




剑桥雅思6,Test 1 Passage 2: Delivering the Goods

剑桥雅思6,Test 2 Passage 1: Advantages of Public Transport

剑桥雅思7,Test 2 Passage 3: Makete Integrated Rural Transport Project

剑桥雅思8,Test 1 Passage 2: Air Traffic Control in the USA

剑桥雅思10,Test1 Passage 2: European Transport Systems 1990-2010

除去Delivering the Goods一文,剩下的四篇文章都出现了List of Headings这一题型,熟悉Headings的同学们都知道,这个题型就是需要我们大量地阅读段落并找到合适的小标题能概括其段落的。剑桥大学的出题官仿佛在告诉我们与交通有关的文章尤其需要加以重视。

空中交通管制一文中,我们了解到1956年大峡谷(Great Canyon)发生的一起事故导致了联邦航空局(Federal Aviation Administration)的成立,该局负责管理和监督美国越来越拥挤的天空(regulate and oversee the operation of aircraft in the skies over the United States, which were becoming quite congested)。但是早在大峡谷灾难发生之前就存在雏形的航空交通管制(Air Traffic Control)。一开始使用的是灯和标志旗手手动引导飞机(air traffic controllers manually guided aircraft using lights and flags),闪光灯和灯标(beacons and flashing lights)被放置在越野路线以建立最早的航线,到了20世纪30年代,逐步开始使用无线电通讯和雷达(radar and improved radio communication)。

货物运输一文中,我们知道在20世纪世纪之交(at the turn of the 20th century),农业和制造业几乎曾经是世界各地最重要的两个行业,因此国际贸易以小麦、木材和铁矿石等为代表的原材料(raw materials, such as wheat, wood and iron ore)或者以肉类和钢铁等为代表的加工产品(processed products, like meat and steel)为主。但是这些商品重、体积大(bulky),从而运输费用也相对比较高。现今,科技进步使制成品变得更加轻便、小巧,因此进出口商品的运费也有所降低。随着信息技术产业的飞速发展(fast-growing information industries),即使用飞机运输,胶片,光盘(film and compact discs)也只需要极低的运费,计算机软件的出口甚至不需要装运,仅仅通过电话线就可以在各国之间运输(transmit it over telephone lines from country to country)。

除了阅读常考交通话题之外,它还一直都是口语Part 1-3常规考题,题目往往集中在交通工具的选择(Do you prefer traveling by car or by bus? What kind of transport do you usually use? Why do so many people in China ride bikes?); 交通堵塞问题(Do you feel that traffic congestion in your hometown is better, or worse than it used to be? What do you think of transport conditions in your hometown?); 交通花费问题(Do you think transportation costs, like gasoline, subways, bus fares, etc are expensive in your hometown?)

讲到交通,首先我们要对几种常见的交通工具非常熟悉,自行车,公交,地铁(underground, tube, subway, metro),城市铁路(tram),汽车(auto, car, automobile),出租车(cab, taxi),机场巴士(shuttle),长途汽车(coach),火车(light trail轻轨;express train特快列车),飞机(aeroplane, airplane)。其次我们还要了解各个交通工具的优缺点,以便我们在口语中迅速进行对比。
Means of Transport


无需忍受上下班高峰拥挤车厢(not need to tolerate overcrowded carriage)

消耗能源(higher energy use)

载客量少(low capacity)

停车位紧张(lack of car park)

保养维护贵(high maintenance fee)


票价便宜(relatively inexpensive fares)





经济环保(Eco-friendly and economical),减少二氧化碳的排放,从而缓解空气污染(lessen emission of carbon dioxide and alleviate air pollution)

锻炼身体(daily physical activity)


很多城市自行车和汽车共用车道(shared paths),所以不太安全。



尽管现代信息技术(information technologies)可以通过促进远程办公(teleworking)和电信业务(teleservices)减少对机械运输的需求(reduce the demand for physical transport),但是对交通运输的需求仍然在增加。这一趋势背后有两个因素,其一是客运(passenger transport):决定性因素是汽车使用惊人增长(spectacular growth in car use),进而出现了依赖汽车为交通工具的城市发展(car-based city=auto-dependent city)。有一种广泛的说法:财富越多越会促使人们住到更远的地方,而那里汽车是唯一可行的交通工具(increasing wealth encourages people to live farther out where cars are the only viable transport)。二是货物运输(goods transport):贸易壁垒(trade barriers)在全世界范围的普遍减少,比如关税的减免(customs duties),进口配额的淡出(import quotas),导致国际贸易飞速发展(explosion in international commerce),从而增加了货运的需求。除此之外,这种增长很大程度上还由于生产方式的改变(due a large extent to changes in its system of production)为了降低生产成本,很多行业,尤其是那些劳动密集型经济,将工厂迁至离总装配厂或用户几百甚至几千公里的地方(relocation of some industries, particularly those which are labor intensive, to reduce production costs, even though the production site is hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away from the final assembly plant or away from users)。

但是对于公共基础设施建设无法跟上城市扩张的步伐的城市来说,这就导致了大规模的交通堵塞问题,并且使得人们的通勤时间大大延长(public infrastructure did not keep pace with urban sprawl, causing massive congestion problems=massive traffic jams which now make commuting times far longer=increasing traveling time)。所以公交体系落后的城市非常低效,因为人们要花费更多成本和时间用于出行,而公交体系完善的城市却能吸引更多的工厂,行业的投资,也能改善居民的生活质量(more efficient cities are able to put the difference into attracting industry and jobs or creating a better place to live in)。

尤其是在发展中国家或者经济相当落后的国家(developing countries or poverty-stricken countries),一到雨季路况十分糟糕,通往主要城镇的道路一年中有三个月的时间都是无法通行的(access to the main towns was impossible for about three months of the year)。由于当地大多数机动车发生故障时没有条件修理(most of the motorized vehicles in the district broke down and there was no resources to repair them),所以提升现有交通服务的效率并不是很成功(the efforts to improve the efficiency of the existing transport services were not very successful),甚至连推广低价交通工具也成了难题(the introduction of low-cost means of transport was difficult)。



The best way for the government to solve traffic congestion is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Do you agree or disagree? 政府解决交通堵塞的最好的方式是每周七天每天24小时提供免费的公共交通。你同意与否

从话题分析这篇作文是社会话题,主要讨论减少交通堵塞的方法。拿到这一题目很多学生都会认可这一做法,唯一觉得欠妥的地方就是全年无休24小时全天候提供免费公交,大部分学生认为只需要在高峰期提供免费公交服务即可。但是我们仔细想想这逻辑是不是也不太对!首先,青睐公交出行的人大多数是工薪阶层,上下午高峰通勤,他们好像就是交通堵塞的“罪魁祸首”吧,不管你免费还是不免费,他们都会义无反顾地选择公交呀,所以堵塞问题并不会缓解。那么对于那些早晚高峰可出可不出门的人来说,既然高峰免费了,是不是反而更加鼓励那些人的出行呢(many people who otherwise would stay at home may choose to go out by taking the free transport during the rush hour),交通压力反而更严重了。最后对于那些有经济实力能够开私家车出行的人来说,公交免费与否对他们并不构成影响,所以“限时免费”这一招并不高明。

更糟糕的是,如果政府实施了免费公交,这对政府的财政投入是巨大的(face more economic burden),如果有这样的财政支出,为何不多建几条道路,多拓宽几条马路呢?那么除了作文题干中提供的免费公交之外,我们还可以想到摇号买车牌,单双号出行(traffic restrictions based on the last digit of license plate numbers),通过征收燃油附加费(imposition of fuel surcharge)或者拥堵费(congestion fees)的方式来增加用车成本,出台更加严格的交通法规(stricter traffic rules and regulation)从而缓解交通堵塞的问题。


1. 通过对道路使用进行收费(focus on road transport solely through pricing=restrict road use through charging policies only)。这么做可以短期抑制公路运输的增长(in the short term it might curb the growth in road transport)。

2. 着眼于公路运输收费,但是与提升其他运输方式的效率的举措相结合,如更好的服务质量,物流和技术(concentrate on road transport pricing but is accompanied by measures to increase the efficiency of the other modes like better quality of services, logistics, technology=charge for roads and improving other transport methods)。

3. 加强基础设施建设(infrastructure improvement and maintenance),比如修建地铁(metro system),高架桥(construction of flyovers);硬件升级,如拓宽马路或者道路建设(widening and building more roads)。

4. 从长远来看,就是发展相关科学技术了。通过信息共享和业务协同的智能交通系统,推动运输通道、枢纽、运输方式等资源的优化配置,促进运输方式之间的无缝衔接和零换乘。比如我国已经广泛采用的交通监测和自动规划路线(Traffic Monitoring and Dynamic Routing),帮助大家减少出行时间。





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