开普勒—22b 地球2.0



开普勒-22b 是NASA的开普勒太空望远镜所发现第一个位于类太阳恒星适居带的太阳系外行星。它围绕一颗和太阳非常相似的恒星公转。


“开普勒-22b”半径约为地球的2.4 倍。此前科学家曾发现多颗位于“宜居带”的行星,可惜它们多是体积巨大的气体行星,并不适合生命生存“开普勒-22b”的体积并不比地球大很多,其围绕 运转的母恒星比太阳略小、略冷(发光度比太阳低25%),但和太阳一样属于比较稳定、寿命比较长的恒星。


这是目前被证实的从大小和运行轨道来说最接近地球形态的行星。科学家们目前还未能证实这颗行星的组成主要为岩石还是气体或液体。美国航空航天局开普勒太空望 远镜首席研究员波鲁基强调,这颗行星或许还含有大量被压缩的冰。它甚至会拥有一个全球性的海洋。该星球的质量目前尚不得而知,不过科学家测算不会比地球质 量的36倍更大。


这颗行星围绕运转的母恒星比太阳略小、略冷,但和太阳一样属于比较稳定、寿命比较长的恒星。 美国航天局总部“开普勒”项目科学家道格拉斯表示,“开普勒-22b”的发现“是我们在发现地球孪生兄弟过程中的个重要里程碑”。相关研究成果将发表在美国《天体物理学》杂志上。

Kepler -22b is the first of the NASA's Kepler space telescope to find the first solar like star in the habitable zone of the solar system. It revolves around a star and the sun is very similar.

The discovery of the planet was published in December 5, 2011. The planet was first detected by the Kepler space telescope in the third day of the science mission in 2009. The first half of third and observed it transits in 2010. Additional confirmation is provided by the Shi Pizhe space telescope and the ground telescope. The radius of the planet is about 2.4 times as much as the earth (Neptune radius 60%), which is about 600 light years from earth. The planet is surrounded by the spectral type G star Kepler 22b.

"Kepler - 22b" about 2.4 times the radius of the earth. Previously scientists have found a number of pieces of planets in the habitable zone, but they are huge volumes of gas planets, is not suitable for life "Kepler - 22b" volume is much bigger than the earth, orbiting the parent star than sun and slightly smaller, slightly cold stars (luminosity than the sun by 25%), but the sun is relatively stable, relatively long lifetime.

The distance between the "Kepler - 22b" with its parent star than the distance between the earth and the sun nearly 15%, so the surface temperature can maintain in and near earth suitable temperature range.

This is the most proven planet from the size and running track to earth. Scientists have yet to confirm the composition of the planet is mainly rock or gas or liquid. NASA Kepler Space Telescope chief researcher Poruki stressed that the planet may also contain a large number of compressed ice. It even has a global ocean. The quality of the planet is still unknown, but scientists are not more than 36 times the mass of the earth.

But immigration immediately is not too realistic, because in the Lyra and Cygnus the swan "Kepler - 22b" from earth of about 600 light-years away. Scientists have previously found more than one is located in the habitable zone of the planet, but they are more than a huge gas planet, is not suitable for life. And "Kepler - 22b" volume is not than the earth is much larger, which means that it is likely to be composed of rock, but scientists has not confirmed that rock or gas or liquid is the main composition of the planet. This is the closest planet to the earth from the size and running track.

The planet around the operation of the parent star than the sun is slightly smaller, slightly cold, but with the sun as part of the star is relatively stable, and the service life is long. NASA headquarters "Kepler" project scientist Douglas said, "Kepler -22b" discovery "is a major milestone in the process of discovery of the earth twin brothers". Related research results will be published in the United States, "astrophysics" magazine.

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