉他教学,开办公众号【魏威Blues吉他教室】。目前同时担任杭天&Mojo Hand乐队以及弥藏乐队的主音吉他手。2015 ~ 2016年,参加芝加哥布鲁斯吉他大师——菊田俊介Shun Kikuta在北京/上海/天津三地的中国巡演。

键盘--杨策,乐队中唯一一位来自九零后的音乐人,毕业于北京现代音乐研修学院。擅长R&B Funk和Fusion等现代风格的音乐,对Blues有着自己的理解和深入研究。这个年轻人是一个标准的音乐狂人,百分之八十醒着的时间都在跟音乐打交道,对新音乐的渴望更是无人能及,演出台风酷劲儿十足,常会展现出令人意想不到的超强现场表现力,目前担任杭天&Mojo Hand乐队以及Click#5乐队键盘手。

贝斯——王铮,蓝调贝斯手。在二十多年的贝斯演奏生涯中,与众多国内外的布鲁斯音乐人长期保持紧密合作。一直钻研布鲁斯的演奏和相关文化,并站在实战最前沿不断的进行布鲁斯音乐的本土化推动。首档中文布鲁斯视频脱口秀——【漫谈布鲁斯】创始人之一。目前同时担任杭天&Mojo Hand乐队以及弥藏乐队的专职贝斯手。2015 ~ 2016年,参加芝加哥布鲁斯吉他大师——菊田俊介Shun Kikuta在北京/上海/天津三地的中国巡演。

鼓手兼歌手——托马斯·威尔逊(Thomas Wilson)。来自美国芝加哥的金属制作工匠和老牌蓝调鼓手,在早年的蓝调生涯中曾有幸与B.B.King和Buddy Guy这些世界级蓝调大师进行过合作,对各种不同风格和路数的Blues烂熟于心,他演唱的经典布鲁斯更是力道十足,原汁原味。从2010年到2015年,经由他多次促成了Charlie Musselwhite和Matthew Scoller等芝加哥一线蓝调大师带队前来北京进行专场表演,并与他们同台合作。

May 4 Blue Devils@Salud Nlgx


Vocal & Harmonica—Ma Ke Ta Le is the pioneer of Chineseearly rock & roll music. He ever founded and has been the drummer of “Face”and “Wolf” band. And later he also founded two Mongolia style rock & roll bandscalled “ Evening news” and “ A Qin Yin” , being a member as vocal also. Hisvoice is exclusively explosive, and he is very good at the stage atmosphere creatingthanks so many years playing experiences. Now he is doing experimental music tomake the fusion between Mongolia rock & roll and blues. And he has successfullyorganized many times the AnDa Music Festival and Guyuan Wetland Music Festival.Now he is the lead vocal of Blues Devils band.


Guitar player: Wei Wei, is very outstanding Blues guitar player inChina. He is also the founder of “Bruce China” website, and one of the foundersof first Bruce video talk show “ Talk about Blues in General”. For many yearsresearch in different kinds of styles and techniques of  Blues, he has created his own style. For yearsof promoting Blues and guitar playing teaching, he founded the wechat platform “weiwei Blues guitar class”. Now he is the main guitar player in Hangtian&MojoHand band and Mizang band. He participated the tour concert with Master Bluesplayer Mr. Shun Kikuta from Chicago in Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin in 2015and 2016.


Keyboard - Yang Ce is the only one young player who was born in the 90s, who wasgraduated from the Beijing Institute of modern music. He is specialized inR&B Funk and fusion these kinds of modern music style. He has his ownresearch and comprehension in Blues. This young man is a standard music madman, because 80% of his awake time is all about music. And almost no one canreach his eager of new music. His stage style is super cool and many times fullof unexpected performance scene. Now he is playing keyboard in Hangtian &Mojo Hand band and Click#5 band.

Base player: Wang Zheng iscompressively collaborated with many foreign blues players in long relationduring 20years. He is always doing research about blues playing and relevantculture.  He is one of the founders of firstBruce video talk show “ Talk about Blues in General”. Now he is the base playerin Hangtian&Mojo Hand band and Mizang band. He participated the tourconcert with Master Blues player Mr. Shun Kikuta from Chicago in Beijing,Shanghai and Tianjin in 2015 and 2016.


Drummer and singer - Wilson Thomas is from Chicago.He is metal craftsman and old school blues player. In his early playing age, hehas ever tuned together with B.B. King and Buddy Guy these blues masters. Andhe is very familiar with many kinds of blues since he learnt them by heart. Hissinging in classic blues is more than power and original. He has been workingon assisting the front line blues masters from Chicago such as Charlie MusselWhite and Matthew Scoller to come to Beijing for specific concerts and playing with them from 2010 to 2015.

5月4日,Blue Devils 将携手 Derrick Big Walker,在老伍酒吧带给你一场布鲁斯视听盛宴。

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