雅思托福实战报道 雅思8分小作文如何炼成:table题分析精讲






The tables below are the results of a research, which examined the average percentage marks scored by boys and girls of different ages in several school subjects. Write report for a university lecturer describing the information below. You should write a minimum of 150 words.
说真的,有没有很晕,似乎数字量太大了吧,而且明显的变化趋势在图表中也不太明显,那下面咱来一起看一下,对于这样的图我们应该怎样organize the information1.首先,我们先要看看在这幅图中的变量都是哪些,合格成绩的百分比,科目,年龄以及性别。


A)我们应该养成一种写图表作文的首要意识,就是找最高及最低值。在这里我们会发现,男生sports 成绩高,languages成绩低,相反,女生languages 成绩高,sports成绩低。这将是我们描述的main feature,那就是,男生最强的科目就是女生最弱的科目,当然,反之亦然(vice versa).

B)但是,在对比了其他科目之后,我们又发现,似乎这种区别就没有那么明显了,即便男生的geography 比女生强了那么一点,但在15岁时成绩又一样了,所以我们可以说,besides sports and languages, they were negligible (not important).



a) introductory sentence—table shows: percentage scores for school subject (list), different ages (list), different sexes.

b) Highest and lowest subject for boys/girls –sport and languages – opposites

c) Other subjects very similar – subjects by sex not too significant

d)More significant – age groups – all subjects increased (overall) –except for slumps ( list subject figures)—different ages for boys/girls – 13-15/11-13

e ) concluding sentence- boys performed better in sport, girls languages –both sexes experienced performance slump but at different ages.


The tables show averaged percentage scores achieved in the school subjects of Maths, Science, Geography, Languages and Sports by children aged 7, 10, 13, and 15 according to sex.

The subjects for which the highest average scores were recorded were sport, at 78% ( boys), and languages, at 75%(girls). The strongest subject for each sex was revealed to be the weakest for the opposite sex, with these two subjects also comprising the lowest recorded scores, at 60% and 70% respectively.

Apart from these two subjects, the performance of boys and girls was comparatively similar. Boys tended to score higher in geography, with scores ranging from 63% to 70%, while scores for girls ranged between 62% and 64%. However, it is significant that at the age of 15, both boys and girls alike averaged a score of 64% for this subject. The differences between the sexes for scores for maths and science were negligible.

It is more interesting to observe the patterns that emerge when the data is examined in terms of age groups. In general, for both boys and girls, children tended to improve as they got older. For boys, between the ages of 7 and 15, improvement can be observed in these ranges of scores: Maths (63-67%), Science (70-73%), Geography (63-64%), and Sport (71-78%). For girls, it can be observed in these score ranges: Maths (64-68%), Science (69-72%), Geography (62-64%), and Languages (62-75%). The increase in scores for girls for this last subject, Languages, was the greatest overall improvement across the different age groups, and its rise from 65% to 75% also constituted the greatest margin between scores for any two particular age groups.

To sum up, these tables show that in this study, on average, males in this age range performed better in sports and females performed better in languages. And improvement of scores also occurred in their growth.

By Fiona

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